Stop the 1488 LARPing for a second and face reality. Either we become a post-ethnic state like Brazil or a multi-ethnic Balkans tier hellhole.
Civic nationalism is our only option
What is the point of civic nationalism? it's surrender. no point in maintaining the "culture" once it doesnt belong to you
Yeah you are right. It is too late, as they have become entrenched. many will eventually become separatists and terrorists as it gets worse.
heh, sure, our descendants will be brown nappy haired mutts with small brains and multiple genetic mutations, but at least we didn't get called racist! amirite pedes??
>civic nationalism
We already tried that and most of the country didn't want it. Remember the Bush years? All that gay Toby Keith patriotic music, "freedom fries," "they hate us because we're Americans and we are free." People stopped buying it. Good luck trying to get that bullshit up and running again.
All the stormweenies are fat meth addicts humping each other in trailer parks.
The actual white people you admire want nothing to do with you.
african americans have no reason to feel proud of a nation that had them in chains literally just a few years ago
civic nationalism will never work, ethnic or bust
>multi-ethnic Balkans tier hellhole.
>multi-ethnic Balkans tier hellhole.
Just a friendly reminder that the Balkans would be ethnically pure if the JewSA didn't get invovled.
Sage this gay shit. Europeans deserve a home for them alone.
[EU dick-sucking intensifies]
90% of the "Nazis" here are liberals LARPing as Nazis 8% are mudslime LARPing, and maybe 2% are actual Nazi retards
The stormfags that used to hang here are mainly all gone, you can tell the real one because those guys were pretty funny
>Either we become a post-ethnic state like Brazil
Is this considered a good option?
>Europeans deserve a home for them alone.
I'd rather be unified banana republic
Back to plebbit
A nonhomogeneous society always ends in violence. 100% of the time in all history.
If you put two groups of people together in one space there will be blood. There is no other option at this point, and its only getting worse not better. There will be a race war whether you want it or not, so stop being in denial.
on one hand i sympathize with wanting to defend white people against an agenda against it, on the other hand the 1488 white pride shit is kind of degenerate itself.
i do want a revival of traditionalism and i think that respecting your own culture and wanting it to thrive and improve is key, but honestly i think people are kind of off base by being so reactionary.
Hello newfriends, welcome to Sup Forums: the most outrageously fascist website on the internet.
Just a friendly reminder to type "sage" into the options field before you decide to post in a clear JIDF slide thread and to never respond to shills unironically.
Sieg heil my brothers and always remember, white is right.
... or ... we kill the muds and transcend to the stars!
Someone mentioned Ireland??
The American south was actually doing pretty good until the libs fucked things up. Naturally there is always going to be more friction, but things were quite nice before the creation of the welfare state destroyed black families and created the caste of uneducated blacks that the democrats use as livestock in their voter farms. And then of course Barry had to come and stir the pot which didn't help either.
From the perspective of genetic preservation it would be better to be balkanized.
Back to /r/The_Donald with you cuckboi.
>on the other hand the 1488 white pride shit is kind of degenerate itself.
You sound like that fucking Somalian that Kike Media hired to make a video about dumb white nationalists. He probably tried to finger Lauren Southern and that's why she left.
Fuck off.
the jump from knowing jews/globalists are intentionally destroying our race to hitler did nothing wrong is retarded. just because you oppose jews doesn't mean the nazi's were right. that's what i mean by reactionary.
weird how only majority European need to become "post-ethnic"...
Hey listen asshole, the gloves are off. Listen you son of a bitch, what the fuck is your problem? You wanna sit here and say that I'm a god damn fucking Russian? You get in my face with that, I'll beat your god damn ass you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fucking god damn fucker. Listen fuckhead, you have fucked crossed the line. Get that through your god damn fucking head. Stop pushing your shit. You're the people that have fucked this country over, and gang raped the shit out of it and lost an election. So stop shooting your mouths off claiming I'm the enemy. You got that? You god damn son of a bitch. Feel your hand. I'm sorry but I'm done. You start calling me a foreign agent, those are fucking fighting words.
