The Food Jew

What are things that I should never eat?

What's heavily subsidized?

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>t. black man

The only proper meal

Corn syrup. Most foods have it.

Simple sugars and carbs.

Eat produce, dairy and unprocessed meat
Avoid processed foods, especially snacks with loads of ingredients on the back.

If it ain't fried I ain't eatin' it.

corn, sugar, carbs, limit your dairy intake. up your fish intake. I'm in the process of moving from domesticated cow/chicken to wild game only for protein. Iron Pill

You should also start growing your own veggies if you haven't already. Its actually pretty simple. Spinach, lettuce, broccoli and kale will grow inside year round and can be grown outside in early spring and the fall

Dont drink milk in large quantities

Avoid eating pig meat.

>up your fish intake
Not farmed fish though. Its full of antibiotics and all kinds of chemicals.

Don't eat high fructose corn syrup or aspartame. Try to avoid heavily processed foods. Make sure you clean fresh produce very well and try to get your meats from a local rancher/butcher.

Whats wrong with aspartame?

Avoid soy and heavily hopped beers because of the estrogen.

This is coming from a veterinarian student -- only an idiot would believe that article

>using peta as a source
Those assholes think they know more about keeping and caring for animals than farmers, game wardens, and zoos. They think they know more about keeping and caring for your body than doctors and nutritionists.

very true, forgot to include this. besides the antibiotics and chemicals the taste difference is enough alone.

Everything, stop eating

to beat the jew is to be the jew
I only eat exclusively kosher

You just cited peta.

You need to die immediately.

Just eat a well-rounded healthy diet and exercise.

It's a known carcinogen. Drinking diet soda for long periods of time is really, really bad.

Maybe not smoking bad, but still bad.

The zionists are satanists, therefore they try to make you sacrifice life in your home - i.e. eating meat.

Meat causes cancer, aids, sudden death, flappy-arm syndrome and erectile dysfuction. Milk is also full of estrogen which they inject into cows to increase milk production.

Do you have a source for this?

Aspartame is the byproduct of genetically modified E. coli bacteria that is treated with methanol.

Once consumed and broken down in the gut it produces formaldehyde that has been linked to migraines, dermatitis and poor digestive health.

So you be sayin fish is an ultimate redpill?

There's a lot of faggotry that goes on with food. If I had to pick one thing to avoid - GMO corn. Do that one thing and your health should stay reasonable.

and wild game such as deer, elk, rabbits, shit like that.

>not joining PETA in their based crusade against the disease of homosexuality

Didn't know that, thanks.

> If I had to pick one thing to avoid - GMO corn.
Explain pls.

>What's heavily subsidized?
Meat and dairy

Leaky gut, taxes your liver, do the details really matter once you've figured out it's bad? Avoid.

T. Muslim

It is forbidden to eat pork in Christianity, Islam and Judaism dumbass.

Short list of things to aviod as an enlightened straight white male:

GMO Corn, Soy, Canola, Safflower, other GMO oil crops.
Most farmed seafood.
Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operation (CAFO) meat. Beef, pork, chicken.
Anything packed in a package containing BPA/B, avoid plastic packaging in general, though glass and metal can be coated also. This is more aimed at liquid/wet food.

Thats the big stuff off the top of my head, also try to avoid "industrial farming" operations unless you know how they farm. Do your research and youll be ok.


A bit of Google fu tells me I was indeed wrong.

Breaks down into two amino acids and methonal?


Wonder where I heard that now.

Eat a high protein with NO red meat (Group 1 Carcinogen), white meat and fish is fine but not too much and not too often.

Avoid dairy as much as you can, these estrogen filled foods can increase gyno (man boobs) and overall bad in large quantities. Switch to a plant based milk.

Eat a good amount of veggies and fruit a day, it's not a meme pushed by doctors, they're filles with vitamins and antioxidants.

Also eat non processed food grown in your own country, don't buy imported veggies from china and expect it to be healthly.

NEVER eat soy

5474 Sandy Blvd ...Portland OR

That's Clydes Prime Rib, since 1955

Look it up.


He's right though

Can someone post that shit about xenostrogens? I can't find mine.

there is literally nothing wrong with GMOs. don't be like those lefty hippies and think everything "artificial" is bad.

Seattle also.

Refined carbs are better than whole wheat shit because whole wheat takes forever to break down in your body.

Drink a lot of milk because it makes your bones strong.

No one in this thread said anything bad about gmos
How is whole wheat taking longer to break down worse? It means you're less hungry throughout the day and whole wheat is high in fibre.

Cow milk is filled with hormones, calcium can be found in much better sources.


I want DENK out of my country

So basically I should eat nothing? Nice

You're fucking retarded.

Processed flour and sugar causes inflammation, something that should scare the shit out of you. Do research. Sugar is the devil, fat is good.

t. beta NEET

If you cant find locally farmed produce and pasture raised meat in Hungary then you should kys, or alternatively start your own farming business and sell it at a premium price to EU city cucks.

>fat is good
The same fat that clogs arteries? Are you a shill? Pour a bunch of butter down a pipe and it will become blocked over time. Arteries are the same way. Take an anatomy and physiology class before you start spewing misinformation online.

Never eat the yolk of an egg, it's literally just cholesterol.

>Avoid soy

sad but true. i had to stop eating my favorite soup because it was tofu-based and it was fucking with my body (i was eating it like twice a week).

however in small amounts once in a while its ok.

