Africa says science must fall

Assuming you weren't convinced that niggers are stupid here's more proof

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They would get along just fine with Trump supporters.


religious fundamentalists* & luddites*
your statement is a presumption, and is not based in fact, therefore it can be discarded.

Literally nothing she said was wrong.


>a leaf

and I thought they couldn't get more retarded

pray for a thundabolt anda thundabolt comes downa to the grounda


Great. Let us take back our medicine and watch you die by the millions. Since black magic will save you. If this chicks arguement is intellectual diatribe. Its no wonder africa well never change.

Nutshell. Science isnt real if i dont believe it.
Bitch is crazy

In b4 a fucking leaf thinks this is hot science.

Absolutely nothing

And people wonder why Africa is a undeveloped shithole?
This bitch has at the grasp of her hand a fuckton of knowledge in the university and jet, shes speaking about summoning lighnings by black magic.
These people will never catch up with the modern world, the biological differences between us will only keep making the intelligence gap bigger and bigger

fucking lightning strikes, i wouldve begged her to put a strike on me and say that if it works within 7 days I'll renounce science for good

He fucking apologised?

I stopped watching, the fuck is this shit. I'd have walked out.

science isn't even real, it's an approximation, the point is that it's thought to people to be real, instead of a best approximation, with the most steady results. the problem is that this will be even less possible to get into their heads probably...

How do you prove that, Science people?!?!?!

Science: 0
Kangs: 1407934598769234897





top kek

>teach them english
>give them western close
>opinion on science becomes valid

hey let me translate, she is making this case:

it's very difficult for Africans to accept western knowledge as truth because while it might be true, they don't see the direct benefits of it yet as Africa is still mostly a poor continent in perpetual war.

Conversely it's very easy for Western people to accept Out of Africa as truth because they sit from a position of power and authority, so accepting Africans were first really doesn't do anything to change the power dynamic.
She is arguing from a political position of how to motivate 2-3 billion Africans to stop fighting amongst themselves and see each other as inferior and subservient to western interests, and proposing a reboot of the discovery mechanism in science, to encourage people to build something for themselves in their own way.
This is all a natural conclusion to take if you have been taught critical theory and deconstructionism. Africa has nothing to deconstruct, they never constructed anything. Notice she is not making her case in Chad or the Congo or a poor village in Niger because she would get beaten and raped for speaking out of turn. You can easily reason with these people, they want money, she would flip all of her beliefs for about 75-100k a year consultancy type job for the UN. Openly saying the same thing, while privately raping her fellow niggers for corporate mining and energy interests.

This thread again.

Who cares about those fucking degenerate niggers ??????


there are much more important topics to discuss.

she has a point.

hey shut the fuck up

>you are disrespecting us because you do not believe lies
>Because this is a progressive space for people to say their opinion
Trying to say that science isn't real by anecdotal evidence, which is undocumented.
Trying to pass that on as a "fact" when she just stated that this is just opinions

Do leftist really believe these sort of things?

Frig off Philippines you guys are the niggers of Asia.

>She rejects "western science" because it comes from a place of authority and as a African, she does not.

She rejects science because she does not UNDERSTAND it.
Any idiot can derive Newtown's gravitational constant with some elementary scientific experiments.
But apparently, its too much for her savanna brain to comprehend.

Face the facts, there are some smart blacks, I've even met some genius blacks (>150 IQ) but the VAST MAJORITY of them are 80 IQ animals who survived off their physical fitness.


Thanks for that my vegemite munching friend.

Typical well educated Trump supporters

I'm all with redefining of science but my god her saying she studied it in highschool and didn't even bother to really dive into it really shows she doesn't really have the credentials to talk about this.

'space' at first i was like cool some rules so that people don't come to troll, but then she mentions people sharing their opinions based off on how 'they' the panel 'noted' those opinions would be laid out.

You need an outstanding amount of autism in order to make post like this in every thread.


we all know its wrong (she is a nigger, after all), but that is the position she argues ffrom.

