Sup Forums is retarded

Sup Forums is retarded.

Someone makes an argument, they present their case.. Sup Forums strawmans and attacks the posters Flag. Like that somehow negates the OPs point.

Greek Flag: pay denbts
Australian Flag: shitposting chinaman
German Flag: t. Ahmed
American Flag: Burger Burger 54% White
Mexican Flag: Job Stealing Beaner
Argentinian Flag: Not even White

And so on and so forth..

Sup Forums is on par with Reddit

t. Ahmed "Refugees Welcome" Nazi Merkel Holohaux Scheckelberg

t. Achmed

I say just ban posts that contain fallacies.

What do you call an angry german?
A sour kraut!

Use "sauer" next time. It means both Sour and Angry. So you can hit zgermans with both barrels there

fuck off achmed.
Type "sage" into options field before posting, (without quotes) newfriends.

Thanks for proving my point Bruce.

Oh wait, your a Kiwi. Even worse.

lmao you lost a war to FRANCE. kill yourself

And then there are autistic centrists like yourself who think that they are the only person in the entire world to notice things. Kys

90% of the cases I see that happen it's because the person had a shit point where serious discussion is involved

t. Muhammad Achmed al-Sahim
It's bantz you fucking mudslime. If you can't handle it then fuck off.
Also, why is it only non-Americans from heavily mocked countries are the only people who complain about flags?

Flags destroy all meaningful discussion so this mongol is happy.

Sup Forums is full to the brim with retarded doublethink

You just dont get Sup Forumss defensemechanism against retards. There are post you should take serious and some dont. If you take the wrong one serious its your own fault


Fuck off, Mehmet.

>Sup Forums is retarded.
Do you think you are going to get serious replies with such a stupid opening line?
Kill yourself Ahmed.

If you cant handle it dont visit this website achmed

Whateva - (((YOU))) need to go (BACK)

I think he already go BLACK

The Politically Incorrect board isn't very politically correct? You don't say?

In all seriousness, how new are you?

If you take it too seriously, you stand on weak grounds anyway. A good argument will penetrate shitposting. You are a weak german cuck who want refugees to fuck his wife and who also owe the US and A money for nato funding, so I'm not surprised that you are a whining little bitch.


fpbp /thread

lurk more redditor

you got your memes completely wrong

Seeing you get so triggered over a flag callout means you need to go back to plebbit. Half the time it gets used as an insulting cordiality, it's the nature of the board Habeeb

1, corrtect
2, the fuck?
3, correct
4, correct
5, incorrect
6, so close...
Lurk moar faggot. Also, maybe you would understand WHY Sup Forums disregards certain opinions from certain countries. (Hint, it has to do with pattern recognition, and sheer fucking volume of posts)

Confrats retards. None of you even came close to refuting my point
Except for

>insinuating there's a relative argument to refute
Just because you see value in it doesn't mean it's valuable. Your "argument" is fucking retarded, this is just a troll bait thread.


This desu. Your thread is shit and not even politics. Expect nothing more than shitposting and smug reaction images.