Not true in the slightest, I'm a shitskin and it's easy to see how this can be solved.
Civic nationalism is a meme, there needs to be a state catering to the majority whites that created the society in the first place. What's good for whites and what benefits whites also benefits the small minority that can exist in western states. What does this mean? If the right laws are in place the right attitude and the right amount of harsh and rational decision making is met then a shit tone of the feral shitskins and degenerates will fade away but slowly like they came up in the first place.
Take the 1940's (((war on poverty))) and the 1960's (((new immigration laws))) these horrible and tremendously stupid peaces of legislature lead directly to where we are now in the western world.
1)The welfare states perpetuates unhalted breeding of feral and stupid shitskins that don't want to work or contribute, they want to blame whitey for everything and just be lazy primitive fucks. They need to die or go back. This is almost more then 60% of spics (which is my background but I share nothing in common with), mostly mexishits. If you reverse the welfare state 10's of millions will leave. With niggers if you take away the welfare state they'll either die - which is good - or have to get jobs and have less children which is good. Caring for family and having responsibilities used to be what the black family was about but since the kikes gave them money and living for nothing but busting a nut and shooting each other, that's all they do, they were in before slavery a very primitive state, it's none sense to suggest they could adapt to modern society with out strict guidance and harsh penalties, this was the reality before when the black unemployment rate was below 10% before the (((war on poverty)))
2) And this one is especially important. LAW and IMMIGRATION must be rational, swift and harsh. This will immediately remove up to 30 millions mexishits from the
south-west and harsh assimilation laws will either force a small group of rational and contributing spics to follow laws and rules and assimilate to the western way or it will force then to be deported or they'll simply leave from their lack of success and in constant threat of deportation. In schools you must know ENGLISH, you must wave the AMERICAN FLAG and nothing else, your background is simply that, your background not what's important first. and the kikes and commies must be hung in the streets for their treason and indoctrination of the youth, this will also fix rational and contributing niggers. The thugs and retards are untameable they need to die but there are some willing to give up that identity to assimilate they just have to have no more jews down their throats subverting their culture as well.
These are two simple things that have not been followed in the last 40
Balkans please, I want to laugh at the Greater Atlanta grape drank famine
Is that Brian Redban?
Whos the semen demon?
balkanize -> drive out undesirables -> reunite
fuck off
>we should all just accept that everyone should become a deracinated member of our country
how is this different from globalism? they operate under the same telos
as a non-white, would you want to live in a post-white world? What do you think that would even look like?
* last half centurey
>We already tried that and most of the country didn't want it. Remember the Bush years?
that wasn't civic nationalism at all, it was lip service. America then, as now, was globalist. Nationalism means stopping immigration, putting up import tariffs, and generally putting the interests of your citizens first.
I'm an unironic based civic nationalist. I don't think anyone with half a brain could deny that globalism has been a disaster for the West. At the same time we live in multi ethnic societies, so we have to deal with what we have instead of some fantasy that our countries are white. Are you really in favour of murdering millions? They're not even the ones responsible for the current situation, they were invited in by the globalists - and who can blame them for wanting a better/easier life.
Also I think white countries will improve with some race mixing. Liberalism comes from white people and it seems obvious that it's directly related to the self loathing that we collectively suffer from at a rate far more than any other race. I think mixing will get rid of that and we'll become conservative societies as a result.
Europe is for Europeans
I say this without malice; you need to think through your positions more before posting.
Fuck no I don't it'll be a kike run nightmare of hellfire, constant genocide and perpetual infighting with balkanized states separated by simple who was more kangs of chicano then the other, no fucking way, we need whites to control, it's their countries anyway what right do we have to be the majority and dictate what they do?
Being a father sure as hell turned me into normie.It's too early for these feels.
When you talk about the good times are you talking about Jim Crowe or slavery?
someone is trying to push a shit sandwich onto pol. Civic nationalism doesn't even qualify as a nation. (((anti zenophobic))) anyone who wants to join the nation can.
a liberal perversion of patriotism. A literal shithole of political logical gymnastics.
