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New Jersey teen gets accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools.


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Affirmative action.

fpbp /thread

das one ugly monkey

stop sourcing fake news sites

>Students getting into all of the Ivies is a monumental feat, but it's happened to a handful of teens over the past couple of years -- Kwasi Enin in 2014, Harold Ekeh in 2015 and Augusta Uwamanzu-Nna and Kelly Hyles last year.

What do all 4 of these students have in common?

>Ivy League

damn, beat me to it

Whew blacks are so privileged

> What is Affirmative Action

Click on all 4 names

> I'll take Day of the Rope When for $6 Milion Alex.

Notice how they don't mention her GPA or anything on her resume for that matter

It's probably because she has a 3.8



How do blacks deal with the crushing feeling of being patronised?

Are any of them self aware? Surely the ones accepted to every single Ivy League school are smart enough they don't deserve all of these acceptances.

A lot of them have such a sense of entitlement that they think they deserve AA.

They shot themselves in the foot. No one, even smug leftists will ever believe they got in based purely on merit anymore, there will always be that lingering doubt.

Also check retention rates for blacks at ivy league schools or upper tier schools in general, that really the metric for whether they had the aptitude for the school. I'm at the gym otherwise I'd look for it.


Doesn't one of the ivy league schools only accept applications from people who have them as their only choice?
Like if you get accepted there its like you already said you would go?
its been some time since I was a senior in highschool things may have changed
>tfw things have changed a lot in 20 years



I'm sure she and the other students mentioned worked very hard, not even being sarcastic. But you know if their name was Chad Smith, white with blue eyes, this wouldn't happen.

its fucking disgusting

Niggers love getting a pat on the head but the honkies who do the patting are just as bad


low expectation-having niggers

There's one of these a week now. Get some better bait.

Y'all jus abuncha jelous white males

She's only 18? FUCK I don't even want to think about what kind of horrific blob this will turn into in another 12 years.

Breaking news 2035: Why does no one want to hire college educated blacks these days? is it racism? white privilege? Russians?

Do they congratulate kids for building a spaceship out of fucking Lego as well?

I can take a shit, go outside and grab a handful of dirt and yellow dead grass, slap that on it and call it Donald Trump. That would get me into any top art school. This shit means nothing.


affirmative action

every time this happens it's some nigger

Blacks have no self awareness and no shame

Ivy Leagues need to meet quotas too.

Imagine what happens if one of them assembles a shelf from IKEA.
"Master carpenter Shadyq White standing next to his handmade book shelf."

There are a few that are aware, but not many. They are surrounded by people (other blacks and liberals) that create a confirmation bias.

You can't have equality by making things unequal, but that's the liberal mental disorder.

dindu finally did something


i may be dumb but can someone explain what does this all means ?

Basically Blacks drop out more once in college
>Dindus get accepted into colleges above their level due to muh affirmative action
>Dindus can't keep up with the challenging courses and college stress
Although liberals will probably change this so classes are graded on a curve for blacks, totally not racist.

That blacks are upstanding members of society and very educated.

Could you at least cite a credible outlet, like Weekly World News


systemic racism because whitey is making blacks read books and shit to get a degree

Last month i've seen 4 black people and my blood began to boil we may look like shitiskins but i can't see people of African descent

If jews are oppressed why doesn't CNN post about it everytime they get into all the schools?

>> We are so smart that we can replace whitie and ricie
>> We are too dumb to use computer
Nigger Logic


Thanks, now everyone around me wants to know "what's so funny???"