You guys mind explaining this one?
You guys mind explaining this one?
Get back to me when WBC starts putting out beheading videos
thats because WBC is right.
>comparing mass-murdering fanatic warmongers with sign-carrying rednecks
1/10 made me reply
>complaining about gays is the same as beheading people and blowing yourself up.
When was the last time the westboro Baptist church shut up a French theater in the name of Christianity
>WBC beheads people
>holding up signs with mean sayings
>releasing videos of elaborate and brutal executions
Totally the same thing
OP knows better, you explaining why he's a faggot just gives him more (you)s.
Ignore thread.
Wbc is literally like 15 people
>10 sign carrying christfags vs 1/3 of the planet that are violent inbred suicidal fanatics hellbent on killing as many kaffirs as possible.
Really rattles my marbles desu senpai.
Literally the entire new atheist movement against christianity was caused by a reaction against backwater Westboror Baptist types.
WBB doesn't kill people. It's no more than a hundred people, who say stupid things.
ISIS spans several countries, is thousands strong, captures sex slaves, films horrible death movies of people that refuse to convert.
You're comparing sky scrapers to candy bars.
Remember when the westboro baptist church indoctrinated hundreds of children and trained them by hunting down captured soldiers? Remember when the westboro baptist church got their hands on millions of dollars worth of military hardware and killed civilians and soldiers with IEDs and human bombs?
False equivalency you stupid cunt
>Islam is bad because of isis
No you fucking nigger
False equivalency. The two are not comprable and this statement is as ignorant as king nigger implying crusaders are running around doing what islam is doing today. WBC is a larp group who is a micro collection of one assholes family doing ultimatley harmless protests. They do not attract more followers, they do not spread their message, and they certainly dont attract warfighters from surrounding areas. They are roundly derided by nearly everyone as an insensitive group of shit kickers looking for a rise. The user who said to get back to him when they release beheading videos is spot on. These people are nobodies doing nothing vs a global terror network murdering tens if not hundreds of thousands, destabilizing entire regions, and spreading their dogma through blood.
>literally like 6 people holding up signs who have never hurt anyone
I would infinitely rather live next to WBC protesting my house every single day than live in a Muslim city. You also need to be over 18 to post here.
Stop using my waifu for your awful memes.
WBC has like 8 members and all they do is yell about fagots and hell. They have never hurt anyone.
>saying mean things on a sign is as bad as beheading people
and you posted a pic from that retarded frog cunt anime, no surprise there.
Westboro Baptists haven't killed anyone, and they certainly don't hold military control over any territory. If Muslims held peaceful (as opposed to "mostly peaceful") protests and that was it, there would be no problem.
WBC shows rude signs to homos.
ISIS pushes homos of roofs.
But I suppose in liberal minds white people complaining about homos is just as bad as muslims killing homos.
WBC is protected by the 1st amendment
they're just shitposting irl
Stop using my waifu as a mouthpiece
explanation is self evident. burn some sage, my friendo.
This meme is cringe-tier as fuck.
I can tell that either a fag or a woman made it.
>Literally an image stating the entire republican ideology is bad because they all think the entire islamic ideology is bad.
>the most extreme and unpopular form of Christianity these cucks can find is a tiny church of one guy and his family who say mean things like "god hates fags"
>Meanwhile pic related happens every day in Islam
Mah nigga.
Islam isn't bad because of Isis.
Islam is bad because it's Islam.
if you think westboro baptists are comparable to ISIS or islamic extremism in general, then you are fully compromised and do not belong in this country or any other western country. You should be executed before you become a danger to others, the disinformation, misdirection, false equivalencies and apologetics are already far too dangerous.
Christians, when asked about the WBBC actions, often demonize them, Christians, also when confronted by a WBBC member, often are the targets of their actions. Christians also oftenly physically distance themselves from the WBBC and helps its victims, as christians are commonly the victim and targets of WBBC abuse.
Muslims do not.
Yes she's a toad-girl, she's a really good swimmer and godlike with her tongue.
Ur welcome.
>One post by this ID
Mods, this is equal to the "If X Y Z" fallacy, can we have a new rule where the "explain this" is added to the list so we can ban the bots and trolls?
What is the name of this meme? This is the second time I've seen this pic with some bottom feeder liberal gotcha talking point
a hundred thousand sand niggers beheading decent human beings is equivalent to 8 guys being assholes at some funerals.
Fucking cuck.
i actually kinda wish westboro would run people over with tanks and bulldozers
hmmmmmm really made me think
wtf i love muslims now
wtf i hate christians now
Westboro Baptist church is like one family, there's only a dozen of them, you retarded liberals keep giving them the attention they want.
Stop using Tsuyu for shitty leftist memes.
>the same relevance as Westboro
Pic related.
>1 post by this id
Really Sup Forums?
ok so thign is really bad
but other thign also kinda bad????
I live pretty close to the WBC, I've seen them on numerous occasions. Not lately though since Fred died.
I'm pretty sure if i lived close to an ISIS headquarters there would be terrorism in my town on a daily basis.
