North Korea fires missile as Trump, Xi

What the fucking fuck. Are the Chinks trying to start WW3? They are pissing in our Wheaties and I don't like it. They are clearly trying to force a reaction to test us.

I'd start aggressively patrolling the region and ramp up exercises, but Im no military or geopolitical strategist.

This is serious provocation in context. What is the proper response?

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I wouldn't be too worried, NK's nukes are WW2-tier fission bombs with tiny yields. They still haven't figured out how to make a hydrogen bomb, only then should you be worried since there would technically be no yield limit (though size and weight would be limited depending on your rocket technology).

Hopefully if they do get a hydrogen bomb at some point, they just detonate a giant one near California and watch the tsunami, radioactivity and shockwave consume all the libtards living there.

literally if you think NK is any kind of threat or even a problem, you are a tool to mass media and propaganda.

If sure chinks would do something if those arrows pointed left.

I hear ya. My concern is mostly the political end. But I would add that the danger of the norks isnt what they can do, but what they could attempt. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Look at how much the distraction itself costs us.

Moreover, the ChiCom connection. This is a saber China can passive aggressively rattle to keep us in check in the region. Its the contradiction of a worthless leverage point. It does us little good either way and yet our SK alliance there is valid and keeps us in check.

In the end game, Jong-Un and his whole batty style of government has to go. China has to seize control of it and they wont. They like being able to blame Jong Un for these shenanigans.


What don't you people understand?

China is quick to take any land that isn't owned or destroyed.

If you take out NK China is sure to step in, and colonize. And they'd purge any one there. They've done it before.

Im scared as fuck if some shit goes down with the north koreans, that would be a tough and insane war. They're not some band of goatfuckers either.

Its chaos and unpredictability. The economy detests those two things. That is my political concern. As for the actual regional and military ramifications, I confess I have no idea what direction it could take. I suppose many dont, and thats sort of my first point, that chaos.

It also provides a huge distraction for the administration.

And I am convinced the globalists and, eventually, the Euro-American left who conspire against Trump will encourage this surreptitiously to drain time and attention from the domestic agenda as a hedge against Trump getting too friendly with Russia, which scares the shit out of them. China may be only too happy to be that distraction. The left used to do this with the USSR. They may have found a new foreign ally in China. I hear the (((internationalists))) are already making inroads to China.

The problem with Asia and specifically China is that they have always bought into Jewish ideas that they thought represented the West, get screwed, and then blame all round-eyes. This happens over and over. Remember, Communism wasnt their idea. Nor was capitalism. They keep trying to meld with the global scene using "Western" models, generally doing it wrong and failing regardless.

You tell me an 'internationalist' looking to bring down Trump wouldn't find a way to motivate Beijing to keep letting the norks nip at us. The EU is still pissed about losing Crimea and are furious that Trump won. Thats what all this Russia nonsense is about. They want Trump terrified of being seen getting too cozy with Russia because of the media shit storm. The EU is the leftists globalist capital of Earth. THEY are the ones consistently influencing the American left and trying to hijack our government. They are every bit as insidious as AIPAC and perhaps worse in some ways.