Describe your redpilling timeline

>age 2: Cared about nothing and knew nothing: zero piling of any color

>age 5: Learned some people were better than others, didn't know why; 1% redpilled 10% bluepilled 89% ignorant

>age 9: Developed pattern recognition, subconsciously knew chocolate kids were more violent on average but didn't think much of it and absorbed anti-racist school messages; 5% redpilled 50% bluepilled 45% ignorant

>age 15: Discovered memes, became edgy, and was ironically racist/sexist but still very liberal; 10% redpilled 60% bluepilled 30% ignorant

Age 20: Discovered degeneracy, SJW faggotry, European cuckoldry, Jewish schemes, and went full Sup Forums. Shunned from society; 70% redpilled 5% bluepilled 25% ignorant

And 100% autistic

>age 16: posted this thread
Fuck off underage nigger

I was raised a Christian so I've pretty much always been redpilled, except for the racism; I developed that myself.

Started off apolitical in my mid teens with a slight liberal bias. Began moving further into liberalism, essentially went full DUDE WEED LMAO. Began to become a bit more libertarian, started reading Hayek, Friedman etc. Went full An-Cap for a while then flirted with radical left wing ideas for a very brief time then quickly moved on. Became a conservative and have been moving further to the right since.



When we are born we are as redpilled as one can be. We spend our lives trying to gain that level of objectivity back

spent most of my life a centralist. as years went by i became more annoyed at migrants and feminist, religion. Last year I became red pilled when i discovered Thunderf00t

Age 0-22 only 20% redpilled, but conservative.

Age 23: watched a 3 hour alex jones video, 175% pilled

true that.

age 19 user here. approaching your current stage at ludicrous speeds

redpilled at the age of datamining

Indifferent to everything until around 2008, when our Minister of Immigration and Europe Astrid Thors went on a Sweden-tier spergout mode, shilling all kinds of multiculturalist shit on the media and parliament.

Huge scandal at the time, redpilled many in Finland, or made them oppose immigration more.

Redpill is a spectrum.

Part 1

>Be me
>Be born in Commiefornia
>Be born in only Republic majority County in Southern California to a very conservative father and mother.
>Mother moved from Texas Republican state and father was very intelligent born Californian who owned his own business.
>Father taught me to question everything.
>Very wise and chill.

>4-8 Don't care about politics until later. No bad experience with colored people to make me racist.
>Have seizures and be on mess entire childhood till 14.
6-8 early childhood in 90s so life is really good. It contrasts with today so fuck ingredients much
>I feel so sad gen z will never know what the good times before we're like.

>Could not think straight. Life a blur due to constant seizures.
>Be weird kid because my brain was frying during the critical years you learn how to social.
>At 12 single black kid in school says racist shit. I can tell from how he talks he is "special" and just repeating what he heard someone else say.
>Still have funny scene in my head today of white kids glaring at the back of a oblivious black kid spouting anti white shit in a room of whites, while the one Mexican is laughing his ass off.
>Learn ultimate redpill that blacks are taught they are kept down and rarely fight for muh equality because of personal experience.
>See Mexicans wave Mexico flags, not learn English, and see white Californian's bitch it is racist to be pissed that they don't want to be Americans.

Part 2
>Be tween
>Economy collapses
>California is hit the worst.
>Obama becomes president when I am a teen
>He red pilled me the most due to his shit:
>A reporter says the economy is down even more, a disaster happened, and Obama is enjoying his vacation in italy.
>Reporter realizes his fuck up and smiles super big in hopes you don't connect the dots.
>First taste of lying media. Don't know why I am not a bluepilled fag like others millennials.
>Learn one of Obama's plans to help ecosystem is to raise gas prices so people drive less.
>Economy is Great! Ignore the fact most people with a stable job work in fastfood or a job lower than their degree.

>As a teen I learn about furries. Fucking hate them and make fun of them. At the time, they were the most degenerate thing.
>I did not know of the Tumblr degeneracy that was to come.

>Stay at this state of sort of redpilled by pol/ standards and super red pilled by Cali standards throughout teen years.

>Big redpill: at 20 when I move to Ohio

Guys, the public services are the best I've ever seen. Small buses in every rural town to transport the disabled and elderly for free, normies for 2 quarters. My bro who is disabled joins a public program that gets him a job in less than a year. He spent the last year of high school in Ohio where he was taught by hos school how to do laundry, cook, and fix computers for a job skill.

Every right leaning media said immigrants were a drain on California's public funding. Did I fucking see the comparison when the population is mostly white. Back in Cali a homeless woman was turned away from the food stamps office because she had no children. She told a donut shop and she almost caused a rioting crowd to storm the office. In hospitals all forms in the emergency room are spanish by default. They charge 10 bucks for a bandaid because mexishits don't pay for their healthcare.

