New cartoon

Edit this

Edit this.

Fuck off Cucknadian.

Statistically there's a pretty good chance you're a nigger so make like a leaf and hang from a tree.

I'm actually half spic, half white, so suck a dick Ahmed.

Make like your orange cheeto king and marry your daughter to a Jew, americuck

Why don't you openly talk shit about Islam so Trudeau can execute you faggot.


get out of here stalker

kys too faggot.


Rake yourself.

if liberals are so great, why do they lose all the goddamn time?


Given the opportunity you should really considering being an hero.




Which fucking boat did you just hop off of?

Have you tried counting to 4 recently?


Good one, why don't you go have legal sex with a goat, while your wife fucks a sandnigger, and eat your government mandated estrogen pills.


>haha guys I'm so quirky and neurotic, I have so much anxiety I can't even talk on the phone without sweating! haha please love me!

Who's the other cunt that does shit exactly like this but with slightly better drawings?


Your colleague won't serve the food all by themselves, leaf. Back to work.

Good shit

When you try to flee the terrorists that your faggot leader let in, we'll lynch you snow niggers.

What if it was made to be about the move of the general populace to the right. With the circle being acceptable approve progressive bullshit and the outside of it being reality.

why don't you pathetic CUNTS just leave her alone ?

She's done literally NOTHING to deserve any of this.


I'm actually waiting for them to try something.

Would you like to come and help in the "winter festivities"?

I fucking hate that non-sequter art style, people who never grew of the "penguin of doom" phase


Waiting with you're wife's legs spread open? You're probably a Quebec faggot, who owns a pussy 9 millimeter and thinks you're in a militia. KYS.

I'm in BC.

I am single and have no attachment to this country.

I have a knife. It's probably all I need.

Patience is a virtue, my mother always told me.

What are you doing, by the way?

At school, prepping for my advanced organic exam.

You're going to fail if you continue with your current attitude.

That'll be on the test, I hear.

Your mom prepped me to examine the organiz material I left on her face last night

This it's awesome

Good one guys, did you think of those after fucking each other raw?

o-organic material?

holy kek get shredded pussy

circle = white neighborhood
outside = black neighborhood


Life doesn't work that way.

"I know you find certain acts to be morally abhorrent but you should just do those acts anyway because stepping outside your comfort zone is good :^)"
How to ruin a society in one east step.


You are terrible at "banter".

If we were face to face, your "banter" would be referred to as "fighting words".

Keep that in mind.