>still has full security clearance
>was filling the spot in place of Flynn
>still chief strategist
>can still attend NSC meetings whenever he wants
Why are educated city folk so stupid Sup Forums
He's still there
Don't worry, looks like he'll die soon from kidney failure or cirrhosis of the liver.
>gets demoted at their job
>tries to normalize it
>Was filling the spot in place of Flynn
This I did not know, thank you OP.
There was nothing to worry about.
Trust the President.
Yes don't worry goyims, nothing substantial is going on.
>why are city folk so stupid Sup Forums?
Pic related
As a recovering alcoholic, I know that face.
That's the face of a man that's drank for 30+ years straight.
Does he fuck dogs, too?
As a Canadian, you should be able to tell.
No, but he might fuck his sister.
As an American, you should be able to tell.
I only have brothers
So cousins? Mother?
Does this picture tingle the old ballsack?
he just works hard
No, this makes my dick like diamonds.
>Why are educated city folk so stupid Sup Forums
The media over-sensationalize these things and they want pro-Trump people worried and want anti-Trump people energized thinking their #resistance is actually influencing these actions.
It seems like business as usual, but still an odd situation. Left autistic reee-ing and how will drumpf ever recover nonsense for it. Not much information coming out of it. He didnt really attend meetings for such a position or do anything, so while I dont think we have the whole story, I'm inclined to believe he was not intended for it and his still having clearnace and part of the administration seems to be in line with what was said.
MSM is trying to spin a scandal. Bannon temporarily filling in for Flynn and unfucking Rice's mess.
Bannon is now free to rain righteous terror upon America's domestic enemies. Fema is ordering lots more coffins.
>>was filling the spot in place of Flynn
What are his qualifications for sitting on a national security council? Flynn was a General and worked in the intelligence community his entire career. That fat bastard just ran a right wing tumblr blog. Trump is a bum who makes dumb decisions.
How does it feel that this retarded boomer is steering The Don in between shitting his pants and watching Infomercials?