Refugee woman articulates that she does not need to be grateful for being let in
> My family and I were once humans in danger, and we knocked on the doors of every embassy we came across: the UK, America, Australia, Italy. America answered and so, decades later, I still feel a need to bow down to airport immigration officers simply for saying “Welcome home”.
> But what America did was a basic human obligation. It is the obligation of every person born in a safer room to open the door when someone in danger knocks. It is your duty to answer us, even if we don’t give you sugary success stories.
> Even if we remain a bunch of ordinary Iranians, sometimes bitter or confused. Even if the country gets overcrowded and you have to give up your luxuries, and we set up ugly little lives around the corner, marring your view. If we need a lot of help and local services, if your taxes rise and your street begins to look and feel strange and everything smells like turmeric and tamarind paste, and your favourite shop is replaced by a halal butcher, your schoolyard chatter becoming ching-chongese and phlegmy “kh”s and “gh”s, and even if, after all that, we don’t spend the rest of our days in grateful ecstasy, atoning for our need.
>sugary successful story there has been a successful story?
Jason Cooper
Man fuck her, the refugee don't have to suck our countries dick every god damn waking moment but at least show some god damn common courtesy by acting civil and respecting your new home. Unless they want their new surroundings to become the shit hole they originally escape from.
Fuck the ungrateful rapefugee
Carter Walker
I put his up, because she is more articulate at putting this into words than others. This is basically the Merkel narrative:
> even if you get overrun and 100% taxed, you can't say no to more.
I strongly disagree with that. I think that she has no claim on my property and I say my country is my property, collectively held, used and financed. I think I can decide to let in zero refugees if I want, and that would be just as moral.
Again, I put this up to confront it.
This is what they think and we need to be aware.
Cameron Moore
Gee. It's almost like people want to be with their own kind and don't care for outsiders. How regressive!
That bitch needs to go back to Iran.
Jack Smith
You can take the shitskins out of the ghetto but they will always being the ghetto with them
Ryan Gomez
>If you let me in, I don't have to be grateful.
You can keep fucking knocking for all I care then.
Gabriel Lewis
Bitch is literally a parasite
Perfect example of why refugees are bad
Daniel Lopez
>But what America did was a basic human obligation It's a basic human obligation for women to suck every cock that comes near them. Based on what justification? Don't need one just like she didn't have one for her invented 'obligation'.
The United States has an obligation to its citizens. It doesn't have an obligation to all of humanity.
Cooper Jones
>. Based on what justification? Don't need one just like she didn't have one for her invented 'obligation'.
humanitarianism / Christianity
Charles Taylor
She specifically describes her surroundings becoming like the shit hole she left and acts as though we should be happy about it.
Ryan Peterson
Where's the part of the story where she says "so thanks for letting us in, we're all better now and are going back where we came from. Thanks again"
Seems more like she's saying "I don't care what you want, I'm coming in and you're gonna pay for me infidel." I'd like to smash her face into a few different types of walls. A drywall, a good old wooden wall, ooh, maybe a nice brick wall too. That's my only obligation.
Joshua Jenkins
>. Unless they want their new surroundings to become the shit hole they originally escape from
That's (((the plan))).
Carson Davis
so many bitches need to be choked out now. i'm starting to understand the salem witch trials more and more as i get older
Adrian Green
It's all starting to make sense now.
Ian Evans
>if you thank your enemies, they win
Kevin Lee
> After all, these Americans had never thought we were terrorists or Islamic fundamentalists or violent criminals. From the start, they knew we were a Christian family that had escaped those very horrors. And they, as a Protestant community, had accepted us, rescued us.
she is Christian, I believe.
Isaiah Roberts
>obligation She should be kicked back to her shithole just for spouting this shit alone. Ungrateful pieces of shit they are.
Luis Martinez
Dylan Campbell
Third world migrants (legal, illegal, "refugees", doesn't matter) are like a swarm of locusts. They already destroyed their own cornfield and now they are in the process of razing ours to the ground. Once they're done they will just fly to the nearest field that's still (partially) intact.
Christian Williams
> Because a person’s life is never a bad investment, and so there are no creditors at the door, no debt to repay.
Try to understand what she is saying (without having to agree with it).
She is saying that saving her life is already a gain FOR YOU, and not a loss, so she does not have to repay anything. (Good Christian deed?)
If we follow this logic and libtards follow this logic, then getting in 1 million fugees equals 1 million gains. Since having more gains is better, there is literally no end to getting more refugees.
Logan Cook
I wish more people realized that these people are never grateful. In fact many of them are down right hostile to the natives.
Liam Perry
>> Because a person’s life is never a bad investment, and so there are no creditors at the door, no debt to repay.
then she turns around and has an abortion.
Connor Hughes
My problem is that to liberals, if non-whites do this it's something to be respected and revered, but if white people do it it's racist/bigoted/xenophobic/etc.
If we'd just admit everyone is racist and wants to be with their own kind it'd make everything a lot easier I think. Instead with PC culture we get this terrible double standard.
Charles Miller
The audacity of these assholes.
And the only reason they're so bold is because the self-hating leftists have emboldened them.
Ayden Powell
Thomas Cox
It's always whiteys duty to hand gibsmedats to non whites. Always. Do you ever see whitey asking non whites for anything? No. Because they nothing to offer AND we more than can take of ourselves
Isaiah Lee
at least she is honest, this is the best possible scenario of how they view their hosts, most of them hate you even more and think people like her are sucking the wests cock for not wanting death to all infidels. They see letting them in as weakness to be repayed with aggression. Not one of them s grateful and if you think otherwise you are seriously deluded, and need to have your head checked to see if there is maybe a tiny brain hidden inside there somewhere
Austin Morgan
>If we'd just admit everyone is racist
Everyone is self-interested. White racists in white countries are self-interested. Non-white anti-racists in white countries are self-interested, too. BUT THEY GET TO APPEAL TO MORALITY in the pursuit of their interests.
That's what this woman is doing. She is literally appealing to unlimited moral axioms, because in her situation it is in her favor.
It's the white liberals that are the naive, idiotic walking paradoxes. They act against their own interests, but with appeals to some higher moral order.
Isaiah Murphy
yeah, who can blame her for making the best of her situation, the cucks on the other hand need to be burned alive publicly (with their families)
Gavin Morgan
>open your door for anyone >even if they've got a bomb under their shirt
Daniel Rogers
Austin Foster
p.s. The non-whites voting for the leftists parties ARE NOT LEFTIST themselves.
The policy of the Left is "we must share". And the non-whites agree, because in those particular situations the non-whites ARE SHARED WITH, but have to share nothing themselves.
Islamists will vote for Labour etc. as long as the net flow of resources and power goes towards the followers of Islam. Once the benefit is not there, the will stop voting left.
That's why the leftists are so immensely stupid. The benefactors of their ideology do not believe in the leftists ideology - as an universal principle.
Elijah Barnes
>it is white people's duty to let us shitskins into their nice countries so we can turn them into our shit countries
Xavier Murphy
With Muslims it's 10 times worse, because their religion literally tells them they deserve it from us for being Muslim, and therefore by definition for being better people.
Sura 4:100 (or next to it).
Christian Davis
They just don't give a flying fuck, do they?
Stone cold bastards, i'm starting to actually like them.
Carter Collins
Stockholm syndrome in action
Caleb Edwards
why don't you convert? what have you got to lose exactly? German "people" are not worth fighting for, don't you feel the urge to punish them?
Justin Cox
>Refugee gives excuses for her sense of entitlement