My wife gave my son estrogen

I'm so fucking upset pol, I just got back from a YEAR long work trip in Finland. I have never had any issues with my wife besides she can be a bit gold digging at times. I came home early, she comes to the door crying. I thought the dog had died or something yet too see our SON dressed up as a fucking girl. She says that she was supposed to tell me at a better time. She says that he has wanted to be a girl, he is only fucking 11! She has given him hormones a full 11 months! He looks like a fucking female now, I am so pissed. I haven't talked to him about it but she shouldn't have given him hormones meant for grown mentally ill people. He literally is growing boobs.

Is this permanent?
I want to kill my fucking wife for doing this, I am at least getting a divorce. Please console me

post femenine penis

Nice larping faggot

unironically you should kill her

Not funny. He's a fucking minor

even though your are larping,


Put both of them down.

>he is only fucking 11!
>I want to kill my fucking wife for doing this.
Do it. No, seriously, do it. She is fucked up in the head and fucked your son for life.

Get your wife BLACKED

I'm honestly thinking about this. I'm fucking crying right now. Is this permanent? If I give him test will it even out?

Nobody spends a year in Finland without skyping with your family. The whole fucking country is covered in 4G.

And you'd probably kill yourself if you didn't have the mongolian genes for surviving 11 months with no sun.

>She has given him hormones a full 11 months
save what can be saved op and stop this shit

Your lad is going to forever be a woman with a child sized micropenis. I hope you're happy, you could have prevented this.

seems like he's a woman for good now :/

do not blame your son for what she did, you will regret it later in life

This is bullshit. Minors are only ever prescribed hormone blockers, not supplements.

You're lying, you can't do this without both parents signing off on it. If she did, sue the prescribing doctor for malpractice and divorce her and sue her for child abuse, get your son the therapy he needs and take this as a wake up call to take him camping and teach him to catch fish with his bare hands and break his foot off in some bears ass for messing with your campsite, manly stuff

>proof or gfto
>Saged until further notice
>call child services for child abuse
>divorce wife
>kill everybody

Remind how to be a man, it can be a epic montage

I'm going to find the dosage she's been given and need advice from any med students on what I can do.

I'm fucking embarrassed to even call a hospital about this because I will be labeled as a transphob

take her to court, i though these things had to be joint parent choices? unless u aren't married with the kids parent which means u have no control and are fucked

you should just go along and cut your manhood ( alleged) off immediately.

Fuck man you're gonna have to go full Chris Benoit at this point.

Kill them both lol

>just got back from a YEAR long work trip

the man of the house was gone, what did you expect that's pretty much like being a nigger and deciding to come back to his family, just to find out his boy is a tranny faggot.

GG op your boy is a faggot, must run in his genes.

TL;DR- OP is a faggot.

>Is this permanent?
Most of the damage is, yes.

just stop it and he will be fine

Call CPS, file for divorce, and win your sons custody in court. You might have time to reverse it if you can get him on testosterone ASAP. But you NEED to call CPS and have him removed from the house entirely.

Courts will drag out custody battles for years, and during that time, she'll get him 5-6 days a week probably. If you get CPS involved, she won't have any unsupervised rights to your child without a long lengthy battle in court. This will give you enough time to get him off that shit.

If you don't do this, your son has a 68% chance of committing suicide by at 16. Over 70% before age 18, and near 75% by 21. Your son will hang himself in shame if you allow this to continue.

Do whats right, do whats in your legal power. CALL CPS

Well now you have a wife and some side boipussy

Win win

>I'm fucking embarrased
>because I will be labeled as a transphob
LITERALLY WHO GIVES A FUCK? Even genuine trannies would see this as fucked up.

Welcome to the new America my friend

show him that being female is inferior to being male

Fuck off Bong

I really hope you're LARPing OP

If not,

Do this OP. You know the fucking Golden rule of the internet. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Doesn't even have to be the penor.

Just accept that hes your daughter now.

what do you want more? your son to be happy or to have a ''normal'' life, while he's constantly feeling like he doesnt belong? that he was born in the wrong body?

then again hes fucking 11, id sit down with him and have a loooong conversation about what he really feels, because clearly somethings not right with him...

Not in the US dude. Doctors will give harping mothers anything they want just to get them to fuck off. Our medical system is a joke. Hence why pretty much half our nation is addicted to some type of pill

Killing your wife will insure it is permanent otherwise I would recommend it

Move back to Finland and do what they do. Kill yourself

Stop LARPing you fag. You'll never have a job, a wife, nor a kid.

ALRIGHT. Found this out.

She has been giving him 6MG of Estradidol morning and 6MG at night.

200mg of spiro something every day.

I don't know what these are. I don't know how she got this stuff and I am going to sue the fuck, or kill whoever prescribed this shit to him.

Is this fixable?

he said he wants to be a girl, why do you care so much? why are you against it?

you're gonna bully him into being a boy after he's had this taste and he's gonna commit suicide at 12

just accept him for who he is and don't let a bunch of retards on Sup Forums warp your mind further

Go hug a refugee

I'd kill that bitch straight up

What state do you live in?

