This is what Reddit fags actually believe
This is what Reddit fags actually believe
Fucking delusional mate.
>Mexican wall
Refute one of these claims with evidence
>lost the culture war
Well, Trump is the President, so I think there is ample evidence that he indeed won the fucking election.
>Muh 6 gorillion votes
>media shills so hard their polls skew when they only poll Dems
>judges rule from bench
>benches rule from judges
>Paul Ryan is a faggot
>pretty sure people are bidding for the wall as we speak
>crowd sizes were fake news but let's beat that horse
>making fun of SJWs is now a national pasttime
>Shariaville, formerly known as the EU, has an irrational hate boner but the Nips and Bongs are cool
>visibility of t_d actively censored due to its size, somehow this means reddit won
>media continues to shill despite reality flying in their faces practically every other day at this point
God these people need help.
Here's your evidence
>border defences
i know im being baited but whatever
B-B-But we won Reddit!
>muh 3 grozillion electoral college is bad goy
>obamas polling was good too :^)
>lost due to loopholes
>maybe valid but blocked for all the wrong reasons
>leftists being shits
>taking the wall literally and not just border security
>muh lots of people and mob mentality muh vagina
>sjws winning KEK
>Obama lost that a long time ago
only thing that could be seen as "wrong" or his fault was the travel bans
This triggers me, and is why I stopped going on reddit many years ago
refute my ass.
refute the fact that trump won the election.
You fucking idiots. /u/allyourexpensivetoys is a thinly-veiled troll that consistently gets upvotes from low-T lefty reddiotrs who don't realize he's satirizing them. Look through his post history (sort by top) and you'll see.
The guy literally posts "Drumpf" copypastas that leafs spam on Sup Forums
Take a look at some of these comments, and you'll clearly see this guy is just farming karma in lefty subreddits, and seeing how obvious his satire can be before redditards realize he's making fun of them.
In tese comments he talks about Reddit "allying" with tumblr, and talks about how liberal men are lower testosterone, yet he still gets upvoted and fucking gilded. honestly the guy is brilliant.
Fuck off
>replies to themselves
>browses r*.ddit
Checks out. I fucking hate that practically everyone in my country is a ribbitor
If it is true, then you just ruined his idea
Sup Forums is full of redditors
Go back to redit nobodg gives a fuck and stop making cancer posts. Just stop posting. Lurk more or kill yourself and live stream it.
Good let them keep fucking up. they are killing the left themselves.
Why are reditfags so insufferable. Just look at them. The internet is serious business guys. We can make a difference!
That guy forgot the most important point - that Trump is also rapidly losing the support of those who got him into power - the internet, or rather Sup Forums
wow really made me think.