This can never happen. As a spic I hope in all my heart this never happens, the vast majority of minorities are fucking retarded and cannot be given any foothold. As a collective minorities just aren't there sociologically for western civilization, they're were too behind before we were conquered. AS an individual we can assimilate and understand if we give up that pathetic social contract of retardation and accept the western one which is and has to be whites first and white laws, rules and punishment. What works for whites will automatically work for us we have to accept this and accepting it will always plummet those who will stay and assimilation or those who have to go back or be forced to leave.
lel, I don't know if it'll be like that(technology can supress a lot of bad stuff), but a post-white hegemony is coming whether or not we like it
You're an idiot, the board is about 40/40 Libertarian/NatSoc and 20% other. Been plenty of polls to back that up.
Jim crow laws forced blacks to become skilled laborers mostly in the south which became over 90% black construction workers due to their cheap labor. Imagine if this trend continued till today, majority of blacks would be skilled laborers working for a shit load of money.
They did well because they were seperated, whites didn't have to deal with blacks and if they did it were usually the high-tier blacks while blacks could enjoy the infrastructure, relatively uncorrupt governship and job opportunities provided by whites.
Problem is that history has proven time and time agian that the minorities are simply a ticking time bomb and will seek more and more resources and status and if you're in a democracy you're just one vote away from the entire system collapsing, creating a shockwave that basically ruins society, or in America's case, almost all their larger cities.
Still depends if you can break the culture and identity of non-whites first. Think of it as 1984 Brainwashing where you can tell a person a new identity, then they would assume it for life.
Civic Nationalism can work, but requires that anyone who joins and is non-white to both renounce their old identity (Possibly any past relationships too) and adopt a new one. This way you get non-whites who reject their non-white selfs to uphold nationlistic values. Self Hating Jews ssometimes make the best Nazis
it doesn't "belong" to you because you've removed yourself as a driving force that's supposed to be shaping it.
semi related:
Yes if you have to chose between government mandated cohabitation like today, or government mandated separation perhaps the latter is preferable. I prefer a mono-ethnic society with freedom of association.
t. civic nationalist.
That's not how it works.
>Either we become a post-ethnic state like Brazil
This thread is confirmed for bait
Slide thread in progress, people! Nothing to see here. Just stop and sage
You will need civic nationalism before ethnonationalism. If you think you can just start segregation so easily in today's world in a western country you are a mug.
Start with civic nationalism and then more extreme ideologies become more culturally acceptable.
>I'm a shitskin
See, here a literal subhuman (some of them are self-aware) is getting nervous that quality of the country he leeches from, is going down as the superior race gets outnumbered.
What is the answer? Full repatriation or bust
Actually i'm ripped and i have an IQ of 135 and do great with women. But i see why a subhuman would deny national socialism as it would either take you out of the gene pool via soft eugenics (financial disincentives/castration) or hard eugenics (i.e. you get a bullet to the head). There's nothing wrong with wanting to stay alive but please be a little more truthful when you criticize your political opponents.
Why do you live in Sweden then?
>assimilation laws
You are a SUBHUMAN, not HUMAN.
Subhuman blood = subhuman offspring = subhuman genetics = subhuman problems
Fuck yourself back plebbit, american negro mixture.
This kind of thread of r/the_d really makes me hate Trump more than any shareblue shilling.
They stole it from me and I'm going to take it back. Why would I let 50 years of cuckery destroy thousands of years of history without a fight?
>the United Kingdom of Mongrels, Feminists and Degenerates
>Balkans shit hole
Ok guy.
>At the same time we live in multi ethnic societies, so we have to deal with what we have instead of some fantasy that our countries are white.
This is why they need to return to wherever their home countries are.
>Are you really in favour of murdering millions?
Absolutely, if necessary.
>They're not even the ones responsible for the current situation, they were invited in by the (((globalists))) - and who can blame them for wanting a better/easier life.
