two weeks ago mike cernovich was the poster boy for fake news on 60 minutes. then he proceeds to break the susan rice story. that, my friends, is pottery.
Two weeks ago mike cernovich was the poster boy for fake news on 60 minutes...
You mean poetry?
he means fuck off plebbit
OP clearly wrote pottery. Why are you trying to change OPs argument?
>You mean poetry?
no. pottery. it's a shitty meme used to bait bumps from newfriends like yourself
no. that's an incorrect spelling of pottery.
This is fake news though
Welcome to Sup Forums. Now get the fuck out.
finally being right for one of the thousands of times you've posted "I heard a rumor that X" on twitter is not the same as actually gathering and producing the evidence himself like an actual journalist
You mean fake jews?
>pol takes shit bait
Expect better of you
Why? How?
>>Sup Forums
I stand by my reply. At this point its far more likely some newfag stumbled onto a link in a news article and decided to treat the thread as they would a facebook post.
We must not allow newcomers to feel comfortable posting here, even at the risk of replying to bait.
Actual journalists don't exist anymore so who cares
He may be a jew and it was stupid of him to act autistic over spencer but he's still useful
marmoset moodswings
I wish I was this good at baiting.
cernovitch, stop promoting your bullshit here.
No one likes you. No one.
it's most likely he's fresh from reddit. lately Sup Forums has been filled with puns and literal links to imgur
60 "Democrat Hacks" Minutes
>No one likes you. No one.
he's as smarmy as they come. even when he was btfoing scott pelley he sounded like a dirty used car salesman to me. i still like to see him do well though because he's pretty much on our team.
oy vey everbody remember the gorilloid mindset buy my stuff trust me
dont forget the time 60 minutes did that total puff piece on the nsa. wasn't even done by one of the regular 60 minutes cast. it was done by some random shill that did the nsa story and then went and took a big nypd job or something.
agreed. i dont really follow his shit because he's such a shameless self-promoter. big turn-off for me
>mike thernovich
>a lispy faggot who shills self-help books, can't handle bantz, is a neocon cuckservative, and lives off of divorcebux from his successful ex-wife
>worthy of even a thread on an autistic animu forum
delet this