
Ms Magazine says this is liberating women

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How cute

>liberating women
Cultural suicide is bad mkay?

Totally Haram. Stone them.




>dressing somewhat modestly is becoming hip

Get the rocks

It's sandniggers trying to flex their influence on the culture and also trying to get validation for their sexual market place value

Just look at them

Man that one in the middle of that suicide pack has some DSL

How many times are you going to shill this video here? I'm not giving you views, fuck off clickbait shill.

Buzzfeed says it is quote 'Dope AF'


I watched this whole video and not one person exploded.

>This song is great ! Can you put the lyrics in the description ? I'm a French and I would like to translate this in French but I don't understand everything.
what does sally Secardin mean by this?

Not a shill, I just love me some hijab-woman empowerment!

I should go see a doctor, pic related
especialy the comment section

Close the fucking borders.

who cares? If pro-lgbt orgs like buzzfeed want to empower people that hate them, let them. I want to see their world burn. Why do you insist on saving liberalism from itself?


I blame Churchill

Welcome back 2000
I missed parody raps.

I cant wait to see hijabs become an actual trend and to see people I know IRL wear one and then start practicing the faith and eventually get raped and beaten by their boyfriends and husbands. Its gonna be great.

wear the cape, you get the rape

This has gone too far.

No, I find it hilarious as well

same, I will one day spit on his grave

Because liberals ALWAYS piss off to ruin another place. It will be us who will have to deal with their choices, not them.

(((they))) have literally got dickchoppin sexfreaks and Muslims in the same coalition

it didn't work against the Donald and it won't last but you gotta admire the chutzpah

Is this how we win this war? Subvert their women until wearing a ninja costume is the hottest thing and try to BLEACH them?

I honestly have no problem with women and ONLY women coming here. That would only be good. Easier to convert to western culture and they're guaranteed to get alot of babies.


Race mixer,degenerate

I used to hate the hijab, but after watching this video, I have accepted it with open arms.

We had a qt rich sassy Muslim girl in our high school. She was in all the AP classes with me and she was much smarter than me. I hated her but I always wanted to eat her out desu

I get what you're saying, Sven, but don't contribute to the beigening of your country.

i love so much how they are using their hijab as some kind of symbol of feminism and self empowerment but then if you read teh comments all of the muslims are condemning this as haram and calling it disgraceful, basically proving the point of those who criticize islam

Of course it's Sweden

went in expecting to get knocked out from a high dosage of cringe.
eeeh it's whatever
too many dislikes for no reason honestly

>tfw no formidable rival muslima


good this encourages women to dress modestly. i'm all for it.

>Be so liberated
>Wearing a fucking hijab meant to suppress their sexuality and thus social power.

How fucking stupid can they get?

at least it apparently triggered some muslims too,

Christ almighty what is this

American dogshit culture claims another victime

Are somalis the missing link?

kangaroos are the missing link

Those are some big muscles, are all Roo's that fucking buff.

its kinda catchy "Wrap ma hijab, wrap ma hijab!"

usually just the alpha males

tfw no kangaroo chad bf

It takes a few decades for the Middle East to catch up to the West, so it makes sense.