Is this even allowed? Especially German media is going all out 24/7.
Isn't this literally some crime?
Is this even allowed? Especially German media is going all out 24/7.
Isn't this literally some crime?
Other urls found in this thread:
Another gem. Literally saying crimes didn't go up in Sweden since 2015/refugees.
>it was a double false flag
>nato pretended to be the FSA pretending to be SAA
What's it like on the ground. Are people blind as sheep or are they afraid to speak out publicly against the media?
I searched German YouTube for commentary on refugees and whatnot, PJW type people, and refugee compilation videos but I didn't get anything big and I found it odd. I also noticed that third reich speeches have more views in Japanese, Arabic and Chinese than German. All very sad.
Have a bump
>isn't this literally some crime?
implying it wasn't a crime to try to frame him for chemical weapons the first two times, and to invade Syria in the first place...
Serious question:
Where should I get my German news?
I know Springer is out of the question, but where else should one look? Is FAZ still alright, is Zeit?
I'm not a blind nazi AfD voter so please suggest something neutral (if that even exists in this country)
no german news. its all biased and fake news
your best bet is probably like RT or something if they have a German outlet... in the US, pretty much everything else is just different flavors of US / Nato / Soros bullshit.
most people don't even recognize the propaganda anymore and believe this are actual news and became ok with refugees.
other people demonstrating to let even more refugees in. it's a 50/50 situation between left and ultra-left i guess.
(please nuke us)
Who conducted the attacks exactly and why?
m8 but can we really rely on foreigners not to have a certain agenda when reporting on something that goes on outside their own country? Are we basically fucked? This shit was supposed to be improved by the Internet, not deteriorated. I know our big newspapers always had some political affiliation, but if what you say is true there really is no hope left, I don't have the time or resources to be my own newsoutlet, especially since you can't trust anything written on the internet.
Did they forget nobody bought this shit a few years back?
>Jews pretending their lies are reality
What else is new?
Are you serious here? I said no bias, I don't think Russia Today has Germany's best interest in mind here...
I guess the question was stupid and naive to begin with, sorry for asking.
merkel muss weg
the idea is to at least get the other side and see who you believe.
Amazing how many bots and trolls Putin has aquired to change the public opinion.
Now Sup Forums doesn't even believe his Potus Rex Trump when he confirms the strike.
Well done Putin!
>Media 100% pretending it's a proven fact Assad did it
As an American who is tired of my country trying to police the world I say, "I don't care. Go fucking nuts in your own country if you want. It really is not my problem until you try to bring it here."
Putin needs to glass whatever part of the middle east that exported the latest bomber like he said he would do. We're busy with our own problems now. One of the biggest being the lying media.
It's Trump's appointees that are beating this drum
Unlikely Assad because he's not stupid and he knows that the minute they can pin him using "WMDs" on his own people, that's all the justification the west would ever need to overthrow him for whatever nefarious reasons our lords and masters want to destabilize the middle east for.
"Chemical weapons" are a big meme and not even that effective as a weapon really. They're just scary.
willing to bet its a jewish false flag.
Assad knows after the red line was crossed that nothing will happen when he continues to do what he does. The west doesn't want to go to war any longer. Also he is protected by Putin.
I know what you mean, but being neither right nor left wing in the world of today is truly suffering, feels like journalistic integrity has died a long time ago, and it's not like you can sift through this shit yourself when everyone has an agenda nowadays.
>reading Bild
>supporting a mass murderer just because he is killing muslims
Assad and the SAA are in no way different than any other group fighting in Syria. You are acting like it is impossible for Assad to do something like this.
>I'm not a blind nazi AfD voter
Please stop doing that
You don't have to like them, but they're literally the only party that hasn't bend the knee to the globalists yet, anything else is pretty much unelectable at this point. Unless you want your neighbourhood to open a new mosque, that is.
Assad never crossed the red line. He never used CW. Why would he use CW in a meaningless village? Literally every CW that happened was in a small village where they're effects on the war effort is miniscule at best. Can't believe people still think Assad is the bad guy. He only killed and arrested individuals linked to terrorism. Something we can all agree is a good thing.
