Northern Ireland Independence

What it says on the tin. The fenians want our rightfully british clay. Britain doesn't care about us but know we should be there's.

Therefore, the obvious solution is a free and independent northern ireland with canada like status as a dominion. The irish will obviously never get our land back. Loyalism is as strong as ever. One of thr most ancient parts of the empire must be protected.

Shit wrong picture

I'd happily lose Northern ireland its a dump full of ingrates. I'd defend Gibraltar to the death though.

T. Belfast Republican.

NI is more valuable to britain than some rock. We are an older ally too. Fuck off seamus.

And what will we base our economy on? It's all services now. That won't get you very far. We take more from the UK than we give back.

>We are an older ally too
t. William Campbell

You've been in existence for about a third of the time that Gibraltar has been a British territory

Shipping, obviously. Fire up the ports.
Fenians on the dole and failing exams and joining the IRA are what hurt us. Protestant work ethic, revitalised ports and fishing will.make us invaluable.

When did Britain claim ireland? When did they claim the rock?

Go back to school seamus

>wanting the Mexico of the British Isles back
>Paying for the Mexico of the British Isles.

You are staying with the UK and that is that. Not only that, due to Brexit we will be building a wall to keep you out.

>When did Britain claim ireland?
If you want to be pedantic about it then 1801

>When did they claim the rock?

>ROI having opinions

You are broke. Your economy is fucked. You have no army. You have no history.

You are a humiliation.
Thankfully we kept you out and will.send the rest of our irish-europes niggers-to join you in dublin with your actual niggers.

Liar, we had the pale as early as 1500.

M8 we are not taking you back. You are stuck as completely dependant on the UK. You are the poorest part of the UK and Ireland and the EU is going to force us to build a wall around you, further fucking your economy.

You are beggers.

We are part of the british empire and they will never let us go. We don't WANT to join you. England precedes ireland as a nation and you belong to them if you hadn't stabbed them in back.

Your economy is too fucked to ever say anything about us.

Thanks for the laughs.

Tell me, what has ireland, nay, he irish ever done of note?

Defeated the British empire :^)

>backstabbing while we saved europed
>proceeding to chimp out in a civil war

Okay pal

These bants making me kek

So with the lack of any non fenian opinions opposing this its clear that this is the way forward.

NI will be the jewel of the isles. The next raj without the poo.

>>backstabbing while we saved europed
while we waste millions of whites lifes to save the jews and slavs noice one george and losted ur empire in the process

Fuck off faggot

Tiocfaidh ár lá

Literally nobody cares about northern Ireland. I only responded to wind you up. You want to be independent and still take UK money and they can't even be bothered to tell you to fuck off.

Lmao at your ethnicity.


HA ha stupid fenians
Enjoy your refugees and your shit economy. NI isn't at it's best and when we have our next election the nationalists will be BTFO

Shoo.shoo seamus back down south, you have spuds to farm!

Good point OP. NI is obviously rightfully british and no silly irish will deny this. Sup Forums is loyalist friendly, you aren't alone.

implying english/scottish have any interest in 'british' anymore. it's ogre so norn might aswell be irish clay

Nice armada, faggot

Any territory that every became worth a damn left the UK. So they ran an experiment in northern Ireland. They kept it as a complete dump and on welfare.

Low and behold, they are loyal to the UK who has to send them money to function. Not sure how that benefits the reptiles in London now. I think that was the only flaw in their plan.

The Republic of Ireland is one of the richer countries in the EU according to most metrics.

Honestly, most people in the US have barely heard of Northern Ireland. And if they have it's usually negative due to Irish Catholics having a huge presence in American media.

Or don't leave?

Without treacherous Yankie support you'd have done shit mate.

Ireland should be united with Britain under the house of Stuart with a Jacobite party supermajority, and Cork should be the capital. Also Archbishop of Canterbury needs to accept high church practices, become a Patriarch, and found a monastery in Cornwall, where the House of Lords will convene. The lords will be selected amongst the clergy and nobility, whose titles will be granted by merit. By contests of arms, letters, scholarship, and knowledge of the British Liturgy.

>Northern Ireland
>800 years of Protestant inbreeding

I can't imagine what the people look like.

NI loyalists are cuck scum. It doesn't matter how many slaps they get from England, they always come back to lick the fleas off our balls.


NI are desperate bitches.

Ireland on the other hand, broke free and created their own nationalist identity (which has served them well in the US where they are quite wealthy and powerful).

T. 50%

Yes i can agree with this. Wales and Scotland have to go too. And gibraltar.

I don't support this. Ireland is still 96% white. But this map is certainly depressing.

Is that you Mencius Moldbug?

I really want a Northern Ireland flag on Sup Forums. I mean, the Union flag is great and all but I am a fuckin proud NI citizen and want to represent.

Where do I complain about this?

Fuck off no breaking up the kingdom.
We already let go of the empire, so no fucking more.

Yes. The NI flag is older than the irish flag

The red hand of ulster will forever be british as it always has been.

Not him, but family was deported to southern nigger plantation here in 1690's, we escaped to Louisiana, which the Anglos bought, and WW2 and meth has now robbed us of even Catholicism. Why? Because we didn't want a Dutch King? Now they are Germans who cucked away the empire anyway. I do consider myself a Jacobite, even before I read his ideas. It's as pie in the sky as God himself, but what else am I supposed to identify with. "Le nation of immigrants" isn't my history, if I returned to the republic, I'd be a plastic paddy, and Ireland is in stage one of flooding itself with immigrants. Britain is on the verge of falling apart, is even more gun ho about diversity, and is a nightmarish police state.

The fuck are we supposed to do?

>Saved Europe
>If Germany won, absolute monarchism would still exist
>No EU or Germany destroying Europe
>Europe would still be the most powerful continent in the world.

And you would still be an afterthought

Also lol at all the lies in this thread. NI is very valued. We are worth keeping. We stopped the IRA murderers. We defended Britain. We are so valuable. No republican lies can change this.

>absolute monarchism would still exist

That would be better over (((democracy)))

>We defended Britain

Explain Irish civilians killed in Bloody Sunday? Why? Why? WHY???

Date a Live?

This is sad

Thats what I implied.

Every taig is a target.
IRA shot first that day.


Kek. Where do you live? I live in the Northeast, and there isn't much meth here. It's really a problem for rural Protestants in the Midwest.

But I agree, the people in the rural Midwest have been stripped of their English/Irish/German heritage and religion and have been reduced to a rootless lost people.

Ireland thus far has resisted the Sweden/German penchant for mass immigration. We'll see how long that lasts.

You're such a faggot, it's unbelievable. England doesn't want you.

The thread says otherwise, yank.