Will conservatives ever welcome transgender people?
Will conservatives ever welcome transgender people?
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No its gay
pretty cute desu, 9/10 would plow.
not all trans people are crazy
I'm sure if people just met one normal-acting person who happens to be trans they'd be more open minded to it
Uh, no
No such thing,wearing female clothes and taking female hormones does not make you a female but it is a serious mental disorder specially if you want surgery to kill your penis and balls.
I think medical clinics needs to welcome you
Just accept mentally ill people.
Should we release all the murders from prison because they are mentally ill and we should be accepting too?
No kys
They always have been accepted. But conservatives are just butthurt when men in dresses deny science.
Dee Reynolds?
Confirmed trans girls are our guys
The longer you look at a trannys face the more clearly masculine it becomes
I'd rather fuck a 10/10 tranny than a 5 or below woman.
Blaire White seems like a chill person to be friends with.
Traps yes, trannies no.
Is it more straight to watch a man with tits fuck a woman? I have wanked to she males fucking women. Surely that is more straight than watching some pasty Mexican fuck White American women
tarded analogy
trannies don't hurt anyone
the act of being trans doesn't hurt anyone
if they vote right, why not?
let's destroy the left together.
Used to hate trannies, then fucked one and now we're fuck buddies. AMA
If you're born a man be a feminine man. If you're a woman be a masculine woman. If you mutilate your body to be something you're not then you're mentally Ill. Something like 40% of trans people attempt suicide. Wanna know why? Cause they can't accept themselves.
How'd you find one?
Thats the kind of "grill" id sex
of course
conservacucks are just liberals 20 years ago. When the left will fight for their rights to fuck corpses and reptiles half the conservative figures who are against this will be trannies
Aren't you worried she'll fuck you?
Passable? How did you go from hating to fucking one? Have you came out to your parents yet?
That's the best part
It'd be awkward to hang around his faggot boyfriend though.
no better way to become a feminine man than from taking estrogen desu
Online, I started talking to "her" mostly as a joke and then it turned out "she" was pretty cool, so I agreed to meet up just to hang out and oops...
since kek asked:
we already do
We all are crazy sibce we all have a mental illness and if you meet a normal acting tranny you wont know you met one because they pass and dont wanna be known as a tranny
Tried a few times, not so into that part but I am trying to be more open to it.
Extremely passable, only thing is voice is slightly off and "she" has a slight male build like all trannies do, but you can only barely notice it when "her" clothes are off, when "she" is dressed there is no way to tell.
Nothing to come out to them about. I have no interest in making this long term.
Yes. Conservatives have failed to conserve anything for the last 200 years. They opposed women's suffrage and now defend it. They opposed no fault divorce and now defend it. They opposed the civil rights act and now defend it. They opposed gay marriage and are at the stage of tacit acceptance right now, but give them a decade and they'll defend it (many already do). So in 20 years conservatives will be either tacitly accepting or defending transexuals. Probably using them as a virtuous example against trans-speciesism which they absolutely swear that they will never accept.
Cuckservatives don't stand for anything, they're so intimidated. You could say they already welcome them, sort of.
Only when transplantable or artificial wombs become a thing. And even then, only the passable ones will be accepted.
This era of trannies will be short-lived, and will go down in history as a barbaric and inexcusable failure on the part of the medical profession to uphold the Hippocratic oath, much like lobotomies and forced sterilizations in the early 20th century are viewed today.
IDK. Due to how 85% of the left already accepts it, I don't think it's going away any time soon. What will likely happen is the surgery will keep getting better, and eventually artificial/transplant wombs we be developed, and will make the tranny basically become a woman in all regards except thought process and chromosomes.
When did you realize you were a homosexual? Have you come out to your friends/family?
>85% of the left
The left accepted lobotomies and forced sterilizations 80 years ago
>Artificial wombs and sci-fi gender swapping
As likely as muh automized Star trek future with basic incomes, which is to say not likely at all
No. It's degeneracy and it leads to the destruction of manhood.
It's purely meant to feminize males before the inevitable Muslim invasion, so that there's as few men capable of resistance, as possible.
Just looking even 5 yrs back the surgeries have improved alot
Yes, unfortunately it will become normal eventualy. Just like conservatives didn't accept New Deal and other gibsmedats at first.
very true
the nonpassing sane ones tend to stay in boymode or dress somewhat fem, not going around with full makeup and a 2 day unshaven beard in a dress and demand to use the women's room
There was just a senator from oklahoma who was a pedophile. I'm sure there are a few who like doing trannies as well.
