How do you explain this disparity?
Race Disparities in Car Insurance Premiums
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The same reason that teenagers, women, and men pay different rates. Trends.
>white area
>black area
>same risk
Why don't black owned insurance companies undercut the racist insurance companies if the risk is actually lower? The black owned insurance company would make a bigger profit than the racist one, eventually having enough wealth to buy up the racist company and change its policies.
Weird how this doesn't happen. It's almost as if the basic premise that the risk is the same is false.
1) Fake News
2) Racism
3) Fascism
They claim to not collect race data. Prices are set by postal code but these areas could be classified by their racial makeup.
Insurance companies are immoral and a cancer. Black people tend to do jobs which are actually productive rather than ripping people off for shit.
Because in black neighborhoods your car mpis more likely to get fucked up by a break in or a robbery
>minority neighborhoods
Did they just gerrymander a region of their choice and look for the mean premium of the area?
The answer is yes.
>Black people tend to do jobs
Stopped reading there.
>black neighborhoods have the same risk as white neighborhoods
>same risk
>same risk
Lets be real here, nobody believes that.
>same risk
>said Nash, a 26-year-old
>yet hedges, who is 34 years old
Is there any point to including this shitty sob story for the nigger? Age plays a big part. Nigger probably has an arrest record and parking tickets too
Blacks can afford insurances? what?
Ha! Hahhhhahah
Just fuck off our horribly oppressive countries already. It seems we're simply unable to live with you without harming and oppressing you in every conceivable way. Just leave, for your own safety.
>Insurers have long defended their pricing by saying that the risk of accidents is greater in those neighborhoods, even for motorists who have never had one.
Lol, this entire article is just a big roundabout way to try to explain why something not racist is actually completely racist.
They don't have the same risk. The premise of this article is built on a lie.
I dont know about USA but in the UK most of the (((diverse))) areas are high crime areas.
Thefts from cars, thefts of cars or bikes/scooters/ etc. I dont know if minorities have more accidents, or claim more, or have more false claims because I dont have data, but what I can tell you is that there are thousands of "crash for cash" gangs in the UK and most of them are pakis, poos, or nogs.
There will be sound actuarial reasons for the difference in premiums.
Perhaps a black-only insurance company will cater for these people (before going bust through their increased claims).
But Sup Forums told me racism doesn't exist except against whites!
Insurances are gambling, therefore is a sin
this this this, THIS!
>same risk
You are required by law to purchase car insurance in the US
'Land of the Free'
>Why don't black owned insurance companies
name these black owned car insurance companies.
So you're telling me there is room for one.
>Poor people are forced live in environments that cause them to remain poor.
How do you expect blacks to get ahead when systematic issues like this persistent? It's almost like there's a racism built-in to the system or something.
>same risk
because it's niggers that steal all the fucking cars in the first place.
ProPublica, even though leftist, actually has damn good journalism. I'm gonna read through the findings and methodology.
You can just start a company. You don't have to sit around waiting for other people to do it for you.
>How do you explain this disparity?
the insurance company figured out who was causing the car thefts in both areas
There are plenty of shitty high-risk white neighborhoods.
Starting an insurance company requires a pretty huge amount of overhead in the form of loose capital to cover those pay outs.
>Speeding tickets
>Traffic violations
>Parking violations
>Hit and run person
>Hit and run vehicle
>Poorly done car modifications
Blacks are also shit drivers too.
not racism, classism. it's not just blacks, it's whites too. like I have mentioned before, I can think of 5 black people now who have jobs as barristers and shit and they are given way more chances here because of "diversity in the work place" because of my tattoos and criminal record I'm back of the cue.. if I was a minority they would employ without even checking up on that shit... it's bullshit.
I suffer from multiple learning difficulties and I'm a little slow, but my intelligence is way above average if people give me the chance. I cannot find work due to shoplifting charges from when I was homeless.. I'm stuck in a cycle where I can't find work because of my criminal record, yet I have to steal to survive.
This is the mould we live in and it needs to fucking change.
>black people working
Black owned insurance companies used to be common. They made lots of profit because they charged high premiums. When the "racist" companies started marketing to blacks, most of the black owned companies couldn't compete and went out of business.
Young black men are horrible drivers, also they drive alot, in shitty areas showing their ride to their gang friends.
White kids have a job, go to school.
See the difference
This. Lets see the study. Most studies these days are garbage. If they have actual hard data its worth talking about.
Those areas could be classified by the number of homicides or the number of shirtless kids pissing in the gutter, too. It's not the insurance company's fault that non-asian minorities can't get their shit together.
Oprah alone is worth nearly $3 billion. Pretty sure the black community could raise the needed capital if they wanted to. But they don't. Why? Because it's a poor investment.
No you're not. You only need it if you want to drive an automobile on public roadways. Even then, some states allow you to forgo insurance if you can prove you have enough money to pay any claims against you put of pocket.
maybe I should just play on my kike looking beak and say "shalom" and shit, that might get me some work.. ha ha, fucks sake. for the record I'm anglo finnish/irish with a tiny bit of russian jew (only a fucking tiny bit though, and desu that might be BS as my dad talks shit and he had just seen a myer lansky documentary, ha ha ha)
Didn't stop an illegal for totalling my sister's car and getting off Scott free.
Not sure how she got away with it, but ya know minorities can do no wrong or something
>implying niggers and spics actually have car insurance.
In the 20 years I've been driving and the 6 or 7 accidents I've been involved in, only two of the other drivers (white) had car insurance. Even had one beaner show up to the accident that was caused by his wife and offer me cash not to call the police.
