Gibraltar thread

Redpill me on Gibraltar.
What has happened in the last few days that I missed?
Also Gibraltar happening thread.

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england say it their clay
spain says no

Spain said Gibraltar won't get any special treatment unless it's in the EU. UK flips their shit and accuses Spain of wanting to annex their precious tax haven.

Brexit negotiations are going to be fun.

Brits have been going crazy over it, shitting their pants and threatening at the same time. Spain and the rest of the world doesn't give a shit.


What? That's not what's happened at all.

The EU gave Spain the right to veto any deals that involve Gibraltar, our government is not tolerating this move and eventually the EU will back down. Because they know what's good for them.

>Spain literally sends a warship into Gibraltarian waters that gets chased out by a small British dingy
>We're the ones chimping out and shitting ourselves
Slavs were a mistake.

The Paper Tiger Union think they're being clever.

They're already backing down on the issue.

>w-we don't want Gibraltar, c-calm down

>Spanish ship passes by as it always does
>Brits make a big deal out of it
That's the version I heard. Seems plausible.

it is historically moroccan clay but brits own it and spaniards claim it.


And it's not the first time they've done this, so shut the fuck up about things you don't know, stupid nigger slav.

Why are you so angry?

Because the slavshit is wrong and making shit up. All of the EU should be nuked for this act of war against us.

Spain has every right to veto deals involving Gibraltar because they're the ones that have to deal with them.

I rest my case.

He's starting to realise Brexit was a mistake.

>I rest my case
You have no fucking case, go accept your quota of rapefugees like a good goy.

No, Spain has no rights and no say in what happens to Gibraltar, the EU will back down on this issue or there will be no negotiations, no talks we walk away and leave you fuckers up shit creek without a paddle. Gibraltar is nothing to do with Spain or the EU, not anymore.

The only right the Spanish have is the right to die.

Oh look it's one of those threads again.

Hard border with Ireland and paramilitaries it is then, enjoy being blown up by Ulster nationalists you shitskin.

Why? Spain has no valid claim on Gibraltar

>we walk away and leave you fuckers up shit creek without a paddle
Yeah let's see how long your crumbling economy can survive with no trade deals.

Why are Eurofuckers so butthurt about this?



B but that's all, well and the mad old tory, all the navy with our ship is because we have a port there and happen daily, is nothing special

It;s not about claims. They have the only border with Gibraltar, they deserve a say in how the border is with an area with 30,000 citizens and 80,000 businesses pumping the region with cheap cigarettes.

We have 27 trade deals already lined up and waiting to be signed.

U mad about that?

Honestly, to me it seems like the Brexiteers are just as irate as they where before the referendum.

If the EU wants to go down this path then Spain can be fucked over by us, considering Gibraltar contributes more in tax than the rest of Spain combined.

Let's play that game, let's see how Spain copes.

I'd love them to pen in the rock via a curtain possibly made of Iron

But only so we can do the same to the Irish, No Irish goods allowed into the UK, No Irish goods allowed to pass thorough the UK, All Irish people spat on in the streets not just their beggers

This. All the Gibraltar posts made by Brits merely confirm this.

You would be irate if your people and territories were being threatened.

This aren't the middle ages. Nothing would change for the citizens of Gibraltar if Spain takes over the rule.

We lost our empire so long ago we don't really care about this kind of shit anymore.
We troll the brits about our little rock

Gibraltar belongs to Morocco as much as France belongs to Ireland

Unemployment would go through the roof, corruption would rise dramatically and the quality of life would go through the floor to be in the line with the rest of Southern Spain.

Daily reminder that Spanish people emigrate to Gibraltar to find work, and within one generation prefer living under British rule than living in Spain ever again.

The people of Gibraltar do not want to be governed from Madrid, they have made this clear.

>We don't care
Your politicians constantly make claims that Gibraltar will be ruled by Spain, you invade the waters constantly, you attack an American submarine.

>But we le don't care!
>Le tricky trick face
Yeah right, you're as mad as the Argie freaks, you're still not getting it and neither are they so cry more.

I'm not just talking about the Gibraltar thing, which is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things.

