EU funded ANTI-Sup Forums propaganda

It's all here folks.

This report surfaced on Sup Forums a couple of weeks ago

A Longitudinal Measurement Study of Sup Forums’s Politically
Incorrect Forum and its Effect on the Web


Which makes some strong assertions about this place.

>Despite its influence and coverage in the media, Sup Forums remains
largely unstudied from a scientific perspective. In this paper,
we start addressing this gap by focusing on one sub-community,
namely, “Sup Forums”, i.e., the “Politically Incorrect” board. Sup Forums is, to
some extent, considered a “containment” board, allowing users
to discuss generally distasteful content (even by Sup Forums standards)
without disturbing the operations of other boards. Even though
Sup Forums’s contents do revolve around politically incorrectness, a simple
visual scan of discussions at any given time makes it clear that
the majority of posters subscribe to the “alt-right” movement, exhibiting
characteristics of xenophobia, social conservatism, racism,
and, generally speaking, hate.

However, when we look into the acknowledgements. We find:
This research
is supported by the European Union’s H2020-MSCA-RISE
grant “ENCASE” (Grant Agreement No. 691025) and by the EPSRC
under grant EP/N008448/1

ENCASE who have a shitty website here:

demonstrating that they directly recieved funding from here:
>to the tune of over 2 million euros

with the express aim of:
implement[ing] a browser-based architecture for the protection of minors from malicious actors in online social networks. The ENCASE user-centric architecture will consist of three distinct services, which can be combined to form an effective protective net against cyberbullying and sexually abusive acts
>ie/ to control the internet

Other urls found in this thread:


How does this tie to cookedrice and Obamagate? Make it digestible.

Gladly they were so stupid to put their names out there. 3 years

>€2,000,000+ in research money to investigate Sup Forums

it doesn't directly pertain to Rice etc.
It pertains more to the forces trying to control the internet and stifle freedom of speech,
>declaring dissent as hate speech
>declaring hate speech as violent action (sticks & stones)
also it's another big sum of money to try and monitor / control this place
>in2 the piss it goes.

we need the ponyfags back to get rid of the shills, can we make this happen somehow?

>calling your web censorship program "ENCASE"
It's like their parodying their own authoritarianism

Holy Moly, Who will receive that money?

They're* reeee