We can, the people who want a better/easier life are not the kind of people we want in this country. And if they're unwilling to fight for their own country/nation/people what makes you think they will want to fight for America?
Fuck off cuck/shitskin
>muh limiting the immigration
>implying moderates can be nationalists
Let me explain something to you, faggot: if you are a Nationalist, you are an extremist, because you're smart enough to realise that accomodation and temperance are what fucking got us here in the first place.
How does a Nationalist become moderate enough to negotiate with a marxist? By insisting that nigger migration be capped at 60K a year instead of 100K? By insisting that the nation not be displaced by foreigners until 2065 instead of 2050?
You are either a Nationalist or you are not. There is no such thing as a moderate nationalist, or "civic" nationalist. Those people are simply cretins and traitors by a more polite and misleading name.
Based Björn!
Stfu kike, take your LARP shilling and stick up your ass one day we'll finally finish you fuckers off. Im the farthest thing from a leech and i find ironic that this sentiment is coming from a jew who's in israel where your state literally only exists because of ginmedats. We're gonna gas you for real one day simply for the irony.
Problem with that is that race determines appearance and even parts of behaviour which automatically creates a seperate identity that can't simply be erased through brainwashing(alrdy a much crueler thing to do then simple seperating them in their own country). Unless you wanna create a mixed race the different races will remain mostly seperate.
Paraguay however has already shown that mass race-mixing with browns will simply make your country a unremarkable shithole.
>civic nationalism means race mixing
wtf I am made of straw now.
>redban posting
The latter sounds better
Why not split the difference between ethnic nationalism and civic nationalism and go for cultural nationalism?
You are not human. There is no LARPing in calling you whaT you are - subhuman
>muh extermination of the Jews
Good luck, SUBHUMAN
good post, leaf
fuck off Reddit
Civic nationalism doesn't deal with the racial aspect of a country.
It wouldn't stop immigration and you'd still end uo getting out bred by new waves of immigrants comning from ethnonationalist countries.
no need to racemix. the sterner stock exists within our race, it was just bled out in two world wars. institute policies that select for it again. breed a better less liberal white man through eugenics.
Ooooo you nukes others gave to you you fucking kike, what an amazing accomplishment of the jews, you aren't even white so the LARP makes even less sense, people arent falling for your kike subversion anymore, fuck off rat.
People aren't falling for the "we are all human" meme either, subhuman spic
>others gave
Apartheid spic and nigger hating South Africa? They too know that you are a SUBHUMAN
Do you nigger even understand what civic """"nationalism""" fucking means?
Civic """"nationalism""" is nationalism towards your fucking country/state. Your murica faggot Teddy explained it pretty fucking well.
It's not about race, nation, ethnicity its """nationalist""" or should we put it like """patriotism""" towards the fucking state/country you live in.
You can be nigger, spic, sandnigger or what ever but you are an American Nationalist.
So any race mixing is not considiret mixing in a civic hell hole.
>anyone who disagrees with me is a plebbitor or a shill
christ you people are pathetic
Yup, and the tribe that champions itself will conquer the tribe that does not, and whites do not champion themselves anymore.
Whites are only a tiny percentage of this world's population, easy immigration to white countries will ensure doom in the long run.
It's basically being """"Nationalistic"""" or """Patriotic""" towards your Multicultural Shithole.
All of it started by guess who? A juden Murican Melting pot.
it's just that your post is stupid b8 that has been answered a trillion times
Wrong but still related pic.
That last paragraph, so much for above sub-human learn how to fucking make coherent shitposts you retarded kike, I thought you people were better at this. No one else is paying attention to your LARP the shillin failed head the cripplechan they'll love you there just dont mention you're a kike you hooked nosed faggot.
Yes for murica. Rest of us with real culture and ethnicities should push for white ethnic nationalism.
Hey Faggots,
My name is Brian, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I'm on Joe Rogan's podcast, and headliner of multiple comedy tours. What stand-up routines have you done, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
You are not human. Multiracial society can't ever work well. Prove me wrong. You can't.
but it's true so what's your fucking point again?