Swedes deserve to be raped by immigrants

Swedish sluts are degenerate, immoral, whores full of diseases and the AIDS among them is growing. Nasty Nigger lovers too with no self respect and decency.
Give me one good political reason why for them not to be raped?
You can't,NO you can't.

As if they have a choice.

They hate you,they would call you ''racist' and ''sexist'' keep that in mind.

It's not really their fault, they're been brainwashed since birth by Marxist jews.

Sweden won't exist soon. After they finish committing suicide we should have a funeral for them on Sup Forums.

Welfare, mass immigration and cucked culture. They will become a poor african nation in 10-20 years.

Get rid of the traitors.

So, this is the average Swedish girl?

Perhaps it`s a meme after all.

I think i've given up. I'm not some ugly cunt, i'm 179cm, fit, young, and have a fairly well paying job with a pretty reasonable hobby (built a music studio in one of my spare rooms). But any women who's ever shown interest in me has either been either a slut or a worthless bogan, i'm really doubting there are actually women out there who are actually worth starting a family with. I'm on the piss now coz I think i'm finally caving in. What do i do?

Track down the montenegroid and rape him.

Friendo, nobody deserves to be raped over their bad life choices and delusional mentality. What the Swedes do not deserve is sympathy or condolence from anyone when inevitability happens.

Not sure what you mean but made me kek. I'm sure i sound like some edgy cucklord but is it just me or does the world seem like it's grown so much smaller? Like everything's so connected now that it's so easy for people to just jump on a bandwagon to the point where individualism is pretty much dead?

i hate the cucky nords and pagans fags as much as the next guy but having whites raped by non whites is abit too far for me montenigger

you can't rape the willing user

Why do you shitpost everyday about Swedes,Duclean?
Are you perhaps jealous?

People can sort themselves out.
Brainwashing can be reversed.
Information and truth is readily available.
I have not a shred of sympathy for people who continue to be deluded into their adult lives.
Fuck Europe.

I don't think they should be raped, but I do think they should by systematically enslaved and reprogrammed, while giving the beta Swedish males free easy reign. Essentially, let them comfortably push the theoretical button on the shock collar until they don't feel too timid to do it anymore. Kind of like how a virgin is too timid touching a girl, but after his first time, he gets used to it.

Ok so apparently "individualism" has already been given some meaning that differs from what i meant. When i said it's dead i meant it seems incredibly rare to find people that are actually willing to research or think things out for themselves rather than just agree with a majority.


Yet your shithole of a Nation is doing the same. This is why people call amerishit and ignorant because your own Nation crumbles while you bitch at others.

We made you faggot, now humble yourself.

How did everything go to shit?