Why do black women make 40 cents less than white men do?

Why do black women make 40 cents less than white men do?
It's on the internet so it must be true.

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That's a good wage for picking cotton though/

We need to make this .00 cents for every dollar a white man earns

0.64 means they're overpaid already, 3/5th is good enough.

That's about 40 cents overpaid imo.

Then they're getting way too much.
No way the average black woman produces 64% that of a white man.


They don't work

>.64 cents
Maybe black women make less because they don't understand decimals

Kek that's just a nigger looking for a hand out. There is nothing holding back black people, as many have already proven.



If that were true every company would only employ black women

Cuz welfare pays less than a full time job


Why didn't they compare it to Asian men?

who are you quoting?


also relevant to the formatting in OP

> For every dollar a black woman is paid, she only earned 64 cents of it.

Checks out.

because black women choose jobs that pay less

companies fall head over heels to hire female minorities for high paying jobs, but they are so hard to find because Cashera and Tanisha only want to study Afro-Communism studies in college and only end up in some dead end pencil pusher job

My mistake .64 cents.


White men are much better at their jobs, so they are paid much better.

I work with black women.

They spend the day watching NetFlix, fucking around on their phones, or gabbing about getting their nails done.

$.64 seems like way too much.

*When they're not out on maternity leave.

>>mfw Planned Parenthood literally has a special account dedicated to the black """community"""

Confirmed. Every day when I walk into work I have to fix the mistakes of the sheboon that works night shift




There's also an effeminate gay black guy on the shift prior to mine.

Somehow he is worse than the sheboons.

>look guys these giant tortoises will work for FREE as long as you feed them with straw once a day! Fire everyone and replace them with tortoises!

Yeah, no.

Black women are paid less because they are worth less.

why does a company not simply hire an exclusively black female staff then? certainly they'd save on labor costs, and they'd undoubtedly be praised for being progressive and diverse.

or could it maybe, possibly be that there is something about black women that makes them less effective workers?


Why do they make anything at all? We pay animals with food.

welfare and food stamps will never be equal to actually having a job or career.