Look, they passed by Gibraltar IN THE WATER! Better send submarines and imaginary aircraft carriers down to Gibraltar and ICBMs and nukes... the bad EU is taking over!
OH no! The Spanish war ships are attacking Gibraltar!
Jose Rivera
Charles Jackson
Something's fucky about this whole situation. I can feel the jew hand grasping the narrative
Jose Morales
well, spain does have a considerable amount of debt
Zachary Richardson
I will gladly kill Germans
Eli White
Nathaniel Howard
French war ships will help them. Like in good old times.
Ryan Taylor
If you're gonna help us like in Trafalgar we might as well surrender already.
Hunter James
The French will provide white flags. Ample supply around in Frenchistan.
Austin Sanchez
idc who's right just start killing each other already
burn it all down and start over
Ian Williams
Make sure they nuke Londonistan