Where does she imply this? How do you do these mental gymnastics?

it's literally just
>ooga boga we wuz wizards kill whitey

From what I can tell she wants to just reinvent science under an african perspective rather than copying from western nations. Not literally just "get rid of it forever cus it raycist"

Of course, science isn't racist in the first place, it's purely logical... How can you reinvent the number 1 when 1 is always 1?

Not sure if she means culturally she wants to make it an african thing or what.

She literally says smiting people is science and because western scientists can't explain that science is wrong.

>You know, I did my science in school, but whatever, lets not talk about that

I caught that part too. She admits she didn't do well in science, not that its a mystery.

Pretty sure like was saying the point she was trying to make was that Africans need to develop scientific thought on their own. That's why she's saying, "we need to go back to summoning lightning" since that was basically where they were in terms of "science" when the Europeans got there. She just wants Africans to figure things out for themselves. Part of that means accepting older beliefs and improving them by themselves without European help.

1. Get rid of European thought
2. Figure out Science on our own
3. Go back to lightning summoning if we have to
4. Work our way forward from there

It is obviously naive and idealistic and probably won't work, but that was the gist of what I took from it.

Also her hand gestures made my blood boil. Fuck I hate when people talk like that.

Yeah the hand gestures annoyed me too.

And sure, just don't apply any of that shit over here and don't expect any help from us at any point of its development. Africa can stay a shitty country with its shitty science, they can figure out their own vaccines and food science, it was clearly working well before we started having to spoon feed them.

someone should show her a tesla coil

>she literally says smiting people is science because western scientists can't explain that science is wrong

Yes. That doesn't contradict what he just said. Read the post again. He's not saying that she is correct in what she said, he's saying they want to discover science on their own even if it means going back to believing that you can summon lightning.

>Africans need to develop scientific thought on their own
>She just wants Africans to figure things out for themselves

? well let them, i say
let them figure it out on their own, worked great for zimbabwe
it's funny because they think they're people, doing society and prosperity stuff

someone needs to put some random black dudes face on this with this lil niggas
words on it.

please lord.

>Assuming you weren't convinced that niggers are stupid here's more proof.
I didn't need to watch the video to know that. I am from the Deep South, therefore I was born redpilled.

Fair point.

I'm confused as to how she's considering the output of this scenario, if she stays in the western world would she stick to western science, or start spouting african science here?

The problem is there will only be one answer and science will always be trying to find the correct answer given evidence, for the most part that's likely to be western science but if she gets her way (which apparently is happening already, the africans she's talking about already believe in this lightning power) how will that work?

Dividing science just seems dumb. Unless she means keep western science unless african science proves more accurate regarding some aspect, but that's not what she said.

I also don't know how much science we're pushing in africa so it's kinda hard to tell.

Let's just pack it up and cut off all contact.

Within a decade famine and disease would reduce the population to at least pre-colonial levels, probably much less.

>Africans need to develop scientific thought on their own
incredibly childish and shortsighted

the reason science has advanced so much is because it's a global/historical effort. Plenty of scientific knowledge wasn't developed by europeans. Many discoveries come once in a lifetime, or by pure luck. Pretending to do it all by yourself is not only impossible but, like I said, childish and product of an absolute ignorance of the huge volume of knowledge humanity has acquired so far. Good luck waiting for another human to discover the theory of relativity again

Science is a colaborative effort by the whole of humanity. Look how no other civilization will reject already proven science

it's also ridiculous how she refuses western science yet everything she does or uses will probably make use of it. Maybe she should go ahead and try living only on african science and discoveries for a while, it would be an eye opening experience for her

scientific advances have saved billions of life, right now it the best time to be alive in all of history. yet still somehow, defying all logic and reason, these fucking monkeys are shitting all over it for no reason.

it's really hard to not be racist when niggers are consistently retarded even when offered all option to be educated properly.

Soon. Very soon.

