How can Sup Forums support a man that gasses and kills his own people?
Is this place full of Pro-Syria bots and Kremlin bots or something? Or is it just for the memes?
How can Sup Forums support a man that gasses and kills his own people?
Is this place full of Pro-Syria bots and Kremlin bots or something? Or is it just for the memes?
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Trump JUST meet with Sisi, a guy who is one of the biggest war criminals on the planet.
Democracy doesn't work with non-whites. He needs to keep his people in check.
USA isn't world police anymore, let someone else do it
In that case I can't really say Sisi was worse then the Muslim Brotherhood guy they had as the leader of Egypt.
The problem with the US not doing anything about it is it makes you look weak.
Mainstream propaganda
But it's true. Trump and his administrations are weaklings. I can assure you, majority of russians(and especially Putin and his friends) will never respect irresolute and soft behavior. Only pure strength. Just like Bush, which Putin respected and feared.
> But it's true. Trump and his administrations are weaklings. I can assure you, majority of russians(and especially Putin and his friends) will never respect irresolute and soft behavior. Only pure strengh. Just like Bush, which Putin respected and feared.
He doesnt, your narrow brain is brainwashed.
GW had to put a show on like he was strong, just like GHW.
Everyone though GHW Bush was a total weakling because he didn't want to go into war. Then operation Desert Storm happened and he gained a lot of respect back.
>gasses and kills his own people
Your own president says he did it...
He didn't, you can't prove it. Sage
That isn't evidence. I voted for him but I'm not some kek praising r_d fag who would lap up Trump's cum if he shot it on my gf's face
I hope you're trolling, other wise go for a brain transplantation
The gas attacks came from the terrorists.
That's what we are talking about. Assad terrorists must be stopped.
>his own people
His people support him. Jihad rats deserve gas.
He had this gasses disposed of under international observation a couple of years ago, meanwhile the gasses used in this attack bear striking resemblance to the ones the Syrian rebels were caught using.
This whole plot is just another Libya, an attempt to smear a government that is attempting to operate autonomously in the Middle Eastern region, and install another puppet government. And they aren't even hiding it.
"The media told me so, so it's the truth"
Do the human gene-pool a favor and kys, retarded fucking leaf.
No, we'll have to wait until the full UN report comes out, just like what happened after the 2013 gas attack happened and it was found to be Assad that did it.
All major US officials say it happened, and they get classified information that proves it. There are tens of thousands of spy satellites from the US that watch pretty much everywhere.
Any state has the right to do anything to anyone within its own territory.
>he believes what (((UN))) tells him to believe
Kek, I rather believe in my Sup Forums buddies and based RT because I'm red pilled.
> democrats in trouble
> assad about to win war
> does the one thing which is sure to attract attention
yeah sure, doesn't appear suspicious at all.
corrupt dictators>jihadis
Smells like bullshit to me. And you know what? Even if he did it, I don't want to be in the middle of arming terrorists and toppling middle eastern dictators anymore. I didn't want that in the beginning, either, and it led to countless fucking messes. Just let the Muslims handle their shit, jesus fucking christ, we know they're savages.
>Assad gassed his people
Oh really? Remember when the media pushed the whole "Assad used chemical weapons" shit a couple of years ago and shit went to far that the EU wanted to drag countries into war against his regime?
Then it turned out that the sarin gas was launched by the rebels and not the Assad regime?
Of fucking course you don't remember, because you're a retard who doesn't know shit about world politics and only spouts idiocy he reads in headlines.
All arameans support Assad because without him, Syria will turn into another fucking Sharia governed muslim shithole.
I'd rather have a secular dictator than a sharia """democracy""".
>military forces steadily driving ISIS out and decreasing the amount of territory the jihadis hold
>Pres. Trump has dropped the "Assad Must Go" line
>ISIS kidnaps a hundred+ people last week
>suddenly Assad decides to use chemical weapons and a hundred corpses turn up
wow there's totally no chance the arab shitskins used chemical weapons to gas a bunch of people and then dumped the corpses somewhere as a False Flag to try to force the USA to go back to saying "Assad Must Go!"
Or Israel, who have been gouging their finger into Syria's bullet-wounds for years and supporting ISIS because the greedy little kikes want to commit landgrabs into Syria which will be 100% easier when it's a failed state full of al-qaeda and ISIL moderate beheader training camps.
leaf shut up
Well first of all the Chemical attack was done by "Moderate Rebels"(Terror groups) once again.
Don't fall for the typical MSM propaganda narrative spinning..
This is my concern, why would Assad dump a gas bomb directly in the path of a hugely successful counterattack?
People who unironically believe this scare the shit out of me. Literal boot licker
Lol, and our CIA and NSA is in open rebellion. IF assad actually did intentionally gas this ENEMY controlled city then i am empressed be had the stones to does it. But this is a set up trying to provoke a knee jerk reaction. Just like those retarded self videos claiming "pray for me and my daughters, the syrian army is here and will kill us all" it is propaganda to get us back to working with Isis and the other camel jockies.
>Fuck we are losing ackmed!
>quick lets.make a botched chemical gas attack with pesticides
>great idea! Make sure to have the high end cameras on seen and add extreme children chocking while not doing anything to help them.
> excellent Idea Muhammed, but we will.need to wait for and air strike to so it then say assad did it.
