I love you /pol

Shia's surprise

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jesus christ



We have to find the person that purchased that ticket.

I would have bought the second ticket


It was Shia, kek

i really should feel bad for him but i dont


we should pirate it once so that one ticket is canceled out

Absolutely ruined

When did he even have the time to make a movie with this HWNDU bs... who even knew about this?

He really is insane

How does one screw up marketing that badly
If anything, pol involvement in hwndw should have boosted his name

To be far this was genius promotion by him, if planned. Make artsy shit movie and don't tell anyone about release, it sells one ticket and you get millions of dollars of free advertising by the news covering it.
He basically has Oscar bait with free advertising now.


Hopefully he takes his high rating show more seriously and puts the fucking flag up fucking somewhere! Need season 5!!


woah that was a big jump. artsy shit movie with viral marketing then straight to the oscars.

What ever happened to Norway??? things have been very quiet

It was Shia.

How many publicists must (((Shia))) have?

He gets shoah-level press for existing

Shia Labeouf Actual Cannibal becomes real.
>He is now in the woods
>There is no one around him
>He is in a cottage
>He was the only person that watched his work in the end

is this real?^ pls be real, I don't want the sacrifice of my sides to be in vain

Yeah, it's annoying, that was the best fun. He's probably shit posting on pol now to get back at us or something, it's all a little too quiet.

Nice digits

sounds like something taken out of context for clickbait article yada yada

The formula for the Oscars now is (low amount of showings+low revenue) if you add minorities you sweep the Oscar with that formula.

...and that 1 ticket was probably bought by Shia. I mean, who goes to the movies alone?

probably a critic who was paid to go

Thanks user but yea on a more serious note, is there a discord with season 5 planning or is everyone just gone silent on the matter???

I need more info!

he made 454k in america though. rip.

Again with the digits.. hrmm, kek might be telling us something is brewing. All quiet here though, I've been busy with (((work)))

Send him a twatter message or whatever, he'll probably be looking for fan mail about now.

"Dear Beef, flag tits or gtfo."


Look at this head shape. No wonder he hates himself.


Pretty sure its real lmao

Never knew he made a movie. Should have spend some of that money on ads.

This kills himself in 3......2.......1...........