Black Americans

Why are they the most envied ethnic group in the world? They have the most imitated culture the world over.

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Imitated by the lowest tier genetic trash, yes.


they are literally paid money to spread their poison. alternatives are bought up and silenced so that their crap will be the only thing playing

>Everybody wants to be a nigger but nobody wants to be a nigger

>Why do children dress like dogs and cats on Halloween?

Black 'culture' is only emulated by people who are larping. It's a brief fantasy. It's not where you live, unless you are mentally broken.

No, they flagrantly imitate white culture (music, technology, clothing, the wheel, etc), but put their own subhuman stone-age twist on it (playing all the wrong notes of big band music and calling it "jazz", shouting lyrics because they can't carry a tune and calling it "rap", etc).

People in the civilized world aren't used to crude, stone-age sensibilities, so they think it's "novel".


hip hop music is the only genre that allows men to be openly aggressive. JP had a video about it

is there any picture of Jay Z where he doesn't look like a complete retard?

because they rose from slavery to become the successful capitalists society damands and now whitey is fucking scared shitless and retreats to Sup Forums to circlejerk around nigger memes and be scared of women

White culture is so imitated that it's called Civilization now.


Ok Varg

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


what about heavy metal you cuck

Ah, the brown subhuman gets triggered.

White culture = architecture, technology, mathematics, philosophy, science, medicine, electronics, atomics, computers, the internet, music, painting, sculpture, theatre, physics, space travel

Black culture = subsaharan Africans who never managed to invent a written language, or the wheel, get dragged out of the literal stone-age into a civilized society, and 300 years later they STILL can't manage to speak the language properly

Booty-blasted melanin-enriched individual detected.

god i fucking hate the whole "side bae/side nigga" and twerking culture. degenerate as fuck

Aggressive you say?

Ho Lee Fuk
She looks like "Captian Inmate!"
Orange jumpsuit AND a fucking cape.

Here comes Captain Inmate to deal with your problem with a life sentence.

Face it, black Americans are just cool as shit. Basically everyone on earth listens to the music we invented and wears our fashion. However, all Americans should have pride in this. It's not an African thing, it's an American thing.

White people didn't invent any of that stuff. Meds, Jews, and Muslims did.

t. The rare legit nationalist

Envied, no. Looked up to by children, yes. Because they represent the most primal and impulsive race of people so to children, that lifestyle is alluring.

it's usually retards that swallow blue pills by the hand full that partake in Hip hop and Dindu Fashion. I've not met many intelligent people in my life, black or white, that have anything to do with that ignorant sub-culture.

>everyone on earth listens to the music we invented

No we don't. Sometimes we overhear it when the Jews pump it into every TV commercial and shopping center, but we don't listen willingly.

Why would white people want to listen to a bunch of aggressive subhumans shouting about their dicks, money, and shooting each other?

>Being envious of famous niggers.
>Not their white owners.

White racist Ever heard of rock and roll? Elvis didn't invent it bro.

Meds are another type of white.

yup, those chinese sure love black culture


Yeah ok.

>Renaissance was 100% the product of white Europeans
>American rocket program was literally run by aryan Nazi scientists
>"ayyyy yo white people didn't invent space travel or any of that other stuff"

You fucking coon, go read a book for christsakes. And not any of that historical-revisionist "We Wuz Kangz" doggrel.

Neither did niggers. You know that guitar those "rock and rollers and blues players used..... yea thats NOT a nigger invention. You know those cords and rhythmic style? Yea niggers didnt invent those either.

What black guy invented rock and roll?

Islamic texts
German JEWS
Also Jews

Read a book. This is well known.

White people invented rock music
This is some of the dumbest shit I read on here today. Read a bock retard.

Jay Z looks like a fish

Fuck rock and roll, grandpa. Rock and roll is a senior citizen, it needs to retire to the nursing home.

Negros tried to play country songs on guitar and hit all the wrong notes, and "invented" blues... wow, another AMAZING cultural contribution of the subsahuman african race. Then somebody electrified guitar strings and baby boomers everywhere decided it was the "greatest music ever made". Bunch of dipshits.

I listen to technopop and electronic music. Pure white music created with white and Japanese (honoraryan) technology.

because if you don't love them you're deemed a racist and made target of

Niggers taking white music and slightly modifying it all while using white rhythms and instruments ..... WOW!!!!

If you can't openly disrespect women, talk about your wealth while shitting on the poor, and threatening to slay anyone who disrespects you in your own music.. You are a cuckold.

Rap is the TRUE redpill.

>white music

every body wants to act like a nigger but nobody wants to be a nigger,you stupid nigger

you don't know who invented rock and roll so it's not that well known

Country music wouldn't even exist without black music. It's a combination of Irish folk music and gosoel/blues. Come on man, You can't be this ignorant.

>meds are another type of white
>while they enslaved, oppressed, and butchered """"""""""""whites"""""""""""" for years

Also, everything you have right now, is due to Anglo Blood. Anglo as in the most mixed ethnic Eurogroup.

