Why should we whites even care about "the future of the white race"? We all will be dead in the future anyway...

Why should we whites even care about "the future of the white race"? We all will be dead in the future anyway, middle easterns can have the world for all I care. Children cost too much money and 3dpd women are a pain in the ass.

>Why should we whites
>we whites
>that flag

hum... yes?

I've given up.

After analyzing the situation in detail, I have determined that the current course is irreversible.

By the time the average white person wakes up and understands what is happening, it will be long long past the point of no return. If 50% of white people 'woke' tomorrow, it would still be difficult to shift things back in the right direction.

The demographic shift is irreversible at this point.
The economic damage caused by central banking and fractional reserve lending is terminal.
Excess spending by government has bankrupted our country(ies).
Leftism has destroyed the moral core of our society.

This is the end.

I'm 100percent northern Italian
Brazilian niggers in suicide watch

>we whites

I agree. That's why the best course of action it's just relax and don't live stressed out thinking about it. Let's just watch the world burn while we watch our korean cartoons.

What a coincidence, I'm Italian too! Have citizenship and everything. I'm not 100% though, I have slav blood, french, among others.

hum... yes?

>Why ensure the future and a place for your people in it?
You shouldn't. Don't breed and die off, fag. You don't deserve a future.

None of us do.
When Sup Forums thinks Hitler is the bad guy and jew poison is just a meme, it's time to throw in the towel and let it all burn.

>An*mefags shilling the Jewish agenda
Color me suprprised.

Anti-Natalism and Nihilism are so mainstream to the point why should any reasonable person listen to you? I rather have a family and keep my country white then listen to some Brazilian nigger. The thing about "Children costing so much money" is mostly a meme as children are cheaper then people say they are. This is some Jew-tier Agenda bullshit made by retards like Schopenhauer and Striner. I'll be busy creating a family and trying to improve my country instead of being some edgelord who wants to watch the world burn.

OP is a faggot who sucks 2D dicks.

1. reproduction is a nice life goal that will allow you to die in peace
2. you want your children to have a better world

if you are going to ask "but why would you reproduce" then well why don't you kys? becuase of course you want to be happy and avoid pain. My observation is that people with kids are happier or at least not on the verge of a mental illness like the single folks in their 40's.

>is pathetic and retarded
Seems about right

I'll have a future no matter what. You're not fighting for your own future, you're fighting for the future of the next generations, but you won't even exist.

Modern women are shit, anime saved us.

Good for you my friend, everyone should make their own decisions. If that's what make you happy, go for it. But have children for yourself, not for the future of society and shit like that. Breeders want to shame child free people way too often.

How do you know that?


I'm a married male.

I don't shill (((their))) agenda. I speak out against it.

But I also recognize that we have already been defeated. No matter how much we spread the word, people continue to allow migrants in, and white genocide continues at full pace.

is your last name that of a fruit?

stop using my daughterfu in your worthless shitpost you damned baboon.


If you live in a majority white area, There's pretty much no reason not to have children. Anti-Natalism is basically mainstream media propaganda, OP is just a lonelyfag who pushes his crap on others.

Yeah anime caused the white population to decline. It's not the cultural and economic destruction resulting from mixing a large welfare state with mass immigration from the third world. It's the anime. White males are choosing anime over sex, and if you get rid of the anime, the problem is solved.

>Being an egoist, a retarded failure with no drive or no self-worth whatsoever
>Being a nationalist and an ethnocentrist, literally driving you to keep your lands clean and proper for you and your children
How can the first even compete?

Because my ancestors fought the Moors for centuries to ensure their descendants would have a white Christian land, only to have my grand-parent's generation ship them in by the boat load.
They've done such a tremendous job that it's now considered normal to open up our borders to the Moors and Saracens.
I must ensure a white Europe because my ancestors would be ashamed to find out their sacrifice was all for nought, and this thought angers me.


>I'll have a future no matter what. You're not fighting for your own future, you're fighting for the future of the next generations, but you won't even exist.
Yeah a future for my children and their children after them. Like I said, don't worry about it, don't breed, and die off like you want to.

The real question is is that anime worth watching?


It's exactly the opposite though, people like you push their crap on people like me. They call me a failure, but they don't even know me.

I think Hitler is the perfect example for this. He did all that, but in the end he had a pathetic premature death. Germans were better with the jews. Fighting is pointless.

Your ancestors died so you could enjoy your life.

Ok. You shouldn't be mad because not everyone wants to follow your beliefs though.

>Ok. You shouldn't be mad because not everyone wants to follow your beliefs though.
I'm not. Don't breed and let your lineage die off. That's cool with me dude.