If you think Rogan is /yourguy/, check out the last podcast with Sam Harris. He thinks Trump is an idiot...

If you think Rogan is /yourguy/, check out the last podcast with Sam Harris. He thinks Trump is an idiot, and he called your green frogs retarded more than once.

So fuck you, leave Rogan out of this.

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we never did and he changes his mind to who ever he has on but most of the time he is a centrist fence sitting cuck
also 1st time he bitch about the pepe sqaud it was to do with us trolling patton oswald


>Low test detected. Rogan will pretend to like anyone for (You)s.

Gay. Stop making threads about retards, especially this dwarf.

I happen to enjoy Jo Ro's poddy. Oh and btw he can choke out any of you haters.

Joe Rogan is bluepilled on lots of issues for sure, but whatever, almost no one ever thought he was /ourguy/

I think he's smoking too much pot or something. As entertaining as the Alex Jones episode was, him and Eddie both came across as rude obnoxious morons. Alex was pretty annoyed by the end of it.

Joe is a russian tax return truther that injects dead baby juice. Hes also friends with a jewish convicted kidnapper drug addict that used to kick the shit out of people to rob them