HipHop isn't like that anymore. Now it's about







first guy looks like a spic

Everyone in my family and friends know that i'm a racist fuck. i even stop talking to friends and relatives that behave like niggers.

I'm not going into a musicology lesson. Read up, it's easy to find.

>American Rocket Program was literally run by aryan Nazi Scientists

What is Einstein?


Werner Von Braun

Fuck off with your Juden Physiks

The Look of AUTISM

you're not going into a lesson because you're just smug enough to pretend that you know while not actually knowing

Who invented rock and roll? Should be one name that's easy to recite if you actually know. but you don't know.


>name one white country that can be considered the cradle of civilization


Snowniggers are subhuman.

>brown hair
>brown eyes

How the fuck is that Aryan?

Also techno came from black and Puerto Rican DJs in early 80s New York city.

Being 'cool' never made the world go round.

>murikan education at its best

This, why are white males so prone to anti-social and genocidal tendencies?

Fuck no, what?
They produce palatable music for idiots and WOW turns out 80% of any group of people are idiots
>i like sex, dis music about sex, me likey
Some people actually think like this

>can't create a cohesive argument so I'll just say da jews and I win

Americlap Debate Skills.


>I don't actually know anything about what I claim to so I'll just insult and divert attention from it until the other person gives up because I'm too intelligent to spell out a name

Chuck Berry and Little Richard are 2 names that come to mind but of course no single person invented rock.

I'll fucking hang you.

Literally you.

I beg to differ.

you must be one of them idiotic Steve Aoki bro fan that jump up like a fucking moron everytime the DJ says "Jump!"
Detroit Techno Chicago House Music, go finish your GED

All the people in this picture are appropriating white culture though. Pic related is black culture.

I'm not the one refusing to answer a question. Shouldn't you be glazing your dick with maple syrup before your volunteer day at the dog pound?

Did niggers invent rape or did they steal that too?

Central Asians. Blue eyes come from the North European and Neolithic European dark skin farmers that the Central Asian conquered.

The light skin comes from the central Asian.

Central Asian was chinky... came with red hair, blondish hair, and auburn/brown hair... brown eyes.

The white man farming, domesticated animals come from neanderthal like, cro-magnonish white man.

In the beginning, the first white man was a steppe man with horses.

Look at who's best at civilization... people with brown hair, brown eyes. Chinks, central Asians.

The European royals can trace their lineages back to Central Asian warlords.


Beyonce and especially Nikki are so fucking hot man

Because black kids will bully autists until they're normal, while white people coddle them but insult them behind their back.

>everybody wants to be a nigger till it's time to do some nigger shit

I can find drag queens who look better than that

Someone hasn't listened to rap record in a while I see.

Ad hominem.

You have been disregarded.

Yeah but those sand niggers built pyramids, constructed an innovative writing system, etc.

Niggers these days
>wear pants low
>rap about nonsense
>rap about being proud of being a criminal
>can only win awards if they bitch hard enough

And last I remember, the Egyptians didn't get help from a white man every waking second of their lives.

So as I said, being cool is great for getting muh dik wet. But for the better of humanity as a whole, its jive ass monkey crap.

You dig niggah

its okay sweetie, here are some VISUALS for (((you))) and your fellow GED recipients

The funny part is that those 2 girls would be considered white in Africa. They're probably both like 70% european.

The women are wearing weaves, the men are wearing suits.

Brown hair, brown eyes... not white?

- all white people things come from Central/West Asia
- Europeans are different from rest of Asians for mixing with different hominids than China man ancestors. China man ancestor mated with Homo Erectus offshoots and got smaller or something.

Brown eyes, brown hair... don't mean you're part black. Primordial whites had brown hair, brown eyes.

He's a kraut. Like all Krauts. They are Germanic not Aryan
The closest race to "ARYAN" are Iranian, and Persians.

they are only idolized by double digit IQ city niggers and rich kids that are free from consequence and responsibility

the rest of the world laughs in secret at these clowns

got maize via Colombian exchange.

All of those chords and the note values associated with them where invented by white Europeans. 4/4 time mid tempo songs made of 3 chords and verse chorus singing have been around long before rock. Rock became a thing due to the electric guitar, amps, and radios being in cars which lead to the first rock stars and the music industry as we know it. Almost all of that was done by whites, and even though lots of the early famous artists were black, the instrumentation and song writing was mostly done by whites. Black people were used as the stars because it was more palatable to the masses because dancing and singing about sex was seen as below whites.


Yeah I totally envy being a whiny and smelly race that can't survive without the sun and can't succeed in any continent, not even their own.

That's just a tiny sliver of black culture.

Anyway I specified American.

canned eels. Japs and Chinese eat them, too. Meds eat them.


Asian food.

Say it with me... We wuz Asians.

LOL white people invented the blues. You're off your rocker now. I guess white people invented syncopation too. Explain how none of this shit happened until you started living with us then?

North Meds are Euro-Central Asian.

Phoenicians... Central Asian... mostly J haplogroup males. Come from G haplogroup ancient Eurasians, I think.

Phoenicians were to the Berbers what the Chinese were to the Japanese.