dude nice, you were quicker to it than me
>12-21ish: liberal as fuck, liked Michael Moore movies and was all about muh gays and muh abortion b/c my jewed-up mind was only sure about one thing: White Christians sucked
>21-23: doubt my atheism and my philosophy generally, begin to read Christian sources and consider social conservatism but ultimately return to the liberal fold
>23: move to big city and encounter niggers. Begging, being loud as fuck, even in the library. One night I get Knockout Gamed. Still sympathize with their "plight" and believe somehow white people make them do it.
>24: get job working with said niggers, spend all day where a.) they are the majority & b.) we are in a position of equality. If you've never spent time in such an environment you just. don't. know.
>so that's what they're like
>STILL limit explanation to "muh culture" and read cuckservative outlets. Got a print National Review subscription.
>around this time start lifting and NoFap
>25: free copy of The Bell Curve sitting on community bookshelf. Take it. Read ch. 13.
>Feel dirty when I first talk to a friend about it. Move on to Rushton, Lynn, et al. and discover AmRen. Read that and VDare a lot. Go on Sup Forums after staying away from those "racist" guys in my Sup Forumstard days.
>26: level up to anti-Semitism. Read Kevin MacDonald and The Occidental Observer a lot. Understand that the mud people are just Shlomo's foot soldiers and we'd have them neatly segregated today were it not for (((him))). Realize that being cuckservative or even a Jared Taylor-tier Jew-friendly race realist means wasting energy fighting on multiple fronts and that Jewish power is the tree and various forms of degeneracy the fruit.
>27 (now). Praying that I'm wrong and reading Hoppe hoping I can blame it all on the State but I doubt it.
>lovingly gaze into pictures of Hitler for minutes at a time when I come across them
>wonder what the future holds