I didnt watch the whole clip, but I think she is saying that science needs to be taught from an african perspective, not that it should fall or be done away with. And I totally agree with this, I think it is possible to teach science in school so it is more understandable and practical to people who are born poor. I also think that basic business/economics should be taught in grade school. elementary/high school is taught weak and fragile science in western culture that has no practical use till its studied again in college. So I support her totally.

if that's what she's saying it's even more horrendous.
to do that you'd have to have a zone where no western technology and science is used (that will outcompete a start from scratch)
even if all "western" countries would agree you'd need a complete army to keep out invaders that not abide by those rules.

they cannot do that without help because they would literally be overrun and enslaved by people that DO use technology

Take off the understanding white guy reddit glasses and realize that what she is actually saying is fucking retarded


>going back to believing that you can summon lightning
90% of the nogs in that country are already at tha point, what's this 'go back' shit?

please do you see us beating up other people cause their beliefs differ from us? If anything were a poor man's china, millions across the world but can't make an impact

Don't you literally kill people who think differently than you about drugs?

she literally says it has to be done away with in its entirety.

just watch the whole clip man. its cultlike.
escpecially that guy who goes "shhhh, ssssshhhh" all the fucking time

No need to translate, she says it herself .
>Western science is pathetic
This has nothing to do with science and everything to do with politics / racism / signalling, which is basically a western import wether they have the awareness to realize that or not. They're literally calling their room a
>Progressive safe space
while at the same time speaking about rejecting western ideas . How fucking unaware..

Remember that it was not that long ago were white students had to lock themselves into a room to protect themselves from the blacks who were rioting and looking to attack them based off their skin tone . This kind of thinking started mainly in western universities and once the trend picked up steam other places around the world joined in. They feel they have been giving the OK to shit on / destroy anything western, even worse is that they think to do so is somehow virtuous and moral. This trend will do and is doing massive damage to places like vid related. Imagine if this chick got her way, does she realize she would be holding her lecture out in a field somewhere minus most of the modern amenities she has grown used to. Just the idea of woman being thought leaders and having equal rights is mainly a western cultural export... the idea that woman should be in school... Etc etc How fucking blind are these nogs? If by magic she got what she sought all at once , she would find herself living in a fucking hut surrounded by a starving aids/malaria stricken population.

No idea how it would work. Africans are so far behind the only thing worthwhile in their future is China right now, not independence.

There is no such thing as science from the "African perspective."

>decolonize science

What the fuck does that even mean? African SJWs seems to love complaining about colonialism, but they don't even seem to understand what the word means.

She does kind of have a point though that Westerners always pretend that their inventorers, scientists, discoverers, etc. are always the first ones in all humanity to it, although that is not true. For example the Pythagorean theorem is called after a Greek, although it is known and proven that several babylonian scientists knew of the Theorem centuries before Pythgoras. Second example would be Columbus "discovering" America, although it is known that Vikings and Arabs have sailed there before him. You could find several examples where western culture dismisses the achievments of other cultures and treats itself as the creator of everything. I don't know though if that was really her point.

It's funny how they talk about decolonization while they are getting colonized by china instead

>arabs sailed there before him

post proof, I only found a claim by Erdogan and some other vagues stuff. Are you a turk?

If they go back to practicing voodoo we might actually get the zombie apocalypse

Everything she said was right though. Only a leftist (((science))) worshipper would be stupid enough to think otherwise.

Fine lady, put your smartphone down, take off your clothes and shoes, step out of the building, sell your car and go back to the mudhut and thinking that cats are witches.

She's literally arguing that because africans didn't contribute to science and facts and innovation etc. that it's bad and they should invent stuff from scratch themselves since it's bad because white people invented stuff that they use.

Man south africa really has some complete morons. This is what all that SJW enabling allows, people who are nearly close to mental retardation level being allowed to be taken seriously with regards to policy decisions.

bro do you even know what synthetic drugs do to people?

>hur, dur, lookit ma, i shitposting

And people honestly wonder why africans never invented a damn thing? Sitting today and saying all these things are bad because white people invented them.. yeah go back to your mud hut situation where you didn't even invent the wheel or barely system of writing or a ship or nothing for thousands upon thousands of years till someone else came along and showed you how, and even TODAY you still struggle with it, and then this clown sits and says know how and technology is bad because white people invented it, whilst typing on her fucking phone..

