Christian White Nationalists

Why are there no decent Christian White Nationalists/Alt-Rightists?

Arguably neopagan

>William Pierce



Neopagan, and a civic nationalist cuck

>Richard Spencer

>Anders Breivik

When will Sup Forums finally admit that Christianity is a cuck religion?

Other urls found in this thread:

>White nationalist
he's a libertarian you retard

Because it isnt compatible with the universal brotherhood in Christ. Read Paul's epistles.

And thus is a cuck religion

Be the change that you want to see in the world.

probably because most people think 2000 year old sheep herders from the middle east aren't a good source for the existence of God

t. Mudslime that hasn't watched any of his videos for at least a year

meant for OP

Hitler was not Neo-pagan or Breivik

>>Anders Breivik
i thought he was into crusdades and shit remember his book it had a knights templar cross on it
cancerous bi faggot but i think he is just a pagan monotheist
was christian but had a fetish for germanic faiths

>Why are there no decent Christian White Nationalists
Because the two systems are inherently incompatible. The one says you need to go out and help all the poor scum of the world, that your people and your family font matter, promotes poverty and weakness as virtues, the other holds up one's people, promotes the strength and prosperity of such and says that the foreign hordes can go fuck themselves.
You can't be a Christian and a nationalist, unless you're insincere in your convictions to one of them.

>Craig Cobb
Atheist/Creativity movement

Because Christianity is a cucked religion.

What is David Duke? What are most Trump voters?
Fuck off with your Pagan shit, that's not even accepted by governments as real religion

>Tackles how nignogs makes crime and the issue of refugees

Christianity is an inherantly universalist ideology.

It says love everyone everywhere like your own brother.

Christkikes are what got us into this mess today, and they sure as hell aren't going to get us out of it.

>Table Talk

How about his actual pro Christian speeches and laws not what he ''allegedly" said?

also paganism is full of faggorty ill take a dead kike over a cum drinking cuck with a crossdressing son

Jesus literally said only small group of people will enter kingdom of heaven,what is so universalist about it?

>What is David Duke?
A relatively stupid white nationalist who was convicted of fraud
>What are most Trump voters?
Rural and suburban retards

Shut the fuck up Mohammed

>Why are there no decent Christian White Nationalists/Alt-Rightists?
Because Christianity is an Abrahamic desert death cult. Jesus was a kike, Paul the Apostle was a kike, although Christianity may have subsumed pre-christian customs, beliefs and myths, these need to be divorced from historical ties to the levant, reclaimed as our own.

>Rural and suburban retards

How did Reagan won in 49 states in his first elections?

those are slanderous (((lies)))

fucking kek christainity cucked because they didnt sacrifice themself for the god emperor

Fewer shitskins back then, less political correctness, and because Jimmy Carter sucked.

Molyneux is a kike
which explains why he's a libertarian
libertarianism is (((controlled opposition)))

I had a crush on Molyneux before but these days I can't watch his videos without fantasizing about being filled to the neck with his beautiful white nationalist babies

Jesus was son of God who performed miracles, and resurrected, and your country was part of same nation where he was born at that time.

found a pagan indenial some redpills are too hard to swallow

Because it's not Christian. We aren't Muslims who say Arabic is God's voice.

>The Roman Empire
>A "nation"
That's not how empires work, faggot.
Also it's not, historically, how nations have worked.
Nations can only be analogous to states if they are ethno-states, because a nation is a peoples.
If a state does not encompass a homogeneous ethnic group, it is not a nation state.
Post-Brexit Britain, for example, won't be a nation state. Because we're full of fucking Pakis.
The Roman Empire was an EMPIRE, not a nation.


Paganism is LARPing shit that is not accepted by government as real religion, have no protection,political parties or influence

Pagans are literally Aboriginal tier.Their hero is Varg.

I think Hitler was closer to Islam than to Christianity.

Well Christianity spread through Empire pretty fast,reaching Britain and eventually having British and Irish saints before Anglo-Saxons even immigrated there

>not accepted by government as real religion
>relies on (((government))) to validate culture and belief system
you're a fuckign retard and should be subsumed by Serbia.

He's an Odinist and thinks Jesus is pathetic. Google it.
Still isn't a Christian
His religion is debatable. Some historians think he planned to eradicate Christianity in Germany after the war. He also thought Islam was a better religion for the White man.

Hitler was not a pagan. Do you think everything in Mein Kampf is merely propaganda?

>William Pierce
William Pierce was a pagan. A ""cosmotheist""


Varg thinks civilization is the greatest threat to the white race

>Richard Spencer
His wife is clearly not white

>Anders Breivik
Murderer and thinks israel is based

And when the Saxons hit Britain they rightfully removed them.
Celtic Christianity was the biggest cuckolding of an ethno-linguistic group the British Isles has ever seen.
Until we started filling our country full of fucking Pakis.

Google is your friend faggot. Breivik is Odinist, Hitler is debatable.

why u blue pilling

>Not being pantheist master race

Wait is Molyneux really jewish?? Oh no, someone please, say it isn't so...

>implying nationalism is a good thing

Nationalism started as a Jewish subversion meme to break up Christian empires into nation-states and profit off their constant wars with each other. Nationalism is the first step towards Anarchy.

>And when the Saxons hit Britain they rightfully removed them.

>rightfully removing Christians

Because Christianity is
>Islam: lite edition.
Both come form the same place, and share the same point of origin: Judaism.

It was brought into Europe with sword and fire, and it needed those to continue existing as it did.
But Christianity decided that it's time to put the sword down, and that was the death sentence to it.

And to those who will defend Christianity here, remember that in a thousand years (If mankind won't go extinct by then),
there will be those who say the exact same thing about Islam.

All monotheism is foreign to Europe.

>Because Christianity is Islam: lite edition

You've got to be trolling.


Then why is it that the Jews are the ones pushing for mass immigration and support the EU, if they are also the ones behind nationalism?

>Hitler was practically neo pagan
No she wasn't you delusional faggot. He like real white nationalists k we the difference between the desert religions and the ashkenazi kikes. Christianity is connected to the same old story about combating the kikes since primeval days it's why Jesus specifically names the Jew and says they are children of satan

One is a real religion the other is a death cult whose 11th Iman will be the anti christ.

Christianity used to be just like islam is now, just that it was a very long time ago.
It used to be draconian and killed all whom were deemed heretics.

If Islam takes hold of Europe, and enough time passes, it will become docile and pacified too.

rekt pic
never said he was a christian said he was a pagan of which there r many twat
was a horrible beta faggot who ruined his country and europe christains will say he was pro pagan pagans will say he is pro islam fedora's etc etc
also most of these quotes come form unreiable sources but would say he could of done it but wouldnt you think germans would take at

>Roman Catholicism used to be just like islam is now, just that it was a very long time ago.
>It used to be draconian and killed all whom were deemed heretics

Do some more research on the Church.

T. Orthodox

Just look at any nationalists from Eastern Europe, like Poland. Majority of them are Catholic nationalists

The fact they try, to this day, converting subhuman Papouasia baboons, just like they converted niggers, spics and asians speaks for itself. Don't let the early Christians calling non whites animals fool you, they determined who was human and who was not based on religion not race. Today niggers are, according to religion, equals of any anglo or german in the eyes of god and the church because they believe in it and have accepted (((jesus))) in their heart. Christianity is the first attempt at hippism and cuckery, help the poors, be poor yourself, all men born equals, a slave is equal to his master in the eyes of god, turn the other cheek, don't resist taxes, persecution, in fact let them get you because if you die suffering you become a martyr doubled by a saint (basically like mudslims, only arabs because they're niggers needed the 72 virgins incentive) etc etc. If there is one religion that promotes supremacy it is judaism. You're born a jew and are god's chosen people or you fuck off. Now they let you join through that bullshit steps tradition but the original premisce is that. That's why jews were and still are so successful, they value their race above all and feel so fucking superior they eventually act like they are superior and in the end turn superior due to excessive self confidence. Christianity has to be the biggest jewish psy op, they saw they couldn't defeat Rome by strength or economy so they cucked them from the inside. They are pulling the same stunt right now, they saw those euro goys are still dangerous after Hitler so they pussified them slowly, step, by, step.

Because nationalism has outlived its use for Jews.

"The concept of the nation is now being destroyed by the same forces that created it, back during the first stage of modernity. The nations have already fulfilled their mission of destroying any organic and spiritual identity, and now the capitalists are liquidating the instrument they used to achieve this in favor of direct globalization." - Dugin

Nationalism has become a reactionary measure against globalization, but going back to nationalism would be like changing a dead man back to a man who has a cough. He's still going to die again.

Because Christianism basically is a Jewish puppet religion, nicely wrapped in multiple layers of beta cuckoldry and utter degeneracy.

It does not matter, those times have passed. Orthodoxy came from the middle-east too.

Islam is the enemy now. But I see way too many parallels here.
If you are defending one part of Chistianity as better, what is stopping the future generations
from saying the exact same thing about Islam in Europe and America?

says the pagan at faps to traps

>Arguably neopagan

>>Anders Breivik

wew lad

Personal preferences have nothing to do with religious denominations, no matter how weird or repulsive they are.


>what are Serbs
>what are Chechens
>what are Bosnians


>It does not matter, those times have passed. Orthodoxy came from the middle-east too.
Orthodoxy is the the Church, and spread all in the Empire and beyond thanks to the Apostles and their disciples and the nascent Church.

>Islam is the enemy now. But I see way too many parallels here.
>If you are defending one part of Chistianity as better, what is stopping the future generations
It's not one part. There is One Church, today known as Orthodoxy, with all others who are Chrustian being outside it by their own choice due to heretical beliefs they know little of.
>from saying the exact same thing about Islam in Europe and America?
No idea, won't speculate.

>Says the guys who was diddled by a priest or diddled a kid himself.
See? I can do it too. I'm not even paganmeme but you can't judge a philosophy or theory based on what stereotypes about the people who follow it are. I'm an atheist but I hate fedora libcuck atheists, and I'm against faggs for natural reasons, not because a dead jew said so like most atheistcucks accuse the muh homophobes of.

If you go to any Christian church in Europe, the priest will speak like this:

>remember to open your hearts and borders to the poor refugees
>don't let the hate control you, love the refugees like you would love your neighboor
>if you see a hungry refugee, offer him food, a bed and pleasure from your wife
>find peace in praying to God within your cuckshed
>forgive the sins of your wife being fucked by the refugee, for you should be like Jesus, full of forgiveness and love
>be a cuck, please

You forgot about the part when he asks you money so he can feed gypsies and shitskin wetbacks all that while making sure it doesn't have pork in it to not offend the shitskin's religion.

The thing about Hitler and Christianity is interesting.
He grew disillusioned of Christianity on a personal level, seeing it as god has betrayed him and his nation in WW1.
But he also understood that it cannot be removed either, as it was too ingrained into German society and culture,
so he kept it, and still encouraged people to be religious, as is held some of the same values as the Nazi party.

The whole pagan thing started with the Thule Society being quite popular among high ranking Nazi officials.
But I do not know too much about it, so I will refrain from speaking on it more.

Well, at least there's me.

same but was pointing out paganism has no morals like christiany or least they have shit ones and like being ok with faggorty open marriages etc

Morals do not stem from religion, but from nature itself.

His mother was born to a, and I quote "a pretty jewish clan" from Berlin. He really fucking hates his mother though, generally doesn't like jews and is somewhat aware of the jewish problem. - says he's a jew at 0:55 - Pretty good video about jews historically - Stefan talking about jewish hypocrisy on immigration with a jewish guy

He's not a nazi or white nationalist but he is at least somewhat symphathetic to pro-white arguments, especially when compared to other alt-lite cucks. Simply calling him a kike is kinda disingenious though.


Remember that Breitbart was a Jew too.
Being Jewish does not equal anti-white.
They might have stronger inclination to be so as a group, but that's it.

i am a atheist i even i think morals are made up by religion or at the very least shaped by it

William Pierce ran a church, also why wouldn't you include Rockwell who's religion was basically naziism

i am a atheist twat but most people become degen faggots without some sort of religous code or morals look at the west you faggot or better yet look at your atheist aryans a bunch of cucks

Breitbart wasn't exactly jewish, he was white but his adoptive father was jewish and he was raised as a jew. It's kinda sketchy because jews are an ethno-religious group.

Let's completely forget about the clerical fascist movements of the last century, and even those who just recognized the utility of Christianity, like Mussolini and GLR.
Jewish survival and white survival are at odds. To be a pro-white jew is to be a traitor, just as to be a pro-jew white is to be a traitor.

because "wn" leaders and "alt right" leaders are just controlled jew ops? maybe think about that. also check out your op pic, you fucking kike fag.

shut up faggot I was his bodyguard he was a fucking fat drunk pilled out JEW KIKE

because he is a pagan faggot at cant see the bigger picture because his best e celeb told him so

seems kinda rare...

Because people actually stop caring about religion in later life... Literally...

all the jew based religions need to die

>"wasnt exactly jewish"
this is how I know you're a fucking kike. only a kike would say something that stupid and try and pass it off as legit. you stand for nothing and are nothing jew. fucking die. some of us knew the kike named Andrew kikebart

More so, Hitler knew it helped keep people together. He said the same with the Arabs and their religion. It is not religion but political religion.

Not really. I thing it's something like this:
Imagine morality as a continent of sorts. We all start on the center, where morality is not corrupt. The further you go from it the more decadent and corrupt it gets.
It is possible to wander off to places where degeneracy and madness rules instead, but by nature we don't do that, and stay in our own land. Of course there will be those who do so anyway, as there will always be outliers.

What Christianity (or any monotheistic religion) does is bulid big walls with warning signs "DO NOT GO THERE" and "DO NOT DO THIS".

Hope this makes sense.

>Why are there no decent Christian White Nationalists/Alt-Rightists?

There is.

William Fink

nigger google his book or manifesto he was a catholic with a crusader hard on

>All monotheism is foreign to Europe.
Indian diaspora?

The text itself is sound as fuck, it has the 14/88 (last chapter of judges), and plenty of laws to enable the killing of every degenerate thing; not to mention the Noah option, compulsory killing of lying dominant feminist bitches - at the fucking stake, if it's a cool evening...

>Indian diaspora

Nigger, he disavowed Christianity. He only ever considered himself a cultural Christian, not a religious Christian.

>but by nature we don't do that
u fucking serious get out more degenerates are everywere havent you seen the shit on Sup Forums over the years shit alot of Sup Forums users are furries and bronies decadent af

because the kind of people who are white nationalists now tend to be the kind of people who hated christianity and authoritarianism growing up. They split away from the commie sjw bullshit thanks to shit like gamergate and sheer retardation. so you have a lot of white nationalists right now who are more comfortable with "not christian" than they are with christianity. And christians are doing a shitty job defending their religion, even though it's based af.

Seriously, the fundies in the 90s were godawful and it convinced a lot of people that they hated christianity. Sneaky sneaky, juden. And if you don't know that, you need to get off Sup Forums.

Most of the intelligent WNs are either atheists or pagans though.

Lol, never heard of the Iron Guard, have we?