So how did your boycott go, Sup Forums?
>all of those qualifiers
I am kinda interested in watching it, is it any good? Is there anything else than the "white people be evil" agenda?
It's fine. Better than most movies blacks make at least.
Fuck the boycott, I went to see it. Really good and original idea for a horror movie. I think it makes liberals look bad, not white people.
Well because only niggers went to see the film.
it's okay.
So it's more like a /pol-comedy?
Wasn't this actually about organ harvesting?
They did this during the 70's too.
When tickets sales began to drop, they started making blacxplotation films and building black cinemas.
It literally saved hollywood and started Tarantino career.
I thought it was supposed to be a parody this whole time. Its seriously considered a horror film?
Wasn't Tarantino's mom a coal burner that was banging like 5 black dudes at the same time which made him develop a thing for black people?
>highest grossing movie!
>w-well, highest grossing debut.
>w-well, highest grossing original debut based on an original screenplay
not really that impressive. Also, only black people+minorities+white trash goes to the movies anymore.
I haven't seen the movie, but that's just because I don't go to movie theaters.
I want to see it because it looks like a movie about a day in the life of a SJW black trained by professor Goldstein to see everything white people do as racist. Sounds funny af
This film is terrible
Quentin "move those feet, i let out farts stronger than pajeet" Tarantino?
movies breaking records means fuck all anything due to inflation and increasingly farcical hollywood accounting
it was about sick and old white people wanting their brains transplanted into the bodies of verile young black people, since blacks have superior bodies obviously (including the manlet skinnyfat protagonist)
I just ignored what everyone's criticisms on it and was pretty good desu.
watch the trailer
looks spoopy
I went to see this movie, only hearing "it's a horror movie that rated really well!" beforehand.
As a horror movie, it's bad. All of the stuff that happens is telegraphed a thousand years in advance and there's little to no suspense or shock to be had at all.
The race stuff is what made it really weird, though. A bunch of totally racist white people hypnotize nice young innocent black people, because they think they're stronger and better at sex. That's the gist of it. There were also zero good white people in the entire movie, every single one was portrayed as racist.
You can definitely tell the reviews were favorable out of fear of being labeled a racist.
I did, but the idea itself still made me think it was a parody.
What even counts as an "original screenplay"? Wouldn't avatar count as an original screenplay?
actually has nothing to do with racism. the white people turn out to envy the nigger, calling black people "cool" and "athletic"
criminally underrated
it's about ultra-progressive whites cutting out their brains and putting them in black people so they can be more hip though
is it really a boycott when i havent been to the theater since 2000?
Well is it a good movie?
I don't know, ask Shia LeCuck
Anytime a black person can conceive of a character that's not "black [noun]" or "reboot of franchise traditionally starting a whitencharscter where everything is the same except the main character is black" it automatically earns 6 gorillion originality points. Whyte bois like James Cameron can't compete.
An original screenplay just means it isn't based off of an already published book, comic strip, tv show, previously made movie, etc.
The title doesn't tell the whole story, read the article and it says
>Jordan Peele's Get Out has passed The Blair Witch Project as the highest-grossing feature-length debut for a writer/director of an original screenplay.
>debut for a writer/director
Jordan Peele himself is the one who broke the record, the film helped him do that, but he broke the record because it was his writing/directing film debut and he made a surprisingly large amount of money on his first try.
It is a lot less impressive when you consider that, in total the movie grossed $150 million, very small in Hollywood, it's just impressive for a first-time writer/director.
>nothing to do with racism
>white people think another race has inherent qualities
>those qualities being positive is okay, somehow
That sounds pretty racist
Wait, wait wait... Wasn't Avatar an original screenplay by James Cameron? Didn't it make like a gazillion dollars? Not that I'm unhappy for "Get Out", mind you, I like original horror movies that don't all look the same, but something about that article sounds like BS.
Avatar wasn't James Cameron's debut film.
>>ignored everyone's criticism
So you closed your eyes through the whole movie?
Ohhhh, it's about money made at the DEBUT of the film, I see. So, yeah, BS article, not that impressive a feat.
What an ugly bug-eyed nigger
Oh, I missed the "debut" part of the title. I see, I see.
Kind of a very complicated way to make it sound like the film was a financial success, innit?
>Its seriously considered a horror film?
No. It's considered a dark comedy.
It's poking fun at the liberals' worship of black people, not how conservatives allegedly treat black people.
do the same shit but reverse the races and lets see the riots
white people are evil AND white people are jelaous and wish to be black
I think you might want to learn the definition of the word "boycott". You can't boycott something you never intended to buy / consume in the first place.
For fuck's sake.
It's about liberals and their subtle racism. That's why you see a lot of people on reddit hating on it.
Been a racist all my life but I gotta give it to them, they made a very good movie.
Sup Forums should be on board with this movie, its about how liberal acceptance is really just dressed up racism that takes the forms of gentrification and fetishism.
