Does Sup Forums use pads or tampons?
Pads vs tampons
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Tfw when too smart for either
Shit thread
i freebleed to spite the kikes
>buying the cotton jew
Free bleeding master race here.
Depends on the situation.
tampons, pads are for virgins girls that like to have their pussy soaked in blood
>as you were born
what? women are bleeding? holy.shit.
checked and keked
Both. Usually tampons when sleeping and pads when out.
I just lock my bitch away when she bleeding. I ain't dealing with that shit.
Top. Kek. She's telling the alpha sharks to get that pussy yo.
Only the inferior sex need those.
There are more niggers here than women.
Why don't women use reusable catheter bags instead? Can't help but think the billions of used tampons & pads are a huge biohazard
Thoufh she's only done it a few times since I've had her because I've managed go keep her pretty consistently pregnant. Fuck, it'll be a bitch when it starts happening more regularly.
Smart. Never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die.
Wow, every female on Sup Forums decided to post ITT. Both of them.
The closest thing to what you are describing is a menstrual cup. Its a bell shaped silicone cup that goes into the vagina and hold all the flow until it is pulled out and emptied.
They are extremely uncomfortable for some people to insert and remove, which is why they haven't caught on yet.
the human body is disgusting. if left unattended the mouth smells, the underarms smell, the asshole smells, hair becomes greasy, and a whole bunch of other shit. the point is we all have morning and nighttime rituals that we perform to prevent anyone from experiencing our bodies in their natural foul state.
except for a small group of women that for some reason believe that the vagina should be the exception to the rule. the vagina is beautiful when it's dripping blood. the vagina is beautiful when it smells like a rotting carcass. women are fucking mental.
yea and for the OP my girl uses pads because they're more ladylike than shoving a cotton dick up her vag.
I make tampons out of my own hair to not pay The Sanitary Jew tax
Sage and hide all shitty non politics threads.
I put my woman in a diaper.
Wrong. The closest thing to what he's describing is a reusable sanitary pad.
It's like a regular pad, but it's made of fabric/whatever, then you wash it and use it again next month.
>t. Bf of a based gf who doesn't waste money or resources when she doesn't have to
both, it depends.
how dare you, you oppressive misogynist pig.
my gf uses a cup
only has to buy one and it is made of latex. She used to get itches and general discomfort from using either pads or tampons
I just can't get into those at all.
You need to change that thing at least once during the day or it gets really gross. Where do you put the used re-usable pad when you are out? It just seems really gross, I don't want to haul around a rank bloodsoaked pad in a baggie until I get home to wash it.
I just roll up a white cotton sports-sock and force it up my fanny and just wash it afterwards, it's cheap and it dyes all my socks a nice girly pink
Even dumb animals like cats have got this figured out.
I wouldn't know since women are not allowed near me at that time of the month, inshallah.
The good Liberal Progressive Democrat man changes his PAD regularly since Nov. 8, 2016.
What you are describing is basically a cloth diaper.
Nigga we were the ones that started this nonsense in the first place. Stop bitching about Sup Forums's handiwork.
>shoving a cotton dick up her vag.
She gets enough of that from you.
I use extra hard bristled toothbrush to prevent my bleeding
Sometimes it feels like thats what I need. The constant aiming, peeling, sticking ordeal gets tiring sometimes.
this is stale banter. i deserve better.
That's all you get friendo
I use Bardock's headband
Diapers are extremely convent and not just for periods.
I got pads in my trauma bag.
Add them to your preps today
There are many styles available to reflect your personality.
Is this real life?
>bleeding into the sea
are women mentally retarded?
>click on thread for the craic
>see woman wearing diaper for period blood
>think its actually really fuckign cute
help me
Use this then digitally extract the clot at your convenience.
My gf uses a menstrual cup.
as real as it gets
That sounds extremely uncomfortable.
Pea sized clots are bad enough already.
Mods are clods
Mods are clods
Mods are clods