Help a frenchfag out.
Our election is fucking shit and I have no idea who I should vote for.
All of our candidates are ridiculous, and the debate of last night didn't help one bit.
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Help a frenchfag out.
Our election is fucking shit and I have no idea who I should vote for.
All of our candidates are ridiculous, and the debate of last night didn't help one bit.
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le pen
No, she's stupid and she won't have a majority in the parliament anyway.
Also she crooked to the core.
I'd rather have a corrupt politicians who will stop sandniggers from rioting in my cities than have a corrupt politician who allows them to riot
She won't stop sandniggers
Why not?
Because all the problematic sandniggers in France already have citizenship. Current immigration to France is a dust speck in comparison to the muslims already living here for several generations.
The only way you could send those people back is by changing the constitution, and that's not happening under Le Pen's watch because she will never have the popular support necessary.
Le Pen or kys
Le Pen, you bloody frog.
The choice is so fucking clear it hurts.
At least she acknowledges the problem, wants to do something about it, and isn't a cuck, it's obvious mate
Le Pen is Bernie tier on economic issues. Fillon or bust.
At least stop the flow, go with Le Pen
Just surrender as you always do frog so Britain America and Canada can save your ass later
Your thinking too short term. Le Pen might not have the political clot to handle them rioters, but if you keep voting right eventually the center of French politics will shift right and one day you might be able to vote for Hitler 2.0 (at least that's what the liberals here in America keep telling me; only we've already 'done that' with Trump. Stupid liberals).
Le pen you fucking moron
French politics are already shifting right.
French people are already growing wary of Islam.
Le Pen is a corrupt Russian puppy fuckhead. She's not the best choice for presidency just because she's the most open about hating Muslims. She has no fucking plan for presidency beyond "waaah I hate Arabs".
>Le Pen is Bernie tier on economic issues. Fillon or bust.
Fuck off you filthy capitalist, go Marine.
Le pen, you faggot
Don Fillon is the only one sharp enough for international problems.
It's not only economics.
Merkel and Le Pen vs Erdogan.
Yeah all the puss in charge. Cut the crap.
Fillon doesn't even support assad, which is the minimum.
If you don't vote le pen
You're a typical white flag waving French coward
>Le Russian connection meme.
Seriously what is with leftist propaganda and painting everyone right of center as some sort of Kremlin deep cover agent?
The democrats are pulling the same shit over here in America.
He said we should work together with Russia.
He said France should play the same role than Russia.
Diplomatic canals have been weakened by the shut down of French embassy.
Still fucking retarded, Fillon is a Sarkozy tier and was in his governement.
I don't know this guy. It was a long time ago.
Don Fillon is the future.
Macron. If the economy gets bzc on track, we get power again. If you have power, you can do whatever you want.
Bonus if you're already rich.
>captcha public sold
rewarmed, ideological Cold-War paranoia. Which is ironic.
Then fuck off stupid kike
Maybe the fact that she litteraly went to have a chat with Vlad recently?
You're a retard, that's like saying USA shouldn't have elected Trump because he won't stop niggers. Fucking French, from the French Revolution to modern day, you people really are a cancer.
Get in your car and go run over muslims I go to bed every night in the USA thinking of that shit or shooting up some niggers or running them over at Walmart shit need to visit an asylum
Let's dox this faggot and lynch him for not voting for le pen guys ?
It's ridiculous you're always playing the Russian boogieman meme. She has good connection with Russia (which is the last standing power of the western civilization), so what, are Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood more humane allies?
Hammon is the only way to go
I see what he means though.
Fortunately, we have a fairly small immigration compared to other countries nowadays. I guess our reputation for being uncaring cunts worked out in the end.
What is needed now is taking the ones that are already there and turn them into actual french citizens, to educate them.
My two most racist friends are an egyptian and a half greek-half carribean. Both were raised in a rich, educated environment. Lo and behold, they want nothing to with immigrants, and hate people that could be considered like them, Maghrebins and Blacks, as scum, and are against immigration of any form, as well as being perfectly fine fellows.
When you have achieved that state with immigrants, you know you've hit the right spot. Just like how hardworking sikhs can't stand blacks or musclims in the UK.
>yes goy open your borders to diversify because you don't like a few economic policies even though the real issue is France being flooded
the more support anti-muslim sentiments get the more acceptable it'll be in society was a whole. support the most extreme right leaning to make central-right leaning more acceptable in comparison.
gonna be fun if merkel threatens of anything since brexit the only relevant army left in the EU is ours.
the roach wont do shit cause their army albeit numerous is utter shit and has no experience compared to ours that has been waging war non stop for the last decade.
This weird me out.
I suppose that leftist soviet boner wear out and now they are having their solomon opposite curve.
Macron is obviously the best choice.
politicians talk to foreign politicians? stop the fucking presses.
small legal immigration... the clandestine one is just out of control
My dude. Moght not agree on everything with him, but we can probably do some good to the economy with him.
He's kinda like Trump in that he has the system behind him while claiming to be out of it.
Hey Spurdo Spergo.
You bretty retarded.
>politicians talk to and recieve money from everyone including bloody regimes like China and Saudi Arabia and nobody gives a shit
>politician talks to Putin and they're automatically a KGB agent
By your logic Trudeau is a Chinese agent considering how much he talked with them and biota them. I'm almost convinced now that the chinks are pushing this Russian agent crap to distract the people from their very real shady shit
No point in simplifying to the extreme.