>implying someone with a medical condition suddenly becomes another species
that's not how reality works
>Sup Forums doesn't want to fuck this
what does someone being transgender have to do with murderers exactly? violent criminal offenses have nothing to do with someone having a medical condition that doesn't cause violent criminal offenses
Fuck trannies but ya know what fuck this board, sick of all the young Republican shilling
Trump is decent shit but everything else parroted here is garbage. No better than the group think of the fagative left
the numbers drop with treatment and also drop in more accepting environments, the statistics are what they are currently due to a lot of factors you can't cite the statistic and then ignore what actually creates it
they can't just be feminine men or masculine women because that's not what's going on
Sometimes, when I think about things like this, I feel this intense combination of rage, fury, depression, disgust, hopelessness, and then I feel the onset of a panic attack.
These people are pathetic, but what's more pathetic, are the people around them, enabling their behavior.
Yeah basically and with my experience it seems like the farther left they are the nore likely they are to be crazy
how dare people try to live their own life the way they want to. they should only live strictly by my personal ideals.
It's scary that surgery is so far advanced to make mentally ill faggots ''women''.
It really depends on how crazily you define 'trans'. Blaire White creates open-mindedness about gender dysphoria as a psychiatric disorder by attacking the truly batshit-crazy SJW ideology of transgenderism.
this is a woman, i refuse to believe this picture is a man
Its a mental illness and there seems to be no other treatment that has any positive effect
I don't doubt they do when they are surrounded by people who reassure them. When they don't have people to validate them they can't accept themselves.
No. The very concept undermines conservatism.
I work at a hospital for the mentally disturbed. We accept them constantly
I have zero problems with the ones who get therapy, go to an endocrinologist, get on hormones, and live as a man or a woman. Tumblr self-diagnosed xirs can go pound sand, though.
that's a lot of people, if everyone around you is calling you an abomination and treating you like you're less than for something you can't help you're going to have trouble accepting yourself
that's just human nature, people who are treated poorly end up having social issues and internal issues due to those social issues
It's a woman
>white bois
that's not the same pic shitlord
How'd you break it to your parents that you're gay?
a bullet
I'm unironically nonbinary and I consider myself trans largely because I'm on hrt
I would still say there are 2 genders but you can certainly exist between them
don't kid yourself faggot
This is a tranny
Youre wrong and unironically stupid
white bois were made to be breed by white men
To the leftist livestock still here:
You aren't special. You aren't clever. Since the beginning of /trumpgen/, we have seen -quite literally- THOUSANDS of leftist shills (just like you) enter these threads armed with clickbait narratives and an air of smug superiority, certain that they could outsmart us. Every last one of them was shit out the other end of /trumpgen/ having made no impact whatsoever.
You WILL fail, just like the rest. This is not a prediction; it's a statement of fact. You won't change any minds. No one will remember you. These threads are still going strong, which speaks volumes about the ineffectuality of past shills.
You can't argue against this, all that you can do is sarcastically dismiss it. Whether or not you choose to admit it, we both know that I'm right. No matter what you say or do, you'll be getting fucked for the next 8 years while we laugh at you. Go fuck yourself.
P.S. this post is pasta - I wouldn't waste any real time on you.
TFW you think you see feminine penis in the thumbnail but there is a hole instead.
Only the hot ones
The trannies will kill themselves before Conservatives have a chance to consider that trannyism isn't a mental illness. Pic related.
Stop with your made up bullshit.
Except for a small minority that are genetically intersex, you cannot "exist between" the two genders. It's not a choice.
Which websites?
Hell i fucked one up the ass and it sucked my dick until i couldn't cum anymore. As long as they look like OP's pic i accept them
have you perhaps thought that you don't exist between them, but outside of them, like a lovecraftian horror in a dimension outside of reality, scratching and clawing to get in to this reality but forever barred by ancient magics
but with genders
Theyre not even between two genders theyre a defect of a sex and then live as one sometimes involving transition because of their fucked up genetics
They already do........ Just transgendered folk need to accept who they are. Who cares what they do with their bodies.
you can exist LOOKING between male and female then
truly I know I'll always be a male no matter what
hrt is really improving my life but I don't feel comfortable calling myself male or female
I often wish I had a vagina but I don't hate all aspects of my masculinity
but that made me laugh
Dude no, that's never ever ever going to be accepted. It isn't real! We might accept picking one of the 2 but not that. Nor will it even last, it's a fad that will die in the next 5 years
No, I think they should get help for their mental disease.
Traps are cute, I'd fuck one desu
I would say that accepting your non-binary philosophical notion of gender is a vastly different proposition than accepting that your brain is miswired to create a false body image. Conservatives are absolutely not obliged to regard your non-binary transgenderism as anything more than a rival political stance on gender, much less accept it.