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The tranny jazz can't get pussy surgery because he has a MICROPENIS lmfao!!!!!!!!!

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I haven't been around for a few days and that sounds hilarious, elaborate please.

>based HRT saves the feminine penis and makes it impossible for her to get a disgusting v*gina shaped gash

Nice 2bh

Can't wait till she's old enough to do porn


Who are we even talking about here ?

Give me a name so I can imdb her, and keep myself distracted from my own problems long enough to where the problem is pile up so high I just decide to commit suicide

Rick Owens

Sounds hot, wonder if it'll be like being with a girl with a huge clit.

go back to your containment board /fa/

Jazz Jennings iirc

Way to make everything about yourself, prick ;^)

Just another reason this little guy is guaranteed to go off the rails and off himself right after his sex tape is released.

>on HRT

if only he was white i'd be in love.

>Dick is too small to please a pussy
>Too small to even become a pussy
Fucking dicklets, when will they learn?

you dont understand

There is no feminine penis, because puberty blockers. It literally dfid not develop...there is nothing to turn into a vagina, and the doctor even said so and refused the surgery. This kid is now condemned to be a sexless genderless creature until it inevitably kills itself

That's not it at all, were you born without a dick? It's just literally a baby benis, like you had when you were a kid.

straights don't want "her" because a man.
(((Straights))) don't want her because she can't top.

>Can't wait till she's old enough to do porn

You just know that some jew somewhere has that kids number on speedial waiting for the day it turns 18

Something like 7 billion left to go and you want to end youself? Take this big nosed leaf for example... what are you leaf, I am guessing you are a cousin fucking Quebecoi?

All this trash to clean up, first, do your fucking part and then you can call it quits coward.

Haha, I called this shit YEARS ago. The dumb cunt's parents allowed him to get HRT when he was like 6 years old, no wonder he's fucked.

The fuck are youg oing on about?

His parents are about as jewy as you can look.

They should be thrown in jail for what they let this little shit do to himself.

Proof that there is a god with a sense of humor.

I got some scissors right here, how much is this over promoted abomination of a kike product willing to pay?

She could always go the ChrisChan route and do it himself.

Going on about the jumper you were spurring on their big nose, and how he needs to put some fucking work in with the rake.

I wonder what it would be like to have a micropenis. You'd be afraid to ever have sex. Having a micropenis would be worse than being a literal midget I would imagine.

Are you high as shit or am I high as shit? This makes no sense.

Funny you say that since the family is Jewish. Look up their real surname if you don't believe it.

Thats exactly what it was. If he never had taken puberty blockers then he would have developed a normal sized penis.

100 years from now people will laugh at how stupid we were

I'm guessing you either replied to the wrong person, or you need to brush up on your reading skills there bud.

Who was going to fuck that nasty little rat either way, it is a favor they did the world to keep it from breeding with more inbred rat cousins, like they did.

No sense whatsoever, it's like reading Chinese.

Goldstein Productions will probably call >her on >her birthday

I just have to look at that things fucking nose


I wonder if it even has a sex drive if it's been taking hormone blockers since before puberty.

Better than the open wound they'd have otherwise, honestly.

If they stopped taking hormones would they develop a dick, or would it be far too late? I guess too late. You can't grow a bigger dick through sheer willpower...

Here's the basic gestalt
>Tranny starts taking hormone blockers before penis developed
>Micro child penis stopped developing
>Goes to doctor to try to get a sex change
>micro penis too small to turn into a vagina
>now Jazzy cannot operate as a male or a female
>Tranny's life is ruined

I watched the trailer, and he's also starting to get fat. lol

Good job mom and dad! Everybody loves a fat little mentally retarded faggot. Your son is gonna do GREAT in life.

But hey, at least you were on TV!

>now Jazzy cannot operate as a male or a female
They never could operate as a female. Couldn't get pregnant, and they could never have a real vagina.

Now they have to take dick up the ass instead of shoving it up an open wound, oh nooooo.

>can still take it up the butt.
>still has prostate orgasms
>when of age of course

Funny thing though, something rattles my marbles. Why would a Jew do what they want the Goyim to do. Aren't the Jews pushing the tranny narrative onto the goyim, why would they themselves go through with this destructive nature. Seems counter-intutive for their cause.

Pretty sure her only hope is to stop the hormones temporarily so that she can trigger puberty and grow a dick finally.

Then she'll have to go back on bitch-pills afterwards.