>born: be bluepilled as fuck
>be 14: discover the jews through Sup Forums now am posting dank memes

I didn't care about politics until I was 20 and found Sup Forums which turned me into a racist libertarian

>grand-grandpa was an occultist and mage
>grandma is a herbalist and a does some softcore witching
>mom and dad know people in freemasonry-linked societies, they declined the invitation
>when I was 8 years old it was around 1997 mom gave me a big book about the conspiracy theories

Beat this

Part 3

>Current year election
>everyone calls trump dumb, I see a speech and see a well spoken smart man.
>No big shock libs lied.
>Don't like his crazy wall idea, but not literally Hitler.
>Only media that doesn't hate on trump or right wing things are extreme websites.
>Want truth about Trump desperately.
>Go to pol/ since I heard they are where real redpill can be found.
>Always lurked for years on Sup Forums but never pol/ and never posted.
>See pizza gate, truth about black extreme hatred for whites and their brutal nature, learn top 1% are Jewish and want to fuck over other races and rule with globalism.
>Become so redpilled, I voted for Trump.

>See shills swarm board when good threads drop
>Liike ripples in the ocean.
>Use shills to know when it is the right time to look for good threads.
>Or to know if a thread is telling something that threatens (((someone)))

Keep it up shills, you help me become more redpilled.

I was actually redpilled has a 12 year old, i became a cynical dude because of my shitty friends, when i was 15 i got redpilled on chicks, because all of the sudden i went from the fat ugly kid, to the cute goy.
Finished the process when i started smoking pot at 18, learning how hard it is to sustain something, like smoking, i learned how it can be even harder if you support your friends addiction (via a welfare sistem in wich we bougth together).
Now i literally dont give a fuck if someone is dying of starvation due to his own faults, ill let him die. Just yesterday asked a gypsie that was begging if he wanted to come with me to find a job, when i came back the fucker was gone...

Here's mine:

>age 2: Cared about nothing and knew nothing

>age 3: Learned some people were better than others, didn't know why; 1% redpilled 10% bluepilled 89% ignorant

>age 6: Developed pattern recognition, subconsciously knew chocolate kids were more violent on average but didn't think much of it and absorbed anti-racist school messages; 5% redpilled 50% bluepilled 45% ignorant

>age 11: Discovered memes, became edgy, and was ironically racist/sexist but still very liberal; 10% redpilled 60% bluepilled 30% ignorant

>age 15: grew out of edgyness, became interested in politics and became far-right leaning because of immigration. 35% redpilled. 35% bluepilled 30% ignorant

>age 17: Discovered degeneracy, SJW faggotry, European cuckoldry, White genocide, Jewish schemes and went full Sup Forums. Shunned from society; 50% redpilled 25% bluepilled 25% ignorant

>age 19: realize that the jews power is far beyond what we actually believe it is and that they play 5D chess to control most of society. 70% redpilled 1% bluepilled 19% ignorant

Sephardic Jew so pretty much redpilled from birth

dude nice, you were quicker to it than me

>12-21ish: liberal as fuck, liked Michael Moore movies and was all about muh gays and muh abortion b/c my jewed-up mind was only sure about one thing: White Christians sucked

>21-23: doubt my atheism and my philosophy generally, begin to read Christian sources and consider social conservatism but ultimately return to the liberal fold

>23: move to big city and encounter niggers. Begging, being loud as fuck, even in the library. One night I get Knockout Gamed. Still sympathize with their "plight" and believe somehow white people make them do it.

>24: get job working with said niggers, spend all day where a.) they are the majority & b.) we are in a position of equality. If you've never spent time in such an environment you just. don't. know.

>so that's what they're like

>STILL limit explanation to "muh culture" and read cuckservative outlets. Got a print National Review subscription.

>around this time start lifting and NoFap

>25: free copy of The Bell Curve sitting on community bookshelf. Take it. Read ch. 13.


>Feel dirty when I first talk to a friend about it. Move on to Rushton, Lynn, et al. and discover AmRen. Read that and VDare a lot. Go on Sup Forums after staying away from those "racist" guys in my Sup Forumstard days.

>26: level up to anti-Semitism. Read Kevin MacDonald and The Occidental Observer a lot. Understand that the mud people are just Shlomo's foot soldiers and we'd have them neatly segregated today were it not for (((him))). Realize that being cuckservative or even a Jared Taylor-tier Jew-friendly race realist means wasting energy fighting on multiple fronts and that Jewish power is the tree and various forms of degeneracy the fruit.

>27 (now). Praying that I'm wrong and reading Hoppe hoping I can blame it all on the State but I doubt it.

>lovingly gaze into pictures of Hitler for minutes at a time when I come across them

>wonder what the future holds

Became an anti-establishment conservative around 18, which shielded me from all the insanity, brainwashing and browbeating around since then

>lovingly gaze into pictures of Hitler for minutes at a time when I come across them
i thought it was just me