A running politician that has trouble being accepted meets with an aggressive head of state that has a story of interfering in recent elections.
Surely that cannot mean anything?
yeah, because Russia now is evil and hates homos, aids Assad in bombing poor Muslims who didn't do nuthin and so on and on...
Even as times change, they stay the same.
To be fair, I don't think Russia would get so much flak is Assad wasn't such a massive dick himself.
>No, she's stupid and she won't have a majority in the parliament anyway.
elle ne va pas gaigne la majorite par ce que TU ne votes pas pour elle.
grenouille de merde.
There is only one choice: Le Pen.
Not to worry, French anons!
The US has already graciously made your elections so that you dont need to vote or worry about which candidate is better, we decide for you!
Go ahead, and just sit back, pop a cold beer, (or nice wine) because we already did all the hard decision making for you
Technically, all it says is that the CIA spied on the French election in 2012. Not that they influenced it then, nor that they will do it now.
The media are influencing it for Macron though, but I'm rooting for him since I'm a richfag so whatever.
She wants to break up the ghettos and deport foreign born criminals. When she talks of permissiveness, she's talking about tolerating that shit.
This the same fucking talking points the left made up in the US. Can you people even come up with new ones for different countries? god damn.
what is the use of targeting politicians for sigint and humint if you arent going to use it?
Gas yourself frogfag
holy shit, what is with the whole Russian puppet meme that libtards use?
is this another shitty leftist meme im seeing?
Just vote Fillon for the first round and Le Pen for the second one, that way if Fillon gets to the second round it won't be that bad if people don't vote for Le Pen (for non-french, a lot of people in France are basically conditioned to hate the Le Pen family, so we need Fillon in the second round in case all these people manage to get Marine not elected)
To prepare yourself for it. If this or that candidate is elected you have actual info (not the one you give to voters, the private, true one) that you need to know.
How would they even influnence it? It's not like the US elections, with its all o nothing system, only 1 turn, and english language. The ability to influence it by spreading lies is much harder for starters, and it might not be enough.
Submit yourself to English rule and together we defeat Germany and rule Europe!
Te deum,
Ce la
im not convinced yet.
>How would they even influnence it?
MSM lies, just like how they do it here. Jesus, I saw some french user up above using the same "Russian puppet" narrative against LePen that I see used on the daily vs Trump
>The ability to influence it by spreading lies is much harder for starters
Not when you control the corporations that own the news.
>When French is still written accross the UK's coat of arms
>Dieu et mon droit
Nice try buddyboy. You'll be the one to suck that froggy penis and you will like it.
The new are almost 100% behind Macron. Against Lepen is more of sideshow, being for Macron is their first goal.
The US doesn't even need to do anything, Macron is going to be elected, and as of now, is the one every other country wants in power.
Normans were based af
Le Pen.
The one that rightfully recognises the Plantagenet claim.
Edward III is the rightful King of France. Philip VI is illegal. The salic law is pure fabrication.
Come on France we must unite and defeat the Eternal Kraut and save Europe from Cuck-Germano-islamification
Daily reminder that France was created in 496 by the baptem of Clovis.
After all, vote Macron
All is want is for the socialist party to by crushed under their own incompetence and turn the left into a materialist populist party. Melenchon for the left and Le Pen for the right; pick one I don't care which.
Fucking kike
Robert Hue-Communist
Daniel Cohn Bendit-Green 68 vintage
salute you.
>not picking the best of both worlds
Empire of Francia =/ Kingdom of France.
Frankish =/ French
Daily reminder that if Henry V lived just a bit longer France and England would be one nation.
Treaty of Troyes should be honoured.
We need the EU to disappear.
I'm voting Poutou.
You counter-propaganda trying to caricature Europe culture will fail.
I have no doubt that Macron will win this year, but things will grow worse under him and we will get another 1789 if we're lucky.
Macaroni shills in despair.
I never voted in presidential elections, asked to be erased from my native town electoral lists. For this election I am on the lists again and will vote Le Pen. I consider this election to be the last chance for this country. Le Pen is not a messiah or a savior but she can be the beginning of a new era. And I like people who are despised and hated by MSMs, politics and jews.
> That fucked up last lion
Lmao what the hell were they thinking ? nigga doing a dab baka, he think he a bird or some shit lmao
If a shill is implying the're going to neck their boss in 5 years they're not very good at their job.
good luck
Asselineau in first turn and then Marine against whoever ultraliberal cuck shill is facing her, whether it be Macron or fillon
>Rich person wants someone who will safeguard his wealth in power
Who would have thought? Shall I call all the FN proponents shills as well?
this is why France is dead. Retards will not vote for FN because it doesn't align with their special brand of autism.
Enjoy Macron, I'm just glad I got the fuck out of that shithole
Le pen, don't believe the lies the media tells you. Anti globalism is for the common man
this is 100% true. you want change? vote for it, stop being a defeatist shill. it's better to have right wing populists than left wing globalists who will make the situation even worse than it is now.
don't believe the lies of macron supporters
>France is a shithole
>goes to fucking Indonesia
MLP has an economic programm that is worse that any other serious candidate. Hard to do anything when you don't have any money. Why do you think we've lost leverage in the EU in the recent decade?
Back in 2007 we were basically on an equal footing with Germany, not anymore because they have the dosh.