They always trying to pin these gas attacks on assad. Even when they find chemical weapons in rebel held areas of aleppo. Also anytime I see white helmets showing up for "running with kids in arms" photo op I get suspicious.
Didn't Sweden stop disseminating crime stats since 2015, didn't they also stop reporting race on crimes since around 2014? In response to immigration criticism they keep showing 2015 statistics when 2016 was the height of it.
Sweden is a tyrannical leftist state.
>m8 but can we really rely on foreigners not to have a certain agenda when reporting on something that goes on outside their own country?
Can you rely on Germans not to have a certain agenda when reporting on something that goes on in side their own country?
Germany is done for. You can be glad that you can watch a nation crumble and fall into chaos during your lifetime. It will only take 20 - 30 years from now. This country is dead, it just hasn't realised it yet.
>Who conducted the attacks exactly and why?
Whoever started this war againt him in the first place: CIA and/or Mossad.
The why is easy, to try to get support from the citizens of the west to remove him. "He's killing his own civilians!!" Like the lies they spread about Gaddafi.
>I'm not a blind nazi AfD
you are absolute retarded.
It dossn't matter if he has done it but if the West and the (((mass media))) say so. Because then the president (Obama or Trump, doesn't matter) has to act to protect the (((free world))).
Bush did it because he was a cuckservative. Obama didn't do it because he was a coward and a hypocrite who cared only about his Nobel peace prize.
Trump may act now because he is influenced by Kushner and Friedman (read Netanyahu). That would be a great thing for Israel and the upcoming election there. But maybe Bannon (read Putin) stops him from doing so (which would be great for Europe).
Wenn manche sagen: Sie sind ein Phantast!
Dann kann ich ihm nur antworten: Sie Idiot!
Wenn ich nie in meinem Leben ein Phantast gewesen wäre,
wo wären Sie, und wo wären wir heute alle?
Ich habe immer an die deutsche Zukunft geglaubt.
Sie haben damals gesagt: Sie sind ein Phantast.
Ich habe immer an die Auferstehung des Deutschen Reiches geglaubt,
Sie sagten immer ,Sie sind ein Narr!'.
Ich habe immer geglaubt an die Wiederaufrichtung einer deutschen Macht,
Sie sagten immer ich sei wahnsinnig.
Ich habe geglaubt an die Beseitigung unserer Wirtschaftsnot,
Sie sagten, das sei Utopie.
Wer hat nun recht gehabt,
der Phantast oder Sie?
Ich habe recht gehabt
und ich werde auch für die Zukunft recht behalten.
It was improved by the internet, we all got to see how much we were being lied to.
I'm the first to admit I don't have a single clue what the AfD actually want. I guess they want to reduce immigration, but what else? What would happen to the many people with migrant backgrounds who are already in this country, and have in some cases even contributed to our economic success and general prosperity. Do they want to kick them out?
What the fuck is their "endgame".
I may live in NRW and a lot of you think this place is beyond saving, and i have to admit, there are in fact quite a few non-whiteys here, but I actually still love my city (Düsseldorf). I don't see this as much of a problem. Churches still outnumber mosques, whites are still the majority and most importantly I never really feel unsafe walking the streets, no matter what time of day it is. No one is forcing me to marry a refugee ffs, i could care less about the next men, refugees don't threaten my cultural heritage AT ALL, my gf is white and I want to have white kids with her.
Are you planing to move to New Zealand as I am, Krautbro?
>All these shits protecting Assad
Fucking remove kebab
>You are acting like it is impossible for Assad to do something like this.
It's not impossible. But it would be unbelievably stupid. There's a light at the end of his tunnel now and you think he would do one of the very few things that could fuck him over?
Pretend you are him. Even pretend you are evil as fuck if you want. Pretend you only care about yourself and your own power. And give me one reason why you would allow an attack like this.
Actually no 2015 was the height of it
Scheiße, da draußen ist ein Hubschrauber!
>suddenly assad gassing people
>bannon gone
assad is removing lots of kebab though
I'm a seceond generation Russian-German, and I'd love to get kicked out if that meant I can go to America
Trump pls. Reopen Ellis Island
reading Bid...
