Why does Jared Kushner own the 666 building? (the exorcist film was edited here)
Why did soros loan Kushner 150 million?
Why is there rumors on Kushner leaking shit to the media?
Why is kushner in high level meetings alongside trump?
Why does Jared Kushner own the 666 building? (the exorcist film was edited here)
Why did soros loan Kushner 150 million?
Why is there rumors on Kushner leaking shit to the media?
Why is kushner in high level meetings alongside trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
kushner is the antichrist
what did Satan do when he wanted to have a seat in the most powerful government in the world?... He went to Jared
Correct. This was all planned out. He is the Judas that will betray trump.
He will also help to broker the 7 years peace agreement with Israel and the surrounding nations close to the end of Trump's first term.
Guess who trump put in the forefront of the middle east peace negotiations mentioned in the book of revelation?
kek was satan all along. I warned you all.
that id though
>Implying that satan could be avoided
Ironic contrarian humor he learned. Browsing Sup Forums
This is one of the best pictures I've ever seen on pol. I love that statue
This seems like the end times. The peace agreement is nigh. 7 years of prosperity will come to the US under the Trump presidency. The worldwide market collapse will give Trump opportunity to restructure and to have a rebound better than Hitler. After the 7 years of great prosperity, expect 3 1/2 years of tribulation following the rapture (which will occur near the end of the Trump presidency).
>muh satan
>muh end times
fucking retarded faggots
be gone demon
Cool as fuck.
The time of happenings is upon us...
but is he a prince?
Give yourself to Christ Jesus and pray you are worthy to escape the things to come
The Seventy Weeks
24 *xi“Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and *xjyour holy city, to finish *xkthe transgression, to put an end to sin, *xland to atone for iniquity, *xmto bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and *xnto anoint a most holy place.*n1 25 *xoKnow therefore and understand that *xpfrom the going out of the word to restore and *xqbuild Jerusalem to the coming of an *xranointed one, a *xsprince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, *xtbut in a troubled time. 26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall *xube cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come *xvshall destroy the city and the sanctuary. *xwIts*n1 end shall come with a flood, *xxand to the end there shall be war. *xyDesolations are decreed. 27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. *xzAnd on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until *xathe decreed end is poured out on the desolator.”
Learn how to type and spell faggot I'm not xreadin xthat xshit
>And the people of the prince who is to come *xvshall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
It'll work out somehow. The other signs fit too well.
what is this
suposedly, he's the antechrist...
Because he's an evil prick
It talks about Daniel's 70 weeks. Daniel's 70 weeks leads up to the end times. It talks about the 7 year peace agreement that Kushner is trying to help get setup.
gotta rebuild the temple senpai
Be watching for the rebuilding of the temple. That will be the most blatant sign.
>mfw Trump's Jewish son in law and Jewish leftist daughter turn out to be traitors
seriously this Ivanka Trump and her husband are the fucking poison of the the Trump presidency, I can't believe Bannon isn't telling the POTUS to kick their fucking arse out of the white house
>Not Francis of Cuckcisi, the nigger-foot-fetishist
You had one job
Where specifically is this
Kek why is le gamergate girl being raped by the pope
And what better administration to do that under the protection of than a Trump administration who knows something about getting things build under budget and ahead of schedule.
Trump should adopt Bannon as his son so he can kick Ivanka and Kushner from there.
Bonus is that Bannon will teach Barron play video games propertly
the vatican
The anti-Christ will not 'desire of women', he won't be married or have a gf. He will be a counterfeit Jesus who will trick the world into following him.
here you go Sup Forums
why is that conservative retards are so good at shitting conspiracies out of the most mundane details?
If you don't use facts and logic to understand the world, you're not any better than cucks who watch cnn all day long
>Bonus is that Bannon will teach Barron play video games propertly
Bannon & Barron best frost mage / destro warlock US
it's called bible prophecy senpai
it's not a conspiracy theory, no crime has been committed
have a nice day ackmed
Fuck that could be me
He will also be loved by many, many people. He will be more popular than Obama of Kim Kardashian.
>it's called bible prophecy senpai
it is called larping nonsense while pretending to seek the truth
Reminder: we should stop calling Ivanka Trump by this name. Call her Ivanka Kushner in private and public.
It's a great way to subtly call attention to her agenda and loyalty to Israel. Her name is flashed like a brand, and deflects from her true interest.
Kushner has hired a new (((publicist))) for his White House department:
Learn about Kushner's (((lawyer))) who is tight with the Clintons:
>The Revelation
>budgie named peppie that could talk
His name contain the words "ensure dark"
Tell me more about He who will come to defeat the Anti-Christ. That's who I want to hear about.