I'm talking about the entire Brexit negotiations that are starting to taking place – watching pro-Brexit people talk and debate on UK news channels makes me think that they're not actually too happy about the outcome. (obiously the Remainers are not happy either, but that is to be expected when you narrowly lose the referendum)

Yes goy, denigrate the Irish and replace them with based Indians in your 45% white capital

no happenings just the usual shit flinging

La Francia son Irlandais.

Thread theme:

>The people of Gibraltar do not want to be governed from Madrid, they have made this clear.

Would you be this understanding if the Scots made clear that they don't want to be ruled from Westminster?

>replying to crypto slavs

Ah yes fuck over the north so much that even the DUP will want to join us.

spaniards and yuropoors having a fit because we are cucking them

Let's see how well your card house economy does when the EUSSR standardizes corporate tax rates across the Union

>Slovenians not being Slavic
This really has to die.

Good luck supplying Gibraltar when we start shooting down your planes and sinking your ships, fag.

Uh oh

Britts BTFO, give back Gibraltar to Spain

>you attack an American submarine
they attack us first


also 60%

Good luck shooting down our planes and sinking our ships when you have vastly inferior technology LUL

Spain should build a wall at the border to gibralata after brits left EU so they are forced to give their shitty rock up becouse they are isolated.

>Neo-Poland calling anyone else Slavs

I love Brits :3

The hard truth: anglos, french and spaniards are bros.

Whatever helps you sleep on your benefits at night


somebody redpill me on that fucking rock

look at that magnificent rock

it must have some kind of metaphysical significance

>It's strategically placed at the strait of Gibraltar, controlling access to the Med
>It's a naturally fortified hunk of limestone with tunnels and inner chambers.
>it has a perfect natural harbor to shelter ships.
>The rock and malta were strategically significant british overseas bases during world war 2. They allowed the allies to monitor axis communications and control the Mediterranean sea.

I'm talking about aliens and shit. This rock is clearly no coincidence.

>>It's strategically placed at the strait of Gibraltar, controlling access to the Med
I thought Morocco + Spain control acces to the Med?

>inb4 Spain gets cucked for the 7th time

What are they gonna do, stop us with their non-existent navy?

Yeah on paper they control it, but whoever's navy controls the rock and the associated harbor is going to have de facto control in the event of a war or something.

Nazi U-Boat had to use natural undersea currents to enter the med silently without engine power because of royal navy presence in Gibraltar.

Except they have to be part of the dysfunctional joke country called Spain

They aren't. Scotland has home rule. Much better than unitary state Spain where Madrid is God

Lol.... We'll make Spain... Mexico again!

It's not like Spain could actually enforce that

How many US bases are in Spain?
How many Spanish bases are in the US?

The EU is a collective bargaining group, it is not in its nature to give additional powers to one specific country except as a fuck you to another, which is clearly counterproductive if you think that the EU intends to produce a mutual deal. A better estimation would be that they're lashing out out of spite.


We are building an amazing wall and brits are paying for it.

I shit you not, this is the Mayor.

>Redpill me on Gibraltar.
Worst payload map, that's all there is to know.

People in the news like to say Gibraltar so they made a fake controversy about it.

If ww2 never happend there would be a war going on because of this already.

What matters most is the people that live there. They are British and wish to remain so. Unless that changes I see no validity to a Spanish claim to Gibraltar since the treaty was signed 300 years ago in good with faith with Queen Anne. The EU is just waving it's dick around and nothing will happen.

i'm still amazed there are pro eu shills on this site of all places

it really makes you realise who your friends are, all the europeans have shown their true colours, like vultures hoping the UK collapses because we dared leave the EU

honhonhon silly englishue hon hon hon

bunch of fucking faggots all of you

Sup Forums is the most diverse place on the web. But yeah lol fuck you Europoors


>Brits want non-whites in their country.

Colour me surprised.


That sounds like a good way to have your country turn into a U.S./British-controlled vassal state for the next 50 years.

the jew cries out as they strike you

you think america will go to war with a european country that gave us the american revolution

with 50 million spaniards in the country


It's a whole bunch of nothing.
UK owning Gibraltar or not doesn't stop any ships from going to the Atlantic.
What are (((they))) trying to slide behind this non news is the real question.