>same risk
Only like 5% of niggers know what car insurance even is, and far less than that actually have it. So, when a nigger actually gets car insurance, the insurance company knows that there will be a bunch of fucked up, high-risk nigger bullshit going on, and that niggerness increases the likelihood of them having to pay out. So, Quintimothy Poopflinger here gets charged a higher premium because his race is a bunch of destructive gorillas.
guy, we are talking about present year.
Minorities live in democrat areas which causes higher minimum wage which causes inflation. Easy.
If you ever driven in a majority black or Hispanic neighborhood you understand completely why their rates are so high.
desu though fellow poltard, the education system has a lot to play in why niggers don't know shit. have you ever seen what passes as education in a nigger school.. teachers crank the heating to make them all drowsy so they don't get shot, and thats about it, they teach them how to do fractions and shit in relation to slainging crack, they actually teach them numbers in relation to crack and dope selling in school... all these kids have is drug dealing... funny thing is these niggers are working for the fucking CIA :'D it's their fucking drugs.
Now I definitely think you have some devious niggers out there, people like dr dre who singed the deal with the kikes to drag hip hop into the dirt... well know these kids don't even say words now, thats how fucking retarded it is.
the game is rigged fags and tards, the game is fucking rigged.
we need to weaponize the niggers, send them after the upper class.
shit we need to weaponize everything we can if we ever want our planet back from the parasitic upper classes.
This is not a drill, fagtards, this is not a drill. The revolution will be administered anally.
>How do you explain this disparity?
>with the same risk
> "Facts are racist", take 34813.
Takes about 5 seconds to realize why. Minority neighbourghoods have higher crime rates so cars get stolen or damaged more than they do in white areas who have less crime.
>this is racism
No this is these "minorities" who commit so much crime that they create these problems in their neighbourghoods that insurance companies then adjust premiums for.
Same reason property values drop in crime ridden areas it's no real mystery, what is stupid is blaming it on racism instead of clearly realizing that there's a need for the denizens of those communities to start acting responsibly and preventing the crime themselves by not letting their kids get involved/sometimes taking matters into their own hands, reporting/looking down on any criminal element rather than encouraging it aswell as reporting crime to the police.
Yet again "minorities" complain about a situation/want white americans to fix a situation that they themselves created.
>Selling drugs
What's incredible is that the idiot who wrote this article can sit with a straight face and pretend that a car parked in a crime ridden neighbourghood has the same risk of being damaged/stolen than a car parked in a less crime ridden neighbourghood. And then having the balls to even remotely blame that on racism.
STOP STEALING/BREAKING CARS in your neighbourghoods and your premiums will go down! amazing how that works! property values will also go up since it becomes more attractive to live there.. Imagine that, it's incredible new information that was just recently discovered..
>Same risk
Liers, there is obviosly higher risk in dindu hoods.
this. where i live theres been a large spike in negro's bashing in car windows.
>How do you explain this disparity?
nogs are always stealing cars, breaking into them and turning them into trash. pretty fucking simple.
In my state if you have a lapse on insurance on a registered vehicle the DMV literally fines you money.
>same risk
nice meme
shit drivers plus nobody can fuck up a decent car like a nig.
Yeah this was my thought too.
higher chance of theft in shitty neighborhoods.
raceb8ing fake news.
>live in Philadelphia
>Car antennas broken off by tweakers and used as smoking decides on a regular basis
>Windows smashed and radio ripped out of dashboard on regular basis
>Walk outside and see my civic on bricks on a regular basis
gee really makes you wonder
Does auto insurance cover vandalism? I thought it was just for accidents.
Wow Bernie's betrayal is still really an issue for you isn't it?
Join the EDL, they will set you straight.
Why would you live in that shithole?
This is so fucking stupid. The reason why it's like that is because poor blacks get into accidents more often. When the premium is calculated, every attribute about that person is taken into account (race, age, area, etc.)
Depends on your insurance. I have comprehensive protection from AAA so I'm covered against vandalism. If someone keys my car or breaks a window, insurance will repair with a $100 deductable.
there's no such thing as a 'minority' neighborhood. people in the usa can live wherever the fuck they want.
there are high crime areas.
>what is de facto vs. de jure
>buy insurance
>car breaks down
>cancel insurance because I no longer have a car
>get charged higher rates if I ever decide to renew
Insurance is the third highest form of kikery
>Buy insurance
>move house, change job, etc
>that will be whatever the fuck we feel like charging you or your policy is invalid and you can get fined for no insurance
I am addicted to the motorized jew.
It's all based on calculations. What is it about minorities that would make them higher risks?
>I wonder..
How about sex based disparities?
I have to pay more than my twin sister in insurance for the sole reason that I have a feminine penis.
[citation needed]
You mean like blue collar work?
Like when you totally didnt get ripped off at your local garage because uhm.. blu colla give people mo honor i guess?
>why would incidence of theft and vandalism play a role in car insurance premiums?
>less people pay for car insurance
>car insurance premiums go up
It has nothing to do with "same risk".
Insurance is a socialist program.
If you don't pay into the program, you hurt the people who do pay.
>Falling for the "systemic racism" jew
>How do you explain this disparity?
Who defines the term "Risk". The company who is financially obligated by the risk, or the company reporting on a risk they do not see?
Fact: You are more likely to file an insurance claim if you park your car in an urban environment.
This news is just virtue signaling.
>How do you explain this disparity?
Niggers and shitskins steal cars.
Go live in NYC, they have laws that help those with criminal records get jobs
what state, user?
>with the """"""""""""""""""""same"""""""""""""""""""" risk
While it is perfectly legal to charge different premiums based on sex for most types of insurance. For USA induvidual healthcare you cannot vary rates basedon sex. And Women have lower rates for all types of insurance except healthcare.
It does, but if you live in a high crime area you be charged more because high crime area is high risk.