I just found out what 'roofing' is. Why are Russians doing this?
I just found out what 'roofing' is. Why are Russians doing this?
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I guess it's natural selection. Just amazing.
nope that shit, you couldn't pay me to do that shit
nope nope nope nope
do these people want to die?
They really are white niggers, aren't they
Edgy attention seekers cash in on unrestricted media.
They die by the dozen each year, nothing of value is lost.
You probably get a shit ton of pussy from doing this. Its worth it
Because if you're born in Russia there's literally no reason to live, may as well make an edgy YouTube video to make a bit of money and if you die while doing it then no matter, at least you don't have to live in Russia anymore.
Russians have no value for their own lives because their lives are just endless misery.
It is quite sad really and I hope they find a way to fix that.
It's not even because of "gobbunism" alone, but because of the consisten poverty that Russia had all throughout it's history, huge masses of serfs who just live to serve others, a huge inequality in the distribution of wealth even before the revolution, which made that even worse.
They're suicidal because life sucks basically.
Nothing gets them excited except risking their lives.
but really same reason people skydive and do other things like that. it's probably fun for them
what the fuck is wrong with his face at 3:16
is that the ultimate jew nose?
when you die you win
because suffering is over
There's literally nothing else to do in their shit country.
> mystery solved
>why do people do free climbing?
>why do people ride mountainbikes down steep mountains
>why do people do any extreme sport
its called adrenalin
If they fell from those heights, would they die?
Where are the failed attempts?
fetal alcohol syndrome
dats racis'
pretty sure at least one of those videos is filmed in shanghai so these guys have money to travel, get all that quality wear you see in the winter video, not to mention afford at least one goPro. they're pretty much olygarkhs by russian standards
Well yeah
They live in Russia user.
Because we have no fear
They have nothing to lose
It's my understanding that they don't have much to live for. Russia looks like a miserable place.
>Why are Russians doing this?
all other fun is banned except for alcoholism & chill
Russians aren't white.
These are really the only ones worth watching.
social proof for people with no hobbies
can't create something? put yourself in danger to impress people
Testosterone. Western cucks wouldn't understand.
Only if you make a woman pregnant and she carries it to term is this remotely worth pursuing for sex
>Russians have no value for their own lives because their lives are just endless misery.
>It's not even because of "gobbunism" alone, but because of the consisten poverty that Russia had all throughout it's history, huge masses of serfs who just live to serve others, a huge inequality in the distribution of wealth even before the revolution, which made that even worse.
>It's not even because of "gobbunism" alone, but because of the consisten poverty that Russia had all throughout it's history, huge masses of serfs who just live to serve others, a huge inequality in the distribution of wealth even before the revolution, which made that even worse.
>Nothing gets them excited except risking their lives.
Bankrolling the bolsheviks was a really thoughtful thing to Germany to do in WW1.
is there a compilation of the fails?
That's pretty awesome.
I got this, but I want point of view cam. for maximum shittingpantsery :^)
>w-western cucks wouldnt understand
Accidental suicide
because there is no reason to life in russia
It's actually a hard thing to explain slavic "fearlessness" to westerners. It doesn't come from a disregard for one's own safety, as much as a tendency towards a much stronger belief that no harm will come to them. It's an (over)confidence in one's own abilities, basically, opposed to the western nature of relying on outside guarantees of safety. It's also part of why the death rate is so high there.
It would be extremely painful
obviously to make Trump win more elections
>They die by the dozen each year
And yet I've never ever seen a clip of one of these guys falling.
Because they have nothing to lose or live for.
Yes, the are Russians. I assume it's quicker dying that way than to wait for Krokodil to kill you.
Female version
They are Ruskies, so we can't blame them too much boys. There is one hot serf who climbs though.
>guy filming says nothing
He absolutely sabotaged that guy's chute
Not quite as glamorous, is it?
it's the same 30 faggots, stop posting this shit it doesn't need to spread.
that guy at the end wtf was he thinking?
Not a roofing video, just some kids fucking around in some city, litteraly smack an officers ass with a baton before running off.
half of them aren't even lethal
Was he thinking? That was like some kid failing at drawing in kindergarten and out of spite ruining the drawing of the kid next to him, only different :^)
oh yes these are my favorite kind of youtube videos
You're a Бig guy
>Come on user you can do it, you'll get your reward tonight ^_^
Would you ?
I looked at it again. theres a line going across the middle of the face. I think its a mask like a halloween witch or something
they want to earn glory and to get extreme feelings
this is safe because they are trained and in very good physical conditions, but when untrained and silly people try to repeat this (or other sort of extreme) they may die
if silly persons tries to repeat such shit or similar extreme it causes death from "ineducability"
>that last one
because Russians have balls
>take a picture of yourself on the phone
this is the biggest redflag ive ever fucking seen
I must say, knowing they are going to fall doesn't give me sweaty hands. Anyone got an explanation for this?
also, more fails, with music this time :^)
No guns, so no Russian roulette - "Hey let's climb that fucking building comrade - you fall, you lose."
Fucking badass Russians.
why can't you just rock climb with gear like normal human beings? fucking retarded slavshits
this is nigger tier behavior
Carlonss GH sgshshshusgsjjsishsh
because russians are bored drunk idiots
also no amount of 'educability' is enough because even a small mistake means your dead
Thats not a showing of balls, this is just outdoing each other. with a death wish.
Balls is something completly different mate.
t. have roofed before, was scared shitless even tho not afraid of heights.
because it's not as exciting?
This is exactly what I am talking about here:
I watched hoping they would fall. Except for the waifu.
Because they have no proper mountaints to climb.
fucking eh man, I get triggered with anxiety just watching this shit
>last one
Truly the niggest.
I nope'd out on a 15 meter ladder. I wouldn't do this kind of shit for any quantity of money.
because living in Russia fucking sucks and the only thing that helps you forget your problems is either
A) Drinking an absurd amount of alcohol
B) Heroin/Krokodil
B) Doing borderline suicidal shit to get your adrenaline pumping
Yeah dont remind me.
We shouldve stayed close friends with russia, like thousands of years before.
I think you've just solved a murder here
cuz its either this or alcoholism
fuck man my hands get sweaty watching that shit
maybe not as exciting for a retarded slavshit sure
There's no way Russian average IQ is the same as whites (100). It seems to be more like 85.
some people like it, besides why are people here saying "Slavs" as if this was some obligatory Slavic ritual?
Caucasus, Ural
because it's mostly slavs who do this retarded shit. most these roofers come from russia and ukraine
but why are you so triggered by it?
why are you shitting on 300 million people over something that doesn't affect you even slightly?
They aren't able to post it if they do fall, most of them seem to be videotaping themselves.
Your right, something should have surfaced though with the amount of people videotaping others
this is risky shit
>Average IQ by looking at a select group and not a random sample
seems like your iq is more like 85
I understood that reference
A compilation that makes you go "what did you think would happen".
i am not triggered by it all. this is natural selection at work. i wish more slavshit roofers died
montenever post again