Come at me racists

This is what a feminist looks like. I will crush your racism and bigotry with my iron vagina. I would love to see your limp wristed neckbeards even attempt to debate me. You guys are literally the bad guys and you need to realize that.

i'd pipe. You wouldn't be the first feminist that took my national socialist cock.

The wage gap is a myth
Prove me wrong.

Tits or gtfo

Um women get .77 cents to a mans dollar even though they work much harder. Get with the times you troglodytes.

>small tits

Sorry I've got work to do


they don't work the same jobs, you are boing and stupid

>women work harder for less money

Then why don't businesses just hire women?

Because the patriarchy doesn't want to admit they are superior

>I will crush your racism and bigotry with my iron vagina.
Do all feminists have iron vaginas? Is it hard to keep it warm in the winter?

"work harder". my sides.

Worst transition job I've ever seen, you should sue

Get in the oven, kike nose.

OK so why don't you (a woman) just start a business composed entirely of women who, as you say, work harder for less money?

It would be impossible for the patriarchy to compete with you. You'd blow every other company out of the water and become multi-billionaires.

Not to be an asshole, but are you a feminist because you've got a big ol nose?
It just seems like most "feminists" are either ugly and/or fat. Why is that???

Hi OP - Why does NOW keep blocking Shared Custody reform?

I'm obviously pretty fucking attractive if I can pull a man like this. You just wish you could have me bigot.


Why are you avoiding my question?

She'll probably just cry "glass ceiling", calling it now.

>It just seems like most "feminists" are either ugly and/or fat. Why is that???

Who nose?

You seem as if you're issuing a challenge and yet you've not provided anything to debate. Perhaps you'd like to state something other than insults and self-aggrandizement to get an actual debate started.
Also, Sup Forums is not one person.

hahahahahaha holy shit enjoy your neckbeard porker

don't worry, if you leave the room he'll start cranking it to anime

a political ideology is not a marketable major

the root of anger is usally something simple, like finacial problems, low blood sugar, no sleep

come on guys...

Why cant you make something of your life besides just being a woman?

Why does your whole world revolve around "woman stronk, hear me roar!"

Why don't you celebrate accomplishments based on hard work and devotion, rather than bitching about how oppressed you are and asking for free gibs?

Women on average make 15-20% less per year on average then men, but also work 15-20% less overtime per year on average then men. You know what overtime gives you? More money. On a single comperable job to job comparison, women and men make the same average salaries for the industry in question.

"Muh 77c" is a lie that keeps you down.