Help rebuild the Sup Forums flag!
Help rebuild the Sup Forums flag!
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is this legit on reddit?
bump help rebuild our flag
bump niggers where are you
some nigger keeps fucking coloring over it with orange
i love the penn state symbol!
jep, we have to fuck this nigger
it fucking closed are u fucking retarded
genuinely i hope everyone whos posted above me is gassed
stop shitting up our board you fucking 16 year old ledonald faggots
its not, follow the link and paint. kanker
yeah kiddo, at least I am longer here than you, instead of shitposting better paint or gtfo.
I am conflicted, there are 2 things that need protection currently, your flag and the American one.
I am conflicted
24 and have never been on Reddit. Also been browsing for 7 years. It's the Sup Forums flag on Reddit, I assume it will make redditors butthurt. Where has the Sup Forums of old gone where making people butthurt was applauded? I hope you kill yourself in the near future. You've probably been here at most a year and migrated from Sup Forums.
He can go to hell. We will paint our flag with or without him
Let them destroy it, it keeps the liberals bussy
I don't have a choice, because some cuck is trying to mess with my flag
>tfw some fag tries to destroy the swastika
Can't help right now but I can bump
Anyone got a screenshot of the highest amount of damage they did to our
Flag? I.e. the most complete lgbt flag they managed?
Thanks in advance
I wish I could help, but I need to fix my flag first
How does this not fall under NYPA? God damn it mods
danke bruder
lol at the mods removing the swasticas on germanys flag
They also removed the one on kekistan
I kept rebuilding it but they destroyed it in 2 secs
lets write "mods are fags" on there
fuck off
The fag in the middle of the triangle fucking up the swaztika
make swastika in the middle or Sup Forums?
Hey guys op here. Thanks for your help mates. Make Sup Forums great again!
>le kekistan xD
>go to reddit and help us
leave this board
Suck my dick, you nazi wannabe cuckold
what is our new project as soon we are finished with the flag? Pepe?
stop occupying u faggot and leave the middle east
where is your flag?
I rather death.
You Germans deserve everything that is happening to currently. May your country burn alongside with everything you love.
Are the mods sleeping? There is plenty of Swastikas on the german flag
Same on mine.
come join us at the german flag
I'm helping to fix the Kekistan flag
I need some help fleshing out the tilted swastika in the black band of the german flag.
This one has 4000 visitors. You're all wasting your time.
No bot for kekistan flag ?
Or glitch for post more pixels ?
>reviving dead leddit project
But why?
>3 Minutes cooldown
multiple incognito windows
need aid on the head swastika on morty/rick I don't watch the show I don't know who it is. blue hair
fuck, the mods are here
is there a bug or why cant I overpaint other paintings? it vanishes as soon as I refresh the page
nice job
look at van gogh, drew something there
Don't draw over the gouh bmp, just replace with pepe
dont think you can.... i refreshed and my drawing on the gogh was gone
guys help, I cant paint shit anymore? what the hell is going on, it vanished as soon as I refresh
What the fuck lads, our soldiers did not die in Iraq for this kind of disrespect.
its fucked
write BENIS :DDD on the finnish flag
cant do nothing when we cant paint shit
not adovcating raids/doxxing but
>connection refused
the fuck
same, i dont know what it is.
Why not place small swastikas everywhere? its more difficult to see and causes butt hurt.
thats why i said small
some have the same problem like me? Its on all browser the same? Am I banned. fucking reddit
we're going to just keep extending the flag, right
help me with a 1488 near the world cup
Mods are cucks
we can just make a square with a plus in it, and then remove some walls
someone make "fuck jews"
Does this BOT works?
im making on club penguin rn
just finished fixing my flag
hope everything is in place when i come home from work
dont you dare to touch my flag polcucks
all done now, above the kekistan flag
kek good job
> Ever going to reddit
I like how me and 5 other faggots are trying to persevere this...
what would be a good edit for the UK flag?
a mosque
a bit complex tho
choose any color you want
>mfw we are winning on the eastern front
We've forgotten the southern front a bit though, ive been expanding there
it would take quite an army
for you
i participated in that
making pērkonkrusts flag from latvian flag now