You do realize that we are far from having a situation similar to the weimar republic. We will have some kind of war in the next 15-20 years and many people will be killed as a result... with Native European still being the big majority removing any muslims filth to be found on this continent.
Isn't it too early for Christmas, Germany?
This is the typical MSM propaganda narrative spinning that was going to happen.
The Chemical attack was done by "Moderate Rebels"(Terror groups) once again.
Then you are no "immigrant" but a "deutscher Volkszugehöriger".
lmao implying. If you have any sort of revolution it will be the communists ushering in an authoritarian leftist dictatorship.
There are literally ZERO right-wingers in Europe. There will never be a revolution because your average European is happy to see muslims in the streets and happy to see their daughters dating Africans.
This is just the new Europe.
Looking at the comments under articles pretty much nobody believes the shit about Assad gassing civilians. That's why the journalists are currently in overdrive, churning out 2 articles an hour on every platform about how bad Assad is.
There are a few people agreeing with them but at this point it actually looks more like they're trolling or satirizing the MSM's opinion.
Birthday soon.
>"This is just the new Europe."
"... It will be a huge transformation, which must take place. And jews are at the center of it."
Just go there on holiday, we actually have it much better in Germany if you really think about it.
Fellow burger here but when were you last in germany? Just curious.
Anyway I moved from Cape Coral Florida a few years back, but while I was there i noticed a HUGE influx of German immigrants. Anyone know why Germans are moving to Florida?
You live just a few kilometers from me, nice.
AfD wants to restore our rights and the justice systems. The so-called refugees are mostly migrants who aren't even allowed to work here. The simple rule is: refugees from war have to go back after the war is over. Also migration through the asylum system is not allowed. The AfD wants to enforce these rules while the other parties want to import more migrants either for humanitarian, economic (wage dumping) or other reasons.
Also the AfD wants more direct democracy, a final solution for the Euro (it will implode otherwise in a few years), the protection of our core family and our cultural German heritage, a reformation of our energy system and the taxes there and of course less socialism, less taxes at all.
I fully support these positions, that's why I will vote AfD in both the state and the federal election this year.
Every proof so far points at fucking Assad...
To demoralize the enemy and to force him to give up sooner than later.
Grüß Heiko von mir!
My mother shares his birthday, it's awesome.
>Churches still outnumber mosques, whites are still the majority and most importantly I never really feel unsafe walking the streets, no matter what time of day it is. No one is forcing me to marry a refugee ffs, i could care less about the next men, refugees don't threaten my cultural heritage AT ALL, my gf is white and I want to have white kids with her.
Your country's median age is 46.
More Muslim children than ethnic German. It's over already. In two decades those kids will be grown.
In three decades the churches will come down.
Not that we are any better off, I saw what happened to California. I was there during proposition 187 where Mexicans drove the streets with Mexican flags to protest a law that would restrict government funding to legal citizens. And the courts threw it away. I watched as law and rules became something you follow if you want to and as trust fell through the floor. As the illegals got to love by a different set of rules than the rest of us. Because they always had somewhere to run to if they fucked up too much, and we did not.
Good luck though. I really do wish you the best.
Just like the Damascus area attacks that started it all? The ones that MIT proved to be a mathematical impossibility because of the rocket design?
Arrested for Hate Speech.
Bild isn't media. They're yellow press antisatire masquerading as news.
Why should he use it now?
Germany & Sweden are committing Suicide.
>To demoralize the enemy and to force him to give up sooner than later.
Who do you think his enemy is?
more like "Frühaussiedler" but whatever. I'm basically German. And I don't really care for this country.
I mean God put me here for a reason, right? I don't know. Maybe he just does it randomly. But you can't force me to like it here. It's just so obvious to me that America is the greatest country in the world, and Russia is probably in second place (with a big, big power gap between them though).
I only use American internet sites, American media, American youtube videos etc. Heck, I almost exclusively THINK in American (I still use German when communicating with my family). It is unfair. I don't like anything about this shitty country at all (Except the fact that it is part of the Western World). And then you have Krautposters on Sup Forums who are so brainwashed by Anti-Americanism, it's just pissening. I mean, half of America voted for Trump. In Germany it's a race between German Hillary and German Obama. Wow. Really makes you think huh
I appreciate your answer, unfortunately I have to go now, although I'd like to comment on some of the points you mentioned. Maybe this thread will still be here once I return.
