Well what do you think about this?

Trump Just fucked over our internet privacy.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Huffington Puffington Blowyourhousedownington Post

You must be new, internet privacy has been dead for over a decade now.

Why do you need privacy from a company? A company doesn't run for president or legislate.

Why are you not concerned about the government and your privacy? They are the ones with the power. I'll never understand you failures

He signed the bill into law yesterday, they just reported on it.

I am concerned with the government and my privacy, but I definitely don't want my private info being bought and sold by giant corporations.

[spoiler]It already is[/spoiler]

Not before the bill, he broke down regulations.

Haha whoops I dropped this

What? The Obama regulations were never put into effect. Companies have been selling metadata for years now, and the biggest culprits (Joogle and Kikebook) were exempt from the regulations.

not true.

So where could we buy it before?

You faggots do realise that all of this controversy is still about ANONYMIZED data right? It's literally nothing.

I'm not part of shareblue, I'm just stating the facts. Stop being a sheep.

You can start here:


But really, every company has been doing it for quite some time now.


the onion is more legitimate than these clowns

we've literally gone over this 6 million times

Stop watching TV

Stop using the internet

Oh wait. We are here forever.

Orwell and Huxley were right. Just don't hold back anymore Sup Forums

Don't hold back or you will die.

Doesn't matter to paid shills, they'll post here whatever their bosses tell them to.

They'll suck Trump's dick through hell or high water.

this, also nice screenshot skills there

Cable Act of 1984 makes it illegal to sell personal identifiable information.

ISP's have always sold data in bulk for many years, but they have to anonymize it first. Nobody can walk up to an ISP and ask for a specific person's browsing history (Unless they're CIA or NSA but it's not like Obama's regulation was going to stop those guys).

A lot of people are unaware or ignorant of this and they think Trump is opening the floodgates for allowing employers.