It must suck to always have your perceived victories torn away from you and reversed every day.
what happened?
Trump is cucking like a cuckservative.
Democracy was a failure.
regarding "deoperationalizing" stuff?
Bannon will keep fighting, don't worry
Please no
>Bannon never attended a NSC meeting
What's going on
What exactly does operationalize mean in this context?
Bannon is still there, and still powerful. He's just not on the NSC anymore. He never should have been there in the first place.
Also Sage.
>believing administration spin
big report on Breitbart's Russian funding coming shortly
there's a reason they are going to "he was just there to watch Flynn, he never went to meetings" angle
Thank god.
But it's still cucking, why not let him hold his official position in NSC?
I would guess, "used the NSC for nefarious political functions it was never intended for".
lol keep telling yourself that drumpfcuck, your "president" is an absolute failure and embarrassment to the planet
>their faces when
its not cucking, why is everything either GOD EMPEROR or KEK with you fags?
He was literally one of the people in the meeting to decide this.
Yeah, cause Trump told him so.
It's still cucking infront of the leftist traitors.
shills on suicide watch
Interesting. I hope he gives more details on that otherwise it'll just sound like he quit.
>embarrassment to the planet