What do you think about Soros faggots rioting?
Day 3, Serbia riot
Xavier Myers
Adrian Young
malo mi je zao sto ne zelim da izgubim nevinost u dupe i budem tamo kada based zandarmerija pocne da roka
Chase Davis
Neće, nerede i nasilje žele. Pustiti će ih dok im ne dosadi, ili pada kiša.
Ryder Harris
Henry Smith
>it's another "burger tries to fit in" episode
you really are the worst posters
Camden Campbell
ako nista drugo retard misi da smo russi
Gabriel Watson
Ja ne govori srpski bratče. Angliski požalista.
Colton Brooks
can someone give me a quick rundown
Joshua Green
Isuse al je retardiran...
Levi Green
Vajdasag independence when?