>can you explain scientifically how you are able to use black magic to send lightning to strike someone.
HAHAHAHA i can't believe it.

>summoning lighnings by black magic
a guy named Tesla was able to summon lightning with "white magic" and we understand how he was able to do it because of science.

>Gravity doesn't exist, newton was wrong
Welcome to jump out of any building you can find and test it.

This is literally a moron who doesn't understand the scientific method and haven't studied these things very much trying to say that it's wrong cause white people found the answer to it, but if a black south african had discovered how gravity works no problem.

Thread theme

>we want knowledge developed by us that speaks to us from our perspective..

Geez woman you can't just make shit up if it doesn't fit with how things work and feel better about that you came up with an idea how it works and now it's suddently ok because an african came up with a similar idea.

So back to cats are witches, lightning strikes can be sent to people using black magic, and stuff like seen in this video is what is preferred then?

Because anything not invented or thought up or explained by africans, somehow is bad, so i guess it's stuff like this that she wants?

That seems to be her general complaint, that africans didn't come up with answers to these things but someone else did, and since someone else did but africans, that needs to be removed/decolonized..

Great, start inventing the wheel without using any "white science or facts" good luck. Remember you can't do it in the same way or it's bad because it wasn't you who came up with it. So you have to find a different way to do it that sucks and is wrong but hey atleast you came up with it! How fucking dare anyone share any accurate know how or technology or knowledge with you.. what assholes.. we should stop foreign aid too, very white thing don't you know.

B-but it's all racist, so how can you blame her for not doing well.

Modern science is shit, based more on political dogma than legitimate fact.

Science, legitimate science is good.

But the shit the kikes shill as science? Burn that shit to ashes..

>You can easily reason with these people, they want money, she would flip all of her beliefs for about 75-100k a year consultancy type job for the UN. Openly saying the same thing, while privately raping her fellow niggers for corporate mining and energy interests.

Quality post.

(Never believe leftist gibberish at face value. They want something. Usually money or prestige.)

>this chicks argument is intellectual diatribe

look at the nigger in the yellow, how shes' putting her hands infront of her face like she's some kind of intellectual, and actually giving ANY thought to anyone else other than her looney ideas that black magic exists. FFS

this tard actually believes that villagers can curse someone and make them a target for lightning

>to pass a grade in south africa they have lowered it to 30% 50% for teacher 80% or so for more advanced fields.

Well that explains quite a bit doesn't it. Great way to make people pass, gj ANC.. "oh look black people are thriving in south africa many of them have educations look!"

well these africans also will kill albino niggers and eat their fucking internal organs for magic purposes

Do we seriously believe that the 3 to 10% that have normal IQ or higher. Are going to elevate these fucking savages into the 21st century

fuck, they cannot elevate themselves without outside help to the 1st century. Let alone 20 more centuries.

without external countries building their infostructures. They would ALL be living in grass huts.
70% of them have IQ's below 80

how the fuck can africa ever be civilized?! it's just that impossible without outside interference. And they have voted and vocally said they dont' want the help.
So we should give them what they want and just stop all aid medicine and everything. Let them kill themselves off.

>>This is what all that SJW enabling allows, people who are nearly close to mental retardation level being allowed to be taken seriously with regards to policy decisions.

Because of the feels!

I dunno, trump gets away with statements based on presumption rather than fact and he still has supporters.

>intellectual diatribe
like intellectual tribe?
lik tribal intelegence
lik tribal science

"decolonize science"
Someone give me a quick rundown?

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. City folk voted for Johnson.

>1 post by this id

>when you love seeing climate deniers btfo but it had to be a fucking leaf

this is correct, science does have a colonizing effect on races/cultures that didn't earn it and science and technology can mask a lot of cultural inadequacies of society.

I would read recommend someone like Ted Kaczinsky or Jason Jorjani to understand it more

Africa doesn't see the benefits because they stupidly kicked out the colonial authorities. South Africa was lost to cucked whites and therefore brainwashed the natices into thinking white people were the problem but the rest of Africa wants them back. That's why all these shitty corrupt governments were so happy to hop into bed with daddy chink.

a leaf