China will invade and conquer the USA in your lifetime
Please do. We're seriously fucked and need some cleansing, and a good dose of Chinese reality will do that in a hurry.
All shitposting gypsies will die in your lifetime
Praise kek
glad i saved this
Thank for that video leaf. I got a good cuckle out of it.
I think China is going to collapse in the next ten years. The reason isn't any specific policy they have made. But the everyone for themselves mindset that tends to creep in all post-communist countries. The same thing happened in Russia.
>everyone is cheating everyone else.
>no one has any regard for the law.
>they cant solve their problems with regulation because the regulations are always corrupt and cause more problems then they solve.
Let em try. I have plenty of ammo to save the Burger Town.
We should help them against burgers
Or we could just trade them land for some sichaun dipping sauce.
Wtf dude why I thought Trump was a Russian plant
AMercins are lucky cunts.
Not only they where born on the richest country n the planet, now they will be flooded by chinese with their petite bodies and small pussies.
This will bring joy to the live of many men and the hatred of all those harpies that are into feminism and dick carroussel.
I wish we where inveded by them :(
No. They gain nothing by invading US, and they're pragmatists.
better than liberals desu
>petite bodies and small pussies
bro, you do know that Chinese are bigger than you Hispani-manlets right?
There is no race on this planet as short and fat as yours
the chinese can barely conquer the senkaku islands. they can barely build a functioning ship, i wouldn't be worried about them.
What the actual fuck could China do against us in a war?
I'd honestly like to see them try
>implying China wouldn't get rekt.
I have nothing against homosexuals, but I was clearl talking about chinese women, bruv.
Stop building your stuff, american manufacturing it's already destroyed, and without things to consume america will burn to the ground.
lol @ china invading anything with their un-tested and weak military and zero force projection capability. simply put, if it ain't in walking distance, china is no threat to anyone.
Wouldnt that hurt them as well cause them we'd stoo buyimg their shit? You need money for war, lots of ut especially for an invasion like that and I doubt the chinks even have that much. They would severely strain their economic resources.
You overestimate China.
The only advantage the Chinese Army has is sheer numbers. They will get destroyed in a conventional war against a modern army. They will get destroyed by a dedicated insurgency similar to the VC or Taliban.
Chinese military prowess is a meme.
Most climate change models suggest only florida will get fucked
Everywhere else is fine
Still, good shit
Zerg Rush is not that easy to defend, user.
Nah, California and New York will probably be fucked too.
NYC was already a fucking swamp before they built the city there.
Understand the size of our nation. It takes days to cross by car. Our military is massive, and our tech is for the most part unrivaled. We also are the most well armed populace in the world.
You have to fly or sail here, not exactly something you can just do.
Its futile. Burguer women prefer the BBC anyway...
Fuck off, chink.
China is the world's largest collection of human ants. When their economic growth slows down, they'll have a recession and a revolution will follow shortly
The West will rise again. Just you wait
Negative. Combine poor training and equipment on the Chinese end with weapon systems that produce a casualty radius on our end, then China will soon have a managable population size.
I have 7 guns and 3k rounds of ammo in the closet at my apartment. I know tons of people who have more firepower than me.
Sorry sonny. American manufacturing has had such a huge loss in skilled work, and with the combined problems of university degrees and lack of jobs for BA and Masters holders, trade skills are surging and the chances of getting employed within a month of certification is beyond 95%.
Manufacturing is on an upswing here in the states.
>1 post by this bot
I would love to see ANYBODY try to take mainland USA.
fuck off
That's ggod to hear actually, now you have to see how to fix Flint.
Correct. That's why war will never happen as long as the current process of trade with China holds. This thread is stupid.
Why would the chinks squander millions of lives in a war that will surely end in nuclear annihilation or at the very least ruin their economy when they can just finance a Second American Civil War and let Americans tear each other apart like a pack of rabid dogs?
>implying the chinks care about their own
you're right about the rest
Today they would be crushed. After another 40 years of the way we are going, who knows what might be possible.
Gotta have some soldiers leftover for fighting the next war. And invading the United States would quickly turn into a genocidal quagmire like Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union did where the US launches a campaign of brutal disproportionate retaliation once the Chinese have been thrown out.
Yeah, but I'm not sure the Chinese would get all that far because the "every blade of grass" thing. An invasion of the West Coast would result in a lot of dead beaners though
based china helping the hungry burgers
McDonalds with dog meat!
Chinese would have a major famine and millions dead if they fucked with U.S.
Civil war is more likely here.
Terrifying. Yawn.
They couldn't even get here and the US's geography makes it very hard to conquer. I'm not worried.
America is actually the nation best-equipped to deal with climate change, though Florida is fucked. Seas don't rise overnight. There's going to be an unprecedentedly massive housing boom once people start figuring out where the tides will stop. It'll send the economy into the greatest time of prosperity since the end of WWII, and maybe even exceeding that, depending on how fucked the rest of the world becomes and how much shit we can sell them.