Sorry, fishes absorb heavy metal waste from industries, perpetually increasing the amount of heavy metals in their system. The process is called bioaccumulation. Read more here:
>Coastal fish (such as the smooth toadfish) and seabirds (such as the Atlantic puffin) are often monitored for heavy metal bioaccumulation.

Obviously it's not just the coastal fishes experiencing an increase in heavy metals within the biome, but rather all sea dwelling creatures.

No your an actual retard. He's right. High fat diet filled with animal organs is the best. Low fat meat is less healthy. Sugar and grains are the devil. I had prediabetes and acne and cured it by cutting all grains out of my diet.

>No your an actual retard.
These are the type of people giving out nutritional advice?

Got a source? I just realized my dermatitis may have started around the time I started drinking diet soda

What the fuck is wrong with soy? All I see is "soy is da boogyman" but nothing to back it up. I love me some edameme

Looks like an aquabat

I remember the p1zz@g8ers flipping out over this image but I can't quite recall why exactly. Was it because one of the napkins is in a specific shape, or the lone strand of pasta or something?

This. And remember to soak your grains and legumes to remove phytates.

Unfermented soy spikes your blood estrogen. This is why Asians are manlets and have tiny cocks.

Never eat fast food OP. No one should eat that shit. Some of the worst type of degeneracy

>no red meme

Red meat is the best meat you can get t./fit/

Fucktons of exogenous estrogen. It's literally turning you into a lady.

Some health "conscious" mom was having yer sons eat tons of tofu/soy-milk and it delayed their puberty.

Corn and corn.

I went paleo (no grains, legumes, processed foods, or vegetable oils) and lost over 100 lb. Not sure if you were asking for weight-loss or general health, but either way I'd recommend paleo.

Most of those very specific make you lose weight because you pay attention to what you eat, rather than being better for you. If eating paleo means that you stop eating candybars that is what makes it more healthy, not that you dont eat vegetable oil.
Eating a wide variety of unprocessed food is good enough.

Cholesterol from food doesn't turn into the same type that is bad for you once digested, it's a meme

The Aquabats Super Show

The only good Saturday-morning-esque children's television to be produced in the last decade.

I understand the weight-loss itself was mostly due to the reasons you are listing, but I will also maintain that eliminating the foods groups I listed help greatly in optimizing health.

Grains are mostly empty carbs and contain high levels of Omega 6 fatty acids, which are highly inflammatory.

Vegetable oils, mostly derived from above-mentioned grains, have the same inflammation problem in greater concentration.

Legumes contain chemicals which bind to micro-nutrients and prevent their absorption, and also large concentrations of phytic acid which greatly irritates your GI tract.

Inflammation is a common problem and directly causes (allergies, asthma, arthritis, etc.), or acts as a precursor to (Alzheimer's, stroke, heart attack, weakened immune system, etc.) many serious health conditions.

Once again, I would contend eliminating these groups is not generally necessary, but would contribute to a more healthy lifestyle.

>The Aquabats Super Show
I only knew the band I used to listen when I was a teenager ! Didn't even know they made a show ! Thanks user !

What about home killed cows?

Fun fact: People have successfully caused themselves to become asexual by eliminating all cholesterol from their diet. Dietary cholesterol contributes little to blood cholesterol, but is extremely vital for creating endogenous hormones.

Depends on what the cows ate and how they were treated. The general benefit to wild-caught food is it wasn't raised on corn and estrogen.

Ive tried it but not eating some form of pasta/beans/potatoes/rice just means I get hungry again quickly. Carb staple+vegies in my experience gives me the most enjoyable food experience.
That said processed food and those food additive packs (where you have to add stuff yourself to a powder mix) are pure cancer. Youre paying 2 bucks to poison yourself with the Big Food jew

Bruh whole grains raise hdl cholesterol. Please stop spreading ignorance

I find nothing is more filling than meat. Also, once your body adjusts to not getting blood-sugar spikes from pasta, etc. your appetite will adjust to the new lifestyle.

Exercise also raises HDL. I'm going to let you ponder which is better for you.

Exercise doesn't fill my fucking stomach you nitwit

I don't have any good sources of meat though, it's all factory farmed here


>so subsidy-cucked he doesn't recognize anything but grains as food

Raised on my property (around 2 cows per acre), I buy them from a nearby dairy farm that injects the cows with penicillins when pregnant. The soil here is good and there's not any crop dusting within a kilometre or so, did have one problem a couple of years ago with the cows eating rhododendron and getting pollock so we had to shoot them, that's sorted now.

Please say it's not true, IPAs are so delicious

Don't you guys have deer and pigs everywhere?

Although "good" meat is going to be the better choice, I started/did the first 3.5 years of my diet in a tiny college town with no options. I ate (still do) plenty of fast food as long as I limit myself to whole-food ingredients (100% beef patty, lettuce, onion, tomato, mustard is usually fine).

If you can't get good meat, I'd just say to be sure and take some fish oil every day.

sugar and trans fats

Nice. I used to get my beef from a swanky-ass operation like you're describing, but their butcher was a fucking hack (intended). I need to find a new one near me.

>trans fats

Just put some power on it and they'll turn cis.

Thoughts on vitamin and mineral supplements?

Learn to butcher your own, it's pretty easy if you have a way of hanging them.

Lol, I'm in an apartment, so probably not happening any time soon.

Im pretty sure home butchery is illegal here. Let alone that ground is hideously expensive.