Have a nice evening!
Not an argument at all.
>every proof
Name them.
>a final solution for the Euro
dop geg
(((Proof))), you mean the media and white helmets blaming him ? That's a prove nowadys ?
Like Saddam & Gaddafi, he was a friend of the West.
And the West armed him....
Name three things that are better in Germany than in America
Everyone who is against him, mostly militant islamists. (Also Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but he can't fight them directly.)
That's right kraut. Remove those muslims, they're the cause of your decline. Focus all your energy and efforts in them.
Because chemical weapons are effective if your enemies can not defend themselves against it. Assad knows that nobody is able to do anything against him because Putin is backing him up, so he can basically do whatever he wants.
New Zealand seems pretty based, also considered moving to Canada if they were a little less degenerate.
I think Germans coined the word for fake news Hans you and your compound words
Thank you, you too!
Liberalism and Social Justice aren't as big as in the US, Bier and Hartz4
Exactly. And who do Israel and KSA like to have do thier dirty work? Who has a very vocal subgroup chomping at the bit for an excuse, any excuse to go in and bomb the ever living shit out of him. Who would be not demoralized by a WMD attack, but feel justified to do whatever they fuck they wanted if only they could show their population that he was a very very "bad" man.
Yes, you are not wrong but there is no intend. Why would he do it ? To antagonize him further ? He knows every retard will blame him and since 95% of people on this world are retards... do the math.
I'm not saying he a democratic messiah in the middle east, but he's better than an islamic theocracy by a long shot.
>Isn't this literally some crime?
No, it's called: all western Media has few primary sources like AP and Reuters and they always end in the pentagon and with (((them))). It also means ALL western main-stream media is inter-connected via think tanks and trans-atlantic organizations like Atlantikbrücke. And Kai Diekmann, the editor in chief of the BILD literally attended a Bilderberg meeting.
Do you know the difference between the "free press of the west" and Prawda tier Soviet Propaganda? Tits on page 3.
wut? SPD is liberal as fug, and CDU is liberal too now
>Social Justice
eh, we had the "pussy grabs back" protests with feminists and Muslims. Antifa started here.
raises estrogen, fuck that shit
Just get a fugging job. If I were American, I'd join the Armed Forces. But the Bundeswehr is not an option, I'm not fighting for Merkel nor Schulz
>I'm not a blind nazi AfD voter
But certainly a braindead mongoloid
>write a long post
>no response
I know I'm right
Putin knows a significant chunk of the USA deep state wants a war with Russia. Only one person of all those who ran for president wasn't all-in for war with Russia. Why antagonize that one person? Why fuck up your one chance not to get your shit pushed in?
I believe it's called (((fake news™))) and only the left may use it.
I just have to check these!
If we want the timeline where Trump makes immigration for white/non-Muslim/Christian Europeans easier, shouldn't we vote for Schulz or something?
I mean, think about it: If AfD actually saves Germany, everything will probably stay the same as now
But if Germany gets even more cucked and Sharia Law will rule etc., perhaps Trump will reopen Ellis Island
Selfish I know but...just a thought
I comfort myself with hardly anyone reads the paper anymore. Or cares about the political stuff.
> in some cases even contributed to our economic success and general prosperity
[citation needed] Also how do you think that is even possible!? Do you even know the numbers or is this some hypothetical scenario?
>Churches still outnumber mosques
>whites are still the majority
And are estimated to drop below by 2020.
>and most importantly I never really feel unsafe walking the streets
Oh okay for a second I though you were only going to tell lies and unsubstanciated or outright disproven claims but that you feel safe is whats most important.
Oh right nobody cared about that they just dont want to pay billions for immigrants that are inbred, refuse to go to school let alone learn a language, account for the largest influx in crime since recording, are bound by their belief to wage war on us and average at about 80% unemployment and welfare.
Nigger with 1/4 of our welfare whores not even being german while only 10% living in germany arent german we sure as fucking hell have enough on our hands without you fucking idiots condoning the opening of the floodgates.
How about you read the AfDs program or how about you read in general before you open your stupid mouth?