You can't keep muslims under control by gassing their hospitals though
Are you retarded?
>Less Muslims
>More control
utterly retarded, the FSA knows that the USA and the west are never coming to rescue them after the last gas attack, and now with trump in power, they have absolutely no hope. Even Russia is saying the gas is a result of the SAA so we know they have involvment on some level.
It's the whole reason Assad is where he is now, his police forces which opened fire on protesters started this whole mess. He tried to come down with a iron fist, but his fist was not heavy enough and it backfired.
Pest control is necessary in the middle east.
The Jews hate him we like him
No, he is where he is now because we have been arming Hamas with TOW missiles, medical supplies and amunition. You think the rebels can manufacture high tech anti-tank weapons that say Made in the USA?
Libya's still a mess
Iraq and Afghanistan's new governments are jokes
Checkd. Gas more muzzies
Sorry meant for this.
Any evidence for that?
>b-but the media said it so it must be true
Blow up people? A ok
Blow up weddings? A ok
Blow up funerals? A ok
Roll over people with tanks? A ok
Fire bomb cities of women and children? A ok
Drop atomic bombs? A ok
I can count the amount of days this year that there hasnt been numerous children dying in Syria on my dick. This is to get the US to act and the media is hurrying it up so no one gets the time to think. The narrative is taking over.
I literally don't give a shit about Syria.
This. Literally not our responsibility. Honestly if it was Assad, then its up to Russia to put him in check, not us.
That works
Why would you credit claims that he has done so? It makes far more sense as a terrorist false flag than as a tactic by Assad, who is now winning big-league.
People are so incredibly dumb and propaganda so easy,
Democracy is an evil institution
Assad gassed someone becouse some camelfucker in sandals told it.
I will believe it only after a independent investigation.
Independent investigation in the rebel held teritory will never happen, becouse the same rebels will not allow it to happen. And i wonder why they will not allow it to happen. So fuck your rebeltard goat fuckers. Good luck Assad.
>How can Sup Forums support a man that gasses and kills his own people?
I'm old enough to remember what happened the last time we overthrew a secular dictator.
See- Iraq and Libya
United States may take unilateral action in Syria if UNSC fails to, US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley says.
Iff trump falls for it he is literally a Jew puppet or he is giving Jews what they want in return for something else
Peaceful protesters, right?
Peaceful protesters, some of whom would later make up a portion of the world's most ruthless terror organization.
Don't take the blue pill kid. The middle east is a cultural and socio-economic tinderbox bound to explode. Nothing can save their dysfunctional societal frame from the 11th century when combined with the medical and military possibilities of the 21st centuries.
Stable dictators are your best bet to retard an uneviteable youth bulge catastrophe resulting in a teocracy. But Obama fucked that up, because he needed a war for his history books.
Even that is implying that he Saddam Husseined 70 children. No fuckin proofs and it makes no sense.
So why are you guys so fucking stupid that one minute you want people to hate trump and the next you want us to go along with a white house statement? Most/all attacks have been done by rebels. Why would SAA and Russia want to ruin their upper hand by risking foreign intervention even more? People like you need to be strung up alongside Soros.
The Day of the Rake cannot come soon enough.
Member when Saddam gassed the Kurds? I member
Why are you guys against it?
You spend 500+ billion dollars just so you can get a big military. Why would you not want to use it?
>believing fake news
Daily reminder to report and sage spam threads
I would rather start exterminating them to reduce them to post-war Germany state, so that they will have to atone for their shit for centuries, while being busy working for their new masters
And whose word are we taking that Assad did this? Fucking Hamas.
It's RIDF ignore those half skull mongolian retards
i wish we had a german assad we could vote for
Always a leaf spreading lies
The gassing was done by terrorists.
They literally killed children for you to feel sorry for them and then pin the blame on Assad.
Assad is WINNING, he doesn't need to resort to chemical weapons, the terrorists do.
I only support use of our military if its to invade the Netherlands.
>killing rebels
the eternal leaf strikes again
Do you have any reliable sauce on the kidnappings?
All I can find on google is really fringe news sources and won't fly well. Time matches up with what you're saying though.
Careful pal, or vlads baddies will be otw to reeducate some western brainwashed scum.
Don't act like the refugee crisis isn't his fault.
Sad that only 10% of people that see your post will realize it's satire
>tfw even Reddit more based than leafs
What do we have to lose from attacking syria? They are nothing but an Iranian puppet state. Territory we could do with have some bases in to pressure Iran and cut them off from Lebanon. We could invade Iran in a few years time using Syria as a staging post. Pol memes Deus Vult but when it comes time for a crusade they hide in their homes like privileged little men did during the real crusades.
No use.
In Russia anyone can be jailed because of one magic article in criminal law.
1. Actions directed to incite hatred or enmity, as well as to humiliate the dignity of a person or a group of persons on grounds of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as belonging to a social group, committed in public or with Using mass media or information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet.
If state experts(puppets, i tell you) will decide what your picture in social media, post where are you blaming jews for example, a extremist one, then you must be ready to spend several years in jail with killers and junkies.
So if you live here you will learn to live as a fatalist
It's "our" (Not really the people because literally no one who wasn't a shitbag politician wanted this shit) fucking fault for falling for the Arab spring meme and helping to overthrow some of the middle eastern dictatorships that were keeping that region under control.