Also its just a good movie, the only movie I have ever watched that made me laugh out loud while at the same exact moment I was feeling incredibly creeped out and uneasy.
were we boycotting something?
It is a big financial success, but yes this article is going out of its way to inflate that success
Boycotting is for dumb niggers and leftists, who are too stupid to realize not everyone shares their sensibilities and they're just providing promotion
>calling NIGGER "cool" and "athletic"
so the usual jewish production promoting Race Mixing normalizing minorities and trying a c&d by humour. Weak
The movie was pretty damn good.
You might be retarded. You should really get that checked out.
already did. the diagnosis isn't retardation tho
whats he crying for?
I didn't boycott it. It's a good movie.
That picture doesn't say "debut".
The horror aspect revolves around hypnotic paralysis that leaves you completey aware of whats going on.
I am easily the most successful person that is 6'6" with brown hair and my particular pair of glasses that wanks with his left hand and has 3 moles on his torso and used to eat books as a child and lives on the street that I live on IN HISTORY.
It literally says debut you fucking turd. Nice 'alternative fact'
It didn't, because I watched it and enjoyed it.
They took several shots at liberals too.
In fact, there was only the one scene where an officer profiled him, and everything else was taking jabs at libs racial lack of awareness.
>he doesnt switch hands while masturbating
>highest ... in history
All politics aside, this metric really pisses me off. A constantly growing population means that absolute shit movies can out perform the best movies of 10 years ago.
I haven't seen this one, or many others that fit with all those qualifiers, but I suspect that this is the case.
Chill out, guys.
> Although the movie was shot in Alabama, the characters don’t speak with drawls, and the parents’ mansion is more evocative of Rhode Island than the antebellum South. His target, Peele explains, wasn’t red state racists, but “the liberal elite, who tend to believe that they’re—we’re—above this.”
>Using your mouse hand on your penis
How do you switch between your wank tabs while you wank?
no, it refers to it being the debut film of the filmmaker
Why dont you just dowload the piece of crap movie, why are you going to movie theaters any way were you pay 15 bucks to see soem shit movie with a hundred other ppl.
name one good black made movie without white people to direct, shoot and throw money into ?
name one black only produced movie with no white people involved in it
... I swiftch back to my non-mouse hand when I want to change tabs
>taking your hand off your dick at all during a wank
bloody yanks
>he's never edged
You don't know what you're missing my man. I can wank one out in 5 minutes but there is nothing like 40 minute spank session.
Some one plz photoshop that nigger pic, like pic related
Try reading again, Jimmy. Maybe you'll get it right a second time.
>black protagonist is short and skinny fat
So nigs are so poor they have to come here to advertise.
if you cant see a movie is shit because inferior life forms have made it you are just some stupid untermensch
>40 minutes
you are like little baby
I literally wank for 7 hours on average. Not even remotely exaggerating.
That's degenerate tho. You cant spank 7+ hours a day and still contribute to society you fucking bong.
The movie cost just under 5m to make, so 150 is really good.
Looks like another Deadpool where (((they))) greenlit some random, gave him just enough for them to break even / earn some profit and that's it. Or they knew it would do well because omg coalburning so progressive!
I only start wanking at about 7pm, after all my societal contributions are done for the day. I just run on fumes, that's all.
The west deserves to be eradicated
American expat detected.
No Dutchman would be this bad at English.
right? it's like when they say on football games that "this guy just broke the record for the longest streak of consecutive games with at least two catches greater than two yards and less than five yards
Friday was pretty comfy.
>stays up until 2 in the morning masturbating
>isn't well rested for work
>does his job poorly
> still says he contributes to society
a lot of the 80s and early 90s horror dances that fine line. some of the best horror movies of all time are genuinely and intentionally funny.
if you are looking for a great new-ish movie that dances that line check out Deathgasm
You'd be surprised just how good I at my job. Admittedly, I could be better, but my tired and lazy work has always been miles above others hard work. Even as a child.
one of the signs of intelligence is being able to look at evidence that contradicts your previously existing beliefs and accept it.
your inability to accept evidence contrary to your world view means that you are a stupid
>since blacks have superior bodies obviously
Remind me again, how many strongest man on earth titles do blacks gold?
Keegan Micheal Key is about as white as a black guy can be.
more than 5
It was written and directed by Peele tho
Damn it's just like how Ghostbusters 2016 was the highest grossing film (action, sci-fi, all female, ghost film) to be made
How successful!
Also I heard the movie makes fun of white guilt cucks, but I haven't seen it and won't waste my money on hollywood garbage.
any racial movie is complete trash if liberals enjoy it. anybody saying it's good is a shill or a fucking retard.
they do need to get out and there's nothing wrong it either. go make your own country great since you're such a capable and decent person.
>anything liberals like is bad because liberals like it.
I'm a gay socialist and I'm quite fond of eating and breathing :^)
I liked Invasion Of The Body Snatchers part 2.
If this movie had come out 10-20 years ago we'd all be going and having a good laugh. Maybe 10-20 years from now it will be considered a classic