/Auspol/: Niggers abusing the wildlife edition

>Niggers in detroit kidnapped a kangaroo
>Niggers begin wooping and yelling on stage
>Sexually abused a kangaroo
>This is what passes as entertainment in Obama's USA


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all this talk of kangs must have gotten to them

Why is an Aussie thinking about black people literally on the other side of the world.

>Sexually abused a kangaroo

You telling me you've never wanted some top tier kangaroo pussy?

Poor kangeroobro :(

Topkek good one leafy

>Nig nogs in the comments comparing this to the guy who punched the kangaroo that was attacking his dog

I truly despise black culture in America

They're abusing our national animal.

It would be like a bunch of abos roughing up a bald eagle

Aren't kangaroos supposed to be violent if egged on? I have seen some pretty nasty roos somewhere.

Can't a kangeroobro disembowel you with one kick if you do missionari like that? I think you have to do it doggystyle

They are finger fucking my country's mascot at their chimp screech shows.

Seppos confirmed for kangafuckers.

the kangaroo is the symbol of Australia, well maybe right after Koalas and Crocodile Dundee

so when niggers abuse any of the above you should expect an aussie to get mad

when push comes to shove im genuinely scared of aussies this faggot needs to knock this shit off

To bad the roo didn't kill one of those niggers. He must have been sedated or something

btw ausbros is there a such thing as a black kangaroo as this nigger so eloquently put it?

No. Only grey and red.


Closest you'll get is a tiny wallaby found in some mountainous areas in the middle of the Northern Territory

I don't give a damn about Australia's mascot, or Australia for that matter.

Typical nigger

>10% white

Not bad joke for a leaf.

t. Tyrone Freeman

>people in the comments supporting it

i'm fucking seething here lads

>Can't a kangeroobro disembowel you with one kick
>implying I won't disembowel the kangaroo with one dick first

As if I needed another reason to hate niggers you go and show me this. Thanks OP.

it is quite funny tho

he's either a nigger or a Jew

the Jews really hate the fact that Australia is so white, they are working overtime to try to culturally enrich your beautiful country

Every time I catch an episode of Bondi Vet and I see a pure white family with like three or four kids coming to the animal hospital, I just know it makes the jew's blood boil and I smile.


What's it like being a nigger?


I'm probably whiter than all of you, not that it matters. Stay in your lane I'm sure you can find abbos doing dumb shit to satiate your black obsession.

Amerifats would be more upset if you roughed up a plate of mac N' cheese than they would if you roughed up a bald eagle.


Don't you guys eat kangaroos?

Jesus Christ kill yourself

Actually you could probably get away with just losing the arm as penance

Half caste abomination.

coolrunnings.jpg lol

you realize that Africans are currently ruining Australia, just google "Apex Gang"

Nah it's pretty hard to find abos actually. There's only 669 thousand abos in australia.

It's not like in nigger land where you have 37 million niggers.

Also, you're obviously some percentage nigger.

Not at all surprised. Aussies are untested.


back to africa nigger

Let me guess. Melbourne.


usually just those killed for population control

as far as i am aware we dont have kangaroo farms

Fuck off cunt.

The spirit of the Digger lives.

It's just busy digging.

Ugly as abbos are you guys probably get Abo pussy like crazy. They'd probably give you a damn good threesome for 10 bucks.

He's clearly a Jamaican

It's like someone made a bath plug out of prune jelly.

There's literally nothing wrong with eating Kangaroos and it does not in any way excuse niggers being niggers.

They'd have to pay much more than 10 bucks if they want some anglo cock.

>eats Roos
>"Fucking niggers dancing with a kangaroo!!,"

Our national bird was almost the Turkey, would you have stopped Thanksgiving if that retard of a bird was our mascot?

Kangaroo look like pretty neat animals how are they irl are they violent.

are you fucking retarded?

white people dont act like that, you maybe be white in terms of physical appearance but your spirits a nigger.

>Stay in your lane
Act your race you wannabe nigger bitch boy.

man this mates me hate america, i wouldnt fuck with your national animal you cunt

Abos are so ugly, it kind of makes me want to fuck one, like a fetish. Them and midgets.

peaceful until provoked

No one is surprised.
Niggers will fuck anything.

If we gave African Americans more money and education they would understand that its animal abuse

Its our fault

this sounds like white people, then we genocide

theyre never violent, its a meme that they can kill you with their sharp as fuck talons

i think one person has died due to kangaroo attack in australian recorded history, the rest are roos causing car crashes

they are pussies who could fuck you up but dont

used auto-adjust to fix the lighting. why does a white dude have a jamaca flag tat

Niggers truly are animals why would you fuck with a peaceful animals that's Minding it's own business

Because he's some rootless faggot with no sense of self who mirrors those that he sees as strong, which since he's clearly a pothead means ghetto niggers.

Don't defend the Aussies.

A turkey is a bird.

A roo is a bipedal mammal, and can box. Too close to home.

>they are pussies who could fuck you up but dont

maybe they dont want blood on their hands and are civilised just like us

Plate... don't fuck with my Kraft mac n cheese. You can keep that Velveeta garbage.

>Go to zoo in San Diego over a decade ago if not more
>Freely able to walk down a path right next to live animals
>Kangaroo drop kicks me over and begins to mount me
>Can't crawl away, he's just going at it, barely even able to move him off of me
>Had to just wait for him to either get it out of his system or until the handler showed up
>Sat there crying with someone offering me water to calm down

I fucking hate Kangaroos.

maybe theyre non violent herbivores who have no desire to kill unless to defend because theres no food to be gained and its a waste of energy and a risk of life and an animal that wastes energy and risks their life needlessly is less likely to survive evolution in times where energy needs to be conserved and other animals can kill you because youre not an apex predator

sick blog post

so how the fuck does that make them a pussy then you retard

Fuck you, Leb cunt. I hope they go extinct!

cause they never fucking attack anything and would rather run away than fight

i think thats the definition of a pussy you cunt

uhh ok

abos are our national animal

>cause they never fucking attack anything

haha yeah i once told my mate to smash his beer bottle over a pregnant chick's head and he didnt do it haha what a pussy xDD

Fuck outta here, Xian Ching Chong.


Kangaroos can do some pretty nasty bites and scratches if they get pissed off, it's surprising none of those niggers got attacked

uhh ok

It's not funny. It was humiliating, as other people on the walkway were able to witness. Some people had this "Oh my gawwwd" smile trying to hide it. Others felt bad. Was especially embarrassing, because I couldn't get up, and the kangaroo was letting out this loud wheezy growl of some sort like a "Hrrrrrrrghhh!" which everyone heard.

Just go.

saving your posts for future cringe threads.

keep em coming

Try telling your mate to fight you, will he do it?
Then he's a pussy.



Pretty moderate happening m8.

Some African woman is going to replace him in the senate now.

Top kek

Day day is my fuckin boy.

fag lmao

Fuck you, really.

>blocks your path
>smacks you in the gibber

Try telling you mate to suck your load out, will he do it?
Then he's a homophobe.

Say that to my face not online you gajin faggu

that's not how you triforce

Did it cum?

Many blacks don't have empathy with animals and don't seem to understand them, same as they don't have much empathy with people including other blacks, yet they wonder why some refer to their behaviour as savage and unhuman sometimes?

Shouldn't be that hard to add 2 and 2 together.

>black culture

They'll fuck you for booze and a place to shower where they're not betting violently raped by other abos.