A pedo ring on tribe.net was found by a 8ch user on 3/25...

A pedo ring on tribe.net was found by a 8ch user on 3/25, afterwards 8ch started getting DDOS'ed and hacked by the perps and the IC community.

8ch _ net/pol/res/9578637.html

Now the pedo site is down and parked but archived links and images still remain on what they were talking about. This is what caused the hacking issue at 8ch.

People & the mainstream keep saying pizzagate isn't real. Go to the link above to see the proof that it is REAL.



what do we know so far?

most of Sup Forums is pedos dude

speak for yourself you piece of shit

you not being a pedo doesnt change the statistics bud. dont be a mental retard

>People & the mainstream keep saying pizzagate isn't real.
only shills say so, everyone else knows its real
shills will come to this thread shortly
btw that fagot htowheels is also in deep shit pizzag8 related

loli is not pedo you mountain kike

4Chandias founding fathers was pedos, fuck off RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE