/mlpol/ Funeral Thread

The Union board now 404s instead of being frozen. Press F to pay respects. Post screencaps or whatever you want.

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I honestly prefer barneyfags over the trumpsters from plebbit.



Barneyfags need to die

>Friendship ended with Reddit
>with Reddit

Sing along, guys


Lee (((Goldson))) sure has some interesting proxies!

That's what happened when a bunch of reddit fags invaded the site
They became the majority

You're all closet pedos, you do not represent Sup Forums you're all LARPing The_Donald fans and you need to stop watching cartoons because you're killing your parents with embarrassment.


Party ain't over yet, if you can convince some /mlp/ to share their horseporn in here and bombard the threads it can have the same effect. If it goes on for long enough /mlpol/ can be a thing again



kys Barneyfag

Where do you get your proxies, Goldson?


Fucking die, Barneyfag

That board was comfy af... Impressed at the speed of creativity.


Back the ol front lines here I suppose.


Nonono, this cant be real. Are you telling me that barneyfag isn't a bot? How is having that much free time possible? I mean, this guy has the ability to spend all day, every day, crossreferencing random anime pics to derpybooro across five or so boards. Its gotta be a bot

I asked him a month ago, he doesn't even have his IRC configured to alert him whenever an image with a specific hash is supposed. No, he MANUALLY checks EVERY SINGLE new thread across half a dozen boards. He's almost certainly a NEET that spends bis entire free time on this.

>tfw horse fuckers are less cancerous than redditors

r/the_d belongs on the ropes.

probably the most Reddit tier meme

>being comfy

Not really

He goes to (((college))).