Post fucking proof you asshole. Otherwise why the fuck should we care you LARPING faggot.

post pic you moron

>reddit posting
kill yourself you piece of shit

Get your own show on TLC.

Because he didn't come out as a girl on his own you fucking kike. He was given estrogen to the point he thinks he's a girl. This isn't natural and his wife is mentally fucked for doing that.

why don't you fuck off tranny scum

little kids dont fucking know shit. they dont even know the differences of a penis and a vagina. they dont even know how babies are formed.


>Is this fixable?
Well at least he hasnt gone through puberty yet so it should be ok


i dont believe but if i ws on yourplace i would kill the cunt. srsly. you can't do anything besides standing for your son's and your family honor/ kill the bitch.

You should get his (or should I say her :DDD) opinion really, but keep in mind he might not even be old enough to understand what's going on.

ok nice larp you stupid faggot.

I'm calling my wife and asking who prescribed this. Any legal people tell me if this is allowed? Do I have a suit?

She has only told me what she has been giving dosage. Not the prescribed dosage which makes me more concerned

That's simply not true. Giving hormones to pre-pubescent children causes developmental issues because it kicks off puberty too soon.

As much as "kill em all" is my usual mantra, in this case there's no way you'd get away with it, having just gotten back from a trip. You'd be the obvious suspect. Best option is to call CPS and your lawyer.

Wait to kill her until later, when you can establish an alibi. Also, if you can find the doctor who prescribed it, kill him too.

>I will be labeled as a transphob
It's child abuse, as simple as that. A pre-pubescent child only has a cursory understanding of gender and sex. You can bet your ass she manipulated him.
Personally, I'd just disappear her and be done with it.

Even better

nah he should be fine after two years, but he will probably be always weaker and smaller than his age-mates

Dude, this is an insane post I can't read it cause I dont want to getting a leg on me and cocking youself and penetrating my asshole.

If its true, then you can do what you want. If you want to cut her head off, then you can do that to. The results of the execution of will depend mostly on if you get caught or will get caught in the end.
As far as your conscience is about it, you seem to have made your mind up.


>hes your daughter
how transphobic of you sweden im disappointed

Thankfully your son has not reached puberty yet so there is hope. You need to divorce your wife, gain full custody of your son, which should be easy given the circumstances and then give him testosterone supplements. Hopefully he enters and ends puberty normally though it may be delayed now.

"he has wanted to be a girl" obviously it's what he wants. if he didn't want this he wouldn't willingly take the estrogen. kids are dumb but they aren't stupid.

You taint the white name.
You should kill your fucking wife straight-fucking-away right now on the dot.

You're the reason whites are pussies and cucked. You should've disciplined your wife, and redpilled your son at a very young age.

So cuteeee... o.O

>kids are dumb but they aren't stupid

mfw i can't tell which side was done by the kid

Pics of my kid? Why the fuck would I do that. Pics of what?

He can have breast reduction surgery but there are brain changes that could last longer. He needs to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. You should also get the police involved. NOW. Women like this need to be made an example of. Fucked up man. Use the legal system to destroy her and imprison her. Don't do anything stupid.


Post a pic of your """son""".

I hate this site so fucking much

>Pics of what?
The hormones she's been giving him or something

hormones he's taking

Child abuse. Unforgivable

Yea he's fucked up

Estrogen is like an instruction, it tells the body to grow things. If getting rid of it just stops the progress but it doesn't disappear

Post pictures of literally anything or people will keep calling you a larping faggot.

You are a larping faggot.


Sooo you don't even bother to contact your 11 year old son directly for a whole year? What the fuck kind of father are you?

What do I do with my son after this is over, hypothetically?

kill them both user

why? she betrayed you and you are aware the drugs makes kids infertile for life right? you will never have a grandson now

kill her and hand tourself in after having a bit of fun at the bar

Stop taking life so seriously and enjoy OP's cute daughters boipucci

cool story user. don't kill anybody, just chill and let the justice act in here


Kids are stupid but a kid who doesn't want to take estrogen, every single day, won't fucking take it. This isn't rocket science.

Take screen cap of pills with time stamp

install gentoo

Do you know that girl? I want to fuck her. I want to stick my little cock inside her cunt.
Give me her LiveWeb tag. I pay in ClitCoins

>you guys
>I'm so angry you guys
>I might just do something illegal
>doesn't that make you angry, you guys?
>doesn't that make you want to plan criminal activity in a permanently recorded and legally actionable way, you guys?
>we're all bros here, right, you guys?

>inb4 jokes on you I was only pretending to be cucked

Because internet oedophiles.
Your ID even has cheese pizza in it

that is bs

You beat the fuck into him, or turn him back into a male.

Fill him with machoist propaganda, send him to the army, something to make him a male again.

he's fine, just stop it and his body will recover on it's own

Yes it will...
If he had been like 13 or something when books developed it would be permanent... You just gotta equivalent the amount of est she gave him with test over the same period of time... Too much in one go and you could risk cancer