Poos kill muzzie over cow


Multiculturalism sure is wondrous.

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pleb not knowing hindu's think cows are sacred in indian based poo in loo's

good job pajeets


Of course the American is upset about a death in the family....

based Pajeets

I would rather have a cow living in the neighborhood than a Muslim

You can poo in my street today pajeet, you've earned it

A cow is a valuable animal. A muslim, on the other hand, is worse than useless.



We're Mexican not Muslims

>Reaction to Islam
>Reaction to Islam

1. cows produce milk, muslims produce bombs
2. cows go to different farms, villages and cities, muslims don't even go to school
3. cows breed, muslims inbreed

therefore muslims are worth less than cows.

The meaning is lost in translation, the actual word is "gau-rakshak", as in people who were assigned to keep guard of the farm animals against predatory animals and theft, nowadays that has changed into guarding against muslims who sometimes literally steal the cow to sell it for leather factories or abattoirs i.e. beef factories.

Ey fuck you, we value cows a lot more than Muslims. A cow will give you meat, milk while a Muslim is literally worthless.

Dairy farmer here.

Good job pajeet.

>we value cows a lot more than Muslims

Preaching to the choir

>makes milk
>can be turned into hamburger
>upholster my car with it

>blows things up
>ruins neighbourhoods and pushes their shit on everyone
>sucks off welfare
>breeds like rabbit to create more welfare SUCC

all animal killers should be punished hard
leftists are whining now which shows the absurdity of the "leftists are animal-friendly" meme

if you kill cows you're not better than them

He is talking about the rest of the world we don't impose are traditions onto others


>all animal killers should be punished hard
I'm sorry Hans but the people who killed that Muslim are probably gonna get away with it.

I'm ok with this, muslims are worthless.

Holy kek

Kek, true

Damn a good cow was killed because of these subhuman animals.

The eternal poo strikes again.
Pooping in the streets?
Eating a hamburger?
Death sentence.

Killing a cow is equivalent to beheading Jesus christ in a church or something close to that


>cow vigilantes

That's fucking retarded.
Will you guys stop worshiping fucking cows?
You telling me you never had a nice steak or a fucking hamburger? Niggas is probably deficient in B12.

The first rational thing that i hear from India.

Can't blame them, the poos would die of thirst if it weren't for the cows.


>Other religions standing up to Islam in their native countries


Sigh you are retarded it's about attacking our culture and you do know their are N different animals you can eat not just cow

as a poo I can tell you that this is abnormal and we dont actually drink piss I promise

rakshak = hindi for "guardian"
Don't assume the muslim guy was innocent like the cancerous media portrays him to be, these are uneducated farmers here, not some hardcore Machiavellian politicians they wouldn't have acted if they didn't have a good reason, the muslim probably killed the cow to sell it for leather or beef. The sand nigger literally fucked with someone's livelihood for his own benefit. Jesus fuck you guys are fucking retarded if you think we would randomly kill a guy like that, we're not muslim, imagine being piss poor and your family being dependent on money from cow milk or manure, now that is gone, what you expected forgiveness? The guy isn't innocent you turds.

so, basically cowboys?

Fucking noice Luigi.

You seem pretty adamant in this.

Besides the edgelords in general common sense claims that this is barbaric, but apparently you get an ancient tradition pass.



Nope, just people who keep watch, no cool country music or riding horses, just holding a stick and staying out in the cold night. think of it as a watchmen or a neighborhood watch.


Read into what soma is this tradition might make sense to you

fuck, I didn't know this. Thought it was just cows. Is there a list ?

when is India going to nuke Pakistan and take back their clay

>literally worthless
strange, you must be one of those liberal progressive cucks
most would use the word liability

Your """""culture""""" is retarded.

Well I'm going to eat the fucking cow.
Because it's fucking good.
Well if he was stealing cattle I could understand, but it sounds like he was just transporting them to the slaughter house.

Don't lie pajeet, I have seen the pictures of bottled cow piss being sold in India like soda.

Sorry poos, but I literally eat your cow god.
There are a lot better reasons to kill pig-fearing sand-niggers than over eating cows.

thats pretty much what real cowboys did

in burgerland they rode horses because large expanses of flat land, in india they wouldnt need

>just holding a stick
and the ones in burgerland had all those guns because muh second amendment

t. Mehmet

Whose stopping you nigga we are doing this in our country not yours
>transporting them to slaughter houses
Yeah to sell it

>imagine being piss poor and your family being dependent on money from cow milk or manure

literally living off poo

Really based for all the Pajeets. Muslims are scum.

Yup and everyone indulges in cannibalism like CNN showed you

>Well if he was stealing cattle I could understand, but it sounds like he was just transporting them to the slaughter house.
Exactly, beef is illegal in Rajasthan


>laughter of all bovine animals (includes cow, calf, heifer, bull or bullocks) is >prohibited. Possession, sale and/or transport of beef and beef products is >prohibited. The export of bovine animals for slaughter is prohibited.

The muslim was legit stealing, he had to be, there's no other possible explanation as to why he would even be near that place.

Oh didn't know, only seen the American stereotype.

That's why so many people keep making fun of India Pajeet.
Everyone can look at his own country and acknowledge its problems. Everyone except Indians.
A normal person would say "Yes, worshiping cows is retarded but that Muzzie was still disrespecting our culture" but no, you had to go out of your way to defend that practice.

I don't know what to believe, poo. The statistics and pictures of India that I have seen lead me to believe nukes and rebuilding from scratch is the only solution

is rajesh dare I say it OUR poos?

I think he meant the cow as in burgers

Do you have any idea why they are worshipped? Nigga 70 percent of my country is still agrarian I don't give a fuck what you think about it its my culture it's not my problem you people don't have anything that you can call culture

You seem rather upset Hans, isn't your country being over run with muzzi scum?

>you people don't have anything that you can call culture
Look at the flag Pajeet.
Culture is pretty much the only thing we have left.
Not that I expect a poo in loo to actually know anything about History.

>A poo saying Italians don't have culture

Do actually search about it you might find the reason compelling enough because our culture and mythology was affected by cows a lot and secondly Italy and Germany played a large role in our freedom and Italian is the only culture I can say we share family values with I know my fair share of history

Pajeet son, what do your people have against toilets? Why have the Indian taxi drivers made their own designated shitting street in Sydney?


Even if 50% of Germany's population were shitskin it would still be a better country to live in than Mexico, Fernando.

Poos literally worship my food.
Thankfully no one hates bacon... hmmm BACON!

Kek spreading the word about the toilet witch and the porcelain jew you should be grateful :^)

Ok Hans, just don't get raped by turks, somalis, pakis, moroccans...

I commend Indians for protecting cows, the best animal of the barnyard pantheon.