I'm not sure, but I think this is possible. Some guy did an AMA a few years back either here or reddit, and he never went through puberty, but once they forced it with meds (his body couldn't do so naturally) his dick grew like fucking 5 inches. Granted, it was only 5.5 inches total, but yeah.

This faggot was whining about suicide.

Then you spurred him on about being narcissistic.

(You also put a schnoz on your smily, like a kike)

I told the whiny suicidal faggot to hold off until after the day of the rake.

Then various dumb niggers and whiny crybully kikes attempted to gaslight my clear words.

Collateral damage. It's the price of keeping such an agenda.

Hahaha. Just watched it. The old codger of a doctor goes, "those hormones did ya two big favors here", *cups imaginary tits on his chest*, "but they didn't do ya any favors down below. I can't do what you want"...

Haaaa, shit dude. What a terrible world we live in.

Isn't it sad in this day and age when we coddle a mental illness and celebrate it. Sad.

I have a micropenis and it just makes me work harder

I was the president of a political society in a major UK university and eventually got a sweet GF at an anti-nuclear rally

>he can still get a dick rammed up his ass so he can slam his prostate so the white stuff come out

Gas them, gas them all.


When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Fuck you faggot. It's wrong to duck other white men up the ass. It's perfectly acceptable to fuck other races of sissy faggots up the ads.

Basically everyone who has a show on TLC has something off about them, but the cash flow they get is mighty fine.

>Anti-nuclear rally

You said all I needed to hear, thank you.

Kikes toss out their faggots and halfbreeds more than any other group, only no one dares critcize them for it. Kike owned lgbtqaffn groups have been promoting this particular micropenis as the new faggot messiah... they promote this one individual to stardom to get the shiksa to mimic.

Just google i am jazz season 3 trailer. I watched it on some god awful teen vogue website.

Jews buy so much into their own shit they start to believe it themselves.

kill on sight fuck

His real name is Jared Bloshinsky lol

Wow so brave XD


How ya'll doin dooday?

Oh my god. Well.

That sucks. Someone made an oopsie. Maybe now this terrible show will be cancelled.

underrated post desu

He's pretty cool. He holds nothing back from the fat fucks.

>has a micropenis

Can't that happen because of unusual amounts of estrogen in a fetus?

Checks out. He'll disappear from the spotlight forever now. If the public knew how to stop these retards from existing before their born, dems would lose voters. Another money and attention sink.

Who cares, the anus is the moneyhole for this homosexual prostitute anyways.

We should be talking about why his parents aren't in jail instead.
I think I may have found one of the videos. They made a fucking TELEVISION SERIES ON THIS SHIT! WHAT THE HELL! LMFAO!

It's my guilty pleasure show I watch.

Dr Now is a boss. No nonsense muther fucker.

They almost never use the wound, according to some (curiously all the famous ones are Canadian) youtubers that had the surgery

fucking kek

>Tfw Sup Forumsaks make up the majority of the viewer base

She can just take it up her little booty pussy. The funny thing is her whole family will know she takes it up the ass.

counting on is comfy and promotes white families

They made a TV SHOW out of this whole mess. LMFAO!!

is that fabio

I fucking love this guy. Best show on TV.

He went off on James K (Barnacle Bill) and his ugly af enabler gf.

Well then who gives a fuck.
I'm not watching the show, user. Just laughing at the trailer. I don't even have cable.

>eventually got a sweet GF at an anti-nuclear rally

How long until she cucked you?

Brown trannies and traditional white families. It's perfect.

Can anyone link the trailer, I can only find old ones.

"So tell me what happen. How come you gain 5 pounds since I saw you last?"

Tomi Lahren? What the hell is she doing there?
Is it bad that I kind of want to watch this show now.

Anyone else disturbed that there is a public nationwide discussion over this child's genitals?

jesus fucking christ someone put him out of his misery already.

"I'm Fabio motherfucker, that's 5 pounds of muscle"


It's not a feminine penis, it's an undeveloped (child's) penis.

Jazz is mad it cant use the womens bathroom

I love how this kikes so fucking brown that the Jews tried to market him with a nog name like 'Jazz'.

I mean she's almost definitely used to it. When you're trans the status of your genitals is the first thing everyone wants to know.

I was thinking the same thing. Like... Just cut him out of there. One way or another. Jesus.



>Tfw you will never be liberated from your shell

Never gets old.

this is the best method

Does she like your tounge or your fist more?