That would be Jesus, bruh
Its the only way Trump can stay alive. If they wanted him gone they would have done it, ((((THEY))))
nvm then
It's best not to leave any stone unturned when seeking the truth
To the leftist livestock still here:
You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /trumpgen/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /trumpgen/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
don't respond to nig nogs
i'm just talking about (((kushner))) calm down mang.
Was probably Obama honestly
First black president we get decides ''fuck whitey'', kills Gaddafi, and now we have niggers all over Europe. People being raped/beheaded everyday. Yet Obama is so loved.
Plus he literally created Isis. This isn't even a meme, it's 100% correct. He gave a bunch of sandniggers our weapons and now they kill us with them
What's all this shit about Kushner being the antichrist? Gimme a quick rundown.
Obama now needs to recover from a seemingly fatal wound, that then would certainly make him a good contender for the role.
This is the answer you are looking for. However, it may only lead to more questions.
Serious red/black-pill.
normies stay out.
Many Jews serve the Jesuit order. This is a known fact among the few saved Christians in this earth.
Rev17 & 18 clearly describe Vatican City as mystery Babylon that rules over the kingdoms of earth.
Pope is desperate for a rebuilt temple and he's going to get it. The Vatican bought Jerusalem way back in 1993, they have the technology for the mark of the beast and they have their two sides ready to foaming war (Nazi/commie) so they can usher in their savior.
Mark my words. You need to get saved if you aren't already.
also Daniel Estulin says Trump is backed by (((Rothschilds)))
Jesus Christ will defeat the antichrist after Satan rules on a throne for 7 years.
*Time period called time of JACOBS (isreals) trouble/Daniels 70th week*
The NWO will most likely be a Roman Catholic right wing fascist dictatorship gone wrong
Can maybe work out to fit if Michelle Obama is actually a dude
>threada not about Facebook frog is a slide thread
Is there more about how Christ will come? Or what form he'll take?
Sorry, it's been a long time since I've read revelation.
he keeps hitting the screen he even got it damaged, he's agitated and stupid
He'll appear in Armageddon with a sword in his mouth and red eyes
>The NWO will most likely be a Roman Catholic right wing fascist dictatorship gone wrong
Oh, hi Satan. Still trying to destroy the reputation of the Catholic Church I see. We all know who is behind the NWO, and none of them are Catholic.
antichrist will be WHITE (or Jewish white)! Nobody respects niggers, gooks, or sandniggers.
we knew it
but power feels good, so...
>comparing Kek to made up Jew bogeymen
The HUGE question is why Trump is giving Jared so much power. Why? Jared stands for everything Trump supporters voted for, so why is Trump betraying his supporters by giving so much power to an elite progressive democrat?
I could be wrong, but I believe he was trying to say that the antichrist will try to pretend that he's roman catholic in order to destroy the church, not that the church itself is bad. like it'll be an intentional disguise.
i don't know man but read this.
>Project Alamo
First time i hear of this. Are Shareblue (Formerly CTR) and Project Alamo having a digital war with Sup Forums being the frontline?
>Jesus Christ will defeat the antichrist after Satan rules on a throne for 7 years.
Where is that in the Bible?
The Bible says the unbelieving Judaeans who rejected Christ are not of his sheep (John 10:25-27). What is so hard to understand about that?
He is probably the only one that can secure an Israel peace deal with the surrounding nations. Trump probably knows this as well but will have good enough control over him through his presidency.
Wolf of wall street scenes were filmed there?
Fake news
You may want to read these. Especially after reading Schmidt (also one of them) talk about him.
you know why
dumb stupid goys
what the fuck?
Here is a Catholic explanation about The Antichrist:
>pierre ruins the fun
damnit. i'll bet you're a real blast at parties.
Something tells me this Kushner is bad news, maybe it's that he's Jewish but I have a bad feel about him. Also his grandmother is from the same town as mine, also Jewish, except mine was sent to a gulag and had her family murdered, bet they knew something
I don't buy that for one minute. I have read Jared is not bright. He got into Harvard only because his daddy paid them $25k. He is a spoiled rich kid who never worked a hard day in his life. The media is lying about him because they are trying to prop him up.
>you're a real blast at parties.
i'm sure he is since france has been overran by muslims
so what it's no 666
not only kushner but Ivanka also
I bet these two are in cahoots with the fuckers we thought we removed
We must warn Trump !!! Someone pick up the red-Sup Forums -phone, quick!
>He is probably the only one that can secure an Israel peace deal with the surrounding nations.
Sure, some spoiled rich kid who has lived off his family money his entire life, got everything handed to him, and most likely never worked a hard day in his life, and has zero background in politics or government, is the one to send over to fix an issue that has been plaguing the Middle East since the early- to mid- 20h century. Really? Whatever Jared.
Fucking kikes man....