Can we please talk about how fucking terrible this guy is? Trying to stand in the shoes of Jon Stewart and all this nigger can think of is to make fun of Trump's small hands.
Can we please talk about how fucking terrible this guy is...
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Yeah but that's showbiz and normies for you. This assholes newest stand up was terrible.
This dude is a closet homosexual
It wouldn't be so bad if comedy central wasn't trying to jam him down your throat with every commercial break.
He's an affirmative action host
yea 12 years of saying conservatives and then making a funny face is really a high standard to live up to. Its basically the equivalent of doing peek a boo with a baby. And since people are children it worked every time.
After Wilmores show tanked they need to prop up their last token negro.
Besides, I'm pretty sure The Daily Show is Comedy Central bread and butter, otherwise it's just old movies , shitty stand up specials and Tosh.0 reruns
>watching comedy central
who is that irrelevant man and why should i care
I haven't seen a single episode, or a single clip from that show since 2009. It used to be relevant, then Obama got into office and they put on the kid gloves.
Then their schtick became obvious. Mug at the camera, act incredulous, smirk, then wait for a laugh. It's a brainwashing technique to use social pressure to get people to join your side.
>wow these people are laughable idiots, you wouldn't want to be like them would you?
Repeat, repeat, repeat. Until everyone is afraid to disagree with you for fear of being mocked.
Just stop watching him, at all. Read a book. Cook a nice meal. Call your mom, she misses you.
Find better ways to use your time. Nobody dies wishing they'd watched more race baiting comedians on tv.
Switch over to torrenting or streaming bro. Don't give the cable Jew your time and money. You'll thank yourself later on for it. Comedy Central, Adult Swim and Disney are all owned by anti Trump big business kikes.
This half caste piece of living shit should be tried and deported for inciting racial hatred and political unrest.
Drop the cunt off in the middle of Apefrica and let him survive as long as he can.
That's basically the leftist media's entire strategy
>Trying to stand in the shoes of Jon Stewart and all this nigger can think of is to make fun of Trump's small hands.
This, and something like 50% of the "jokes" made on this show have the same punchline, which is "the host is VERY attractive!!!!" (which, I mean - look at this guy. he is not particularly handsome.)
The only reason this show seems to exist at all is because (((they))) want it to. I haven't encountered a single human being in the real world who watches this show and likes it.
Jon Stewart himself maybe wasn't as funny, but his interactions with his co-hosts and guests were some of the actually funny stuff in the show
>annoying fuckface
>claims to speak a million languages including Afrikaans: doesnt speak Afrikaans
>annoying as shit accent
not going to talk about his 'jokes' though, as he obviously doesnt make them up himself.
but jon lebowitz is also terrible so i don't know what you're talking about
That's basically what said
>if you don't agree with us you're a racist
>if you don't agree with us you're a trumper
>if you don't agree with us you're hitler
I watch the lewis black bits in youtube.
The writers strike might save television.
>implying they're not pretty much all homos on tv
You don't exactly get into hollywood these days without being some sort of minority or "special snowflake"
Actual talent counts for very little in the entertainment industry right now
>Actual talent counts for very little in the entertainment industry right now
I tend to notice this during those odd intervals where I watch TV or a movie. Sad, really.
Yeah most of the talent right now is already well established actors/actresses, but even they're starting to get shoved out of the spotlight
Well yeah that should be fairly obvious. Hollywood hasn't been about talent, EVER. They want a controllable idiot who has "the look" to push whatever narrative that's fed to them.
I can't stand TV or movies anymore because it's all so politicized. Everything I watch I can tell they're trying to subconsciously plant opinions in my head. Some of it is innocent marketing, but all of it has at least a little state-sponsored propaganda.
That's why I legitimately hate Trevor Noah, he knows exactly what he's doing.
Except for wrestling obviously, where you get your butt handed to you if you don't have it.
No matter what quota they're filling.
he is a smug little half cast pet liberal cunt
i want to smash his face in with a claw hammer
he needs to go back to south africa
that's cos all niggers have going for them is a swangin' dick, it;s literally the only thing they have to use against white people.
it's only cos their ancestors never wore pants, so it swung out frelly for years.. if their ancestors were civilized and wore fucking pants, their dicks would not be as long.
I just made that up, but fuck it, I'm going with it now.
This niggar doesn't even go here. Where is he from? South Africa?
>Hollywood hasn't been about talent, EVER.
Actually I'd say it's not about talent ANYMORE, only in the past few decades has politics made its way into Hollywood. Back before the internet became such a huge medium for arguing politics, Hollywood used to put out movies generally for entertainment alone (and profits of course) but most of the time before the mid 90's, movies were pretty neutral and just stuck to their own rhetoric.
TV is a completely different story though
That's usually how most arguments go nowadays
>make shit up
>hope no one pulls out google
He also lies about his childhood during which - we are led to believe - he was forced to dodge police squads seeking to put him in an orphanage and jail his parents for the crime of miscegenation.
Trevor Noah was born in 1984. The Immorality Act of 1927 that banned interracial relationships and marriages was abolished in 1985, which means that while Trevor was technically born from an illegal relationship, this situation lasted only a single year.
Furthermore, the Immorality Act had been a dead letter for years prior to its abolition, particularly in urban areas. Basically Trevor is blowing shit out of proportion to spin a good yarn to ignorant and gullible Americans eager for any good story about how appalling South Africa is or was, as South Africans have been doing profitably and gleefully for decades now at this point.
I think blacks were supposed to build stuff, whites make the plans. it;s obvious they are the superior race when it comes to manual labour, but when it comes to intellect there's just no comparison. yes blacks can be uplifted in a white society, but for the most part this does not happen.
desu I think the mould of society plays a big roll in keeping people down though. I'm white and don't have shit, never have because I don't conform to societies standards.. shit, where I come from all the niggers are better off than I am, I can't even claim benefits.
yeah, pretty much. ha ha.
Once this Russia shit dies down hell be be replaced or the show will be canceled
Good to know.
It's what the kids want to hear.
Korea is fucking woke I guess
And that's how we get slaves
>don't have shit, never have because I don't conform to societies standards
Bitch, you don't have shit because you're a lazy fuck, don't be a nigger and claim all your problems are because of society
Anyone else mix these niggers up sometimes?
Both annoying as fuck and pure cancer
all rook same i guess
>as South Africans have been doing profitably and gleefully for decades
Correction, they were when whites were in charge, now there are power outages every week and the whole country is going to shit.
Zimbabwe part two
At least Jon Stewart was entertaining. Watching the show from the night before while eating waffles was comfy desu. This guy fuckinh sucks.
Well, they have South Park.
But how are the ratings for the Newer Daily Shows? I would assume shit but since he's still running they must not be terrible.
I don't think South Africa looks much like this though.
fucking kek
Even the old school Daily Show with Craig Kilborn was better. Back then it was pretty impartial, and they just made fun of crazy shit that wasn't even related to politics most the time.
Foreigners just can't and shouldn't into American satire politics. There's no connection, no click. It gives off a more critical, condescending vibe. He is free to do that, but it's a bad idea. There's nothing relatable. He's not American. John Oliver is British. Samantha Bee is Canadian.
We need to make satirical new shows great again.
He gets better with every episode and Drumpfkins hate it. I'm currently bathing in the tears of Trump voters, it's so salty.
trips truth
who the fuck pays for cable, tv shows, and movies in today's world
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Affirmative Action strikes again. Who would've thought we'd get stuck with the most unfunny negro on TV.
This. That channel is utter garbage now.
>it;s obvious they are the superior race when it comes to manual labour,
They're not. Literally the only things niggers are better at are running and jumping.