Post 'em if you got ''em!
Susan Rice Memes
Other urls found in this thread:
I got nothing, sorry.
Make em.
nice, will get to work
nice, saved
Hopefully we see some action on the rice situation swiftly.
also, pic related, r u me?
Can anyone make me a picture of a mound of rice in a jail cell. I need it for reasons.
>Inmate Salvatore Rannazzisi stirs a vat of rice and beans at the Marion County Jail in
does this count?
"And I would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for Trump and that meddling /pol"
The very fact that CTR, ShareBlue and other orgs are here trying to create their own narrative, tells us that we have more power than tptb think we should have.
keep them coming
Will her testimony one up Alexander Butterfield's?
thx, saved
bumping epic bread
one of the biggest scandals that should have included jail time for obozo was seizing the engines of thousands of perfectly good vehicles
Love it. Capitalize on her double negative nonsense talk
which one was that?
Cash for Clunkers.
People keep trying to connect this scandal to scandals that people didn't care enough about for anything to happen. Doesn't make any sense. Post on how this one is different, not how it's just like that other scandal that died.
>not how it's just like that other scandal that died.
the only reason any of them died is the MSM buried them.
Not surprised , Susan Rice spied on Donald Trump
Dear America:
Please stop sending black women as your slaves to spy on me
- Sincerely, everyone who has had black women spy on them for the American Government
ok, gotcha.
Weren't all those cars (steel) sent to China?
who does that remind you of
>"I know nothing"
>"I knew nothing"
>"I don't know"
>"I can't recall"
>"I don't remember"
Yep. And we can't let it end up the same way.
I've got a separate thread going related to the other angle: CNN's lack of professionalism.
Dig it. Make one where she deflects to Russia like in that interview.
Very good.
That's a byoot. Mind if I save it?
nice job, uncle benghazi KEK
what about unmasking re NSA bulk data collection?
>DNC on Podesta and DNC emails: It doesn't matter what was in the emails, what's important is that they were illegally hacked.
>DNC on unmasking: It doesn't matter that names in phone calls were illegally unmasked, what's important is what's in the phone calls.
I didn't make them, so feel free.
Since this is Obama's Watergate, we should make memes from a very famous movie about watergate
This is a really good direction. Make more of these.
Fresh Garrison
There are 8 rice threads. They all need a bump. Keep rice threads alive. Sage slide threads. Make the threads you want to see. Still need a twitter campaign thread, a general and a media spin edition..
I've got a couple more templates that I haven't added dialogue to yet. Feel free to use
And another. You know, something along the lines of Obama asking what Trump has been saying, and Rice reading out some totally innocuous Trump comment
Down to 5.. we need help guys.
Can i get the template for this guy?
Keep this thread alive.
This story has legs
This? Or do you want it without the word bubbles?
this is what I wanted
What the fuck is that monkey wearing in the WH? Jesus Christ, have some decency you fucking pavement chimp.
Bump. Down to 4 threads. People need to make some more.
Again, feel free to build in the dialogue you want
you can counter by posting thread links and porn in the slide threads, but it just attracts retards and shills to the good ones.
Who cares if retards/shills come to this thread. They can't fuck up or divert the discussion because it's just posting memes.
where the hell did you faggots go? at least post bullshit or the whole thing slides to the bottom.
good point actually.
Probably the most infuriating part of this whole thing was that they thought these loose ends would vaporize when Hillary won.
Anyone up to the challenge? You could probably tell a story with this one, starting with Obama telling her to eavesdrop on Trump and ending with Obama telling her to take the fall.
Trump has owned both political parties, AND repeatedly played the media like a fiddle.
Look back at that wiretap tweet and now how they have to eat Thier words or lie. And an investigation is coming out of it. Obama went from swearing to resist Trump 24/7 to going into hiding. Lol the share blue shills are here in force, it's pure panic.. 4 D chess. Trump plays it splendidly.
>Wyoming exists
Nice try, Drumpfkin.
bumping until I contriboot again.
lame af
OP is doing the Lord's Work.
Don't forget how that rat fuck traitor and deserter Bergdahl was a hero and served with honor and distinction.
I kekked.
FYI if you're in photoshop, I've been using Chalkduster font to get that cartoonish look
I'm old school. I use Fireworks.* Thanks for the tip.
* which only barely exists now. You have to beg adobe to purchase a copy - and they only give it to you begrudgingly.
the captioning sucks though. The lines shouldn't go into their mouths.
I can fix that pretty easily on each of the templates. Does this look better - the bubble starting a little bit to the side of her mouth?
needs merchant face
Yeah, much better. I'll save that one
Used different font.