>murderous group vs 3 wacko loudmouths
Every time that I check Sup Forums I see leftists asking dumb questions, when will it stop? :(
Fuck, maybe they should.
Scare the cucks into submiting to their views
mass murder is different from holding picket signs
You mind explaining why you put up the exact same fucking thread with the exact same shitty meme earlier today, but still came back after you were immediately BTFO with the first post?
sage your shitting leddit thread.
I want to receive fellatio from her.
>You mind explaining why you put up the exact same fucking thread.
Ones display mean sing to gays
The others trow gays from buildings
There are the same
Yeah, no fucking shit, I did sage, and I pointed out that it's a shill thread
They do criticize them. Fucking constantly.
Because blowing people's heads off and executing people is totally the same as holding up signs criticising homosexuality (which ISIS and Muslims hate).
The comparison doesn't make any sense. Anyone with critical and rational thinking would understand that the two are not the same.
Behead those who defile the froppy
>lawsuit trolls are the same as ISIS
Your taste in frogs is shit btw
Nearly every Christian denomination including other Baptists have condemned Westboro Baptist for their actions.
The difference with Islam is that only a very small handful of muslims genuinely believe that what ISIS is doing is evil. The majority of muslims see ISIS as heroes and freedom fighters.
>westboro writes some signs that hurt peoples feelings
>ISIS is waging a violent jihad on all nations they can infiltrate, cutting peoples heads off, lighting people on fire, murdering women and children
basically the same thing senpai
Please don't associate my people with those faggots.
I hate Westboro baptist church and do criticise it, however ISIS is by far worse. When was the last time Westboro killed anyone? BTW similar story to the KKK. When was the last time they lynched someone? ISIS on the other hand has killed many people in just the past month in peaceful, civilian areas.
Blowing people up is as bad as saying mean things......
Liberals in 2017
The funny thing is that Republicans don't really like the WBC.
Westboro church never killed anyone.
That tends to happen when you picket dead soldiers' funerals. There is a reason for everyone to hate WBC.
oh idk, I think they lost everybody at chopping heads off on tv, and drowning people in cages.
>church of about 5 members that everyone in the US and the rest of the world hates
>huge paramilitary and terrorist organisation killing muslims for not being muslim enough and actively erasing pre islamic history from controlled areas
Nothing Westboro does comes from the life and sayings of Jesus.
Everything ISIS does comes from the life and sayings of Muhammad.
I want to fuck that frog
westboro is free speech. terrorists kill people
stupid fuck
I dislike Islam because of its 1400 year history of violence.
hmmmmmmmm i do remember that time the wesboro baptist church blew up some people and tortured others
also, I don't remember the bible saying anything about not judging as I do remember the Quran being about a religion of peace an mentioning no holy war against the infidels.
Are you saying the westboro baptist church is good? made me have a thought
>Mudslimes rape women and throw gays off cliff is apperantly is the same when a redneck hold up a signs that is mean.
2/10 got me to reply here is your (You) and your 0.05 shekels
WBC whines a lot and no one takes them seriously
ISIS murders hundreds if not thousands, and most Islamic people actually have sympathies for them.
Stop using best girl to spread your retarded thoughts
>Hate speech for publicity
>Public beheadings
Really waters my melon
WB says God hates fags which is part of scripture btw Leviticus 20:13 they are true Christians. However they do not commit terrorism and murder innocents.
I understand the other shit but Why do they hate american soldiers?
>westboro baptist is suddenly christian
One is an ideology based on another religion.
One is a sect that practices their religions laws.
ISIS is the badguy.
>shill thread
Actually they do but wetboro is one family and IS is well pretty inbred but a lot more people who do more than just call dead soldiers faggots whom god hated.
Bro,are you fucking serious?We dont attack islam for just isis,we attack it because its regresive like you stupid as leftist and comparing it to christianity is like comparing a president who done some bad things vs. Stalin
This level of intellectual dishonesty is what drove me away from the left.
Westboro Baptist is a family of lawyers who troll funerals in order to provoke attacks so they can sue.
Vile and disgusting, sure, but they do zero violence and they stay strictly within the law.
They are not recruiting, they don't have copy cats popping up everywhere and there isn't a dozen other Christian groups that are almost exactly the same as them operating in dozens of countries across the world.
>Froppy is a villain playing 5d baccarat with fucking EVERYONE
>Let's try to make the dumbest possible meme using her
When was the last time WBC drove a truck into a load of people?
>People actually still push that WBC are Christian extremists
>when it's well known that they are actually a lawyer group hoping to sue people for assault or violated rights
Go punch a WBC member and see what happens. They are a money making racket and nothing more
Westboro is like 30 people.
Isis and their sympathizers are in the tens, in not hundreds of millions.
Nice try, bot.
One post by this ID
>You guys mind explaining this one?
False equivalency; it's a standard liberal argument tactic.
Islam is bad because of Islam. ISIS is just a product of Islam
Westboro hasn't beheaded anyone
>Sandniggers act like rabib barbarians
>WBC acts like IRL internet trolls