What do you think about Soros faggots rioting?
Day 3, Serbia riot
malo mi je zao sto ne zelim da izgubim nevinost u dupe i budem tamo kada based zandarmerija pocne da roka
Neće, nerede i nasilje žele. Pustiti će ih dok im ne dosadi, ili pada kiša.
>it's another "burger tries to fit in" episode
you really are the worst posters
ako nista drugo retard misi da smo russi
Ja ne govori srpski bratče. Angliski požalista.
can someone give me a quick rundown
Isuse al je retardiran...
Vajdasag independence when?
What the fuck are you rioting for?
Last time that happened we got the Yugoslav wars.
Quick rundown , Tesla
I think it will be on par with Polish Soros riots, but way smaller than USA Soros riots
Yes I'm sure your Balkan Catalan language is very unique Ivan
hilldawgs cry babys
it is
seeing it in Serbia it is kind of unwillingly funny. They are not different from raging Albos, croatian scum, Bosnian Mongrel or Mountain Niggers, mostly the same. So I guess everyday life in Serbia.
Čto je život y srbija? Ja Ruski jazik student i ja razumeti srpski malo ca pomagite google translate.
I wanted Seselj to win
>pada kisa
Malopre je pljustalo a oni nastavljaju, sendvic je jaka motivacija.
Pretty funny to watch.
I did too champ, i did too.
All these fucking traitors are disgusting.
Tpeбa пycтити милицијy, бyбpeзи дa cтpaдaјy.
Well, the guy that did get in can't be that bad, because a bunch of butthurt Marxists are in the streets protesting.
Last time around it was miners and industrial workers that brought the country to a standstill thus toppling Slobo.
What we're seeing here now in fact is people going for a stroll and having a few beers.
Shit nigga I do this 3 nights a week. Where the fuck were you all these years? Oh yeah, that's right. You were out clubbing and doing drugs, gambling away your tuition money etc.
Chimps. Friends called me out to protest tonight. Fuck that. Fuck Vucic and fuck Serbian people.
kek, serbs are getting the same treatment as we do?
let me guess, a bunch of commies are fighting for democracy in your cunt?
Yes he can, the retard who won literally worships Merkel and her policies.
Release the tear gas.
jeste Vučić govno ali ovi su gori
it would literally be poor man's trump situation with some rad memes
too bad he got like 2% of support
especially curious to see his next move, he said that all politicians who end up below Beli in the voting polls should just quit politics altogether.
let's see how much of a hypocritical cunt he is.
o čemu vi pričate? ovo su protesti PROTIV Aleka, ne za njega
>i dalje vjerovati da je Slobo bio išta drugo do korumpirana komunjara
msm brte
>ook zivim 500 metara od njegove kuce u Pozarevcu
>implicira da komunjare nisu izmislile "Crnogorce"
e moj jarane
>damage control
>pola populacije ni ne izadje na izbore
pa covek ti kaze da nije milogorac degenu
>skretanje s teme
Byчић јe злaтo кaкви cвe мoгy дa дoђy нa влacт.
Dear serb,
I hereby submit a request to receive an extensive but fair rundown.
Its just serbs chimping out
i just watched some of the stream, seems uneventful
anyone care to give a leaf a /quick rundown/ on the situation?
if thats the best rundown you can give, then fuck you, fuck serbia and fuck this thread
They're not Soros faggots, Vucic is directly sponsored by globalists.
These guys are useless studentcucks that realize their degree aint worth shit so they're drinking beer and "protesting" in the street.
Ovo da budem realan radije bi glasao za pickoustog nego za jebenog jankovicu i komunisticku bagru
>srbi ce vratiti kosovo
Keep dreaming, just wait for Sandzak, then us and so on, until you're reduced to belgrade pashaluk
The government is corrupt and it took us 17 years to figure it out. The government wins by a big majority, but that's because our aging demographic and low info voters. Basically the public sector employs a shit ton of people and everybody votes for them because of gibs.
So now people are chimping out, but I really don't see a real alternative.
we have a crappy pm who wants to become a crappy president, right-wing hates him because he uses nationalist rethoric to wing elections and decides to step all over it and betray national interest, the left hates him because that's what trendy right now, so we have hipster protests even tho the crappy pm won with 56% in the first round.there is of course much more background stories that can happen only in eastern europe, but if i listec that it would be the longest rundown ever.
Hes not Serbian hes butthurt Magyar living in northern Vojvodina.
Quick rundown
>Election day in Serbia
>Hillary vs Bernie tier(Vucic is Hillary, Bernie is Jankovic although we still have some type of fascist party pretty popular in comparison to other european fascist parties)
>Hillary wins with 52% of the votes
> Commies, liberal 30 year old "intellectuals" and young students chimp out
Well that`s it basically nothing else is happening commies can only rain tears nothing will change.
Oj Madjar, vas sve manje i manje. Za 10 god. vam je broj opao za 80k. Ako ista vi ste manjina koja se najbrze asmilira ili odlazi.
Od 3 Madjara koja poznajem 2 imaju Srpsko prvo ime a treci ni ne zna Madjarski. Pusti su to snovi o Vajdastagu.
try again
>that flag in the background
fuck off you nedic praising cucks.
thanks for the info, hope things change for the better serb bros
Oh you are from Sandzak i did not know that you are mentally ill my apologies.
Pa koje si ti onda zivotinjka? Bunjevac? Rusin? Onaj jedan gradic Hrvata? Ili si ti neko novo misticno bice?
Jel znas nesto o Rusinima?
U porodici imam par Rusina al nisam upoznat sa odnosom prema njima...
Just face it, every country that liberates itself from you commies instantly starts to improve, really makes me think.
Basically it's "trump is not my president"-tier chimping out. All these people probably did nothing or very little to prevent the results of this election, but now they're ready to organise some pathetic protests that are going to last for a few days and change nothing. We do need a regime change, desperately, but this is just bullshit.
>I`m nationalist
>he calls me commie
Faggot fuck off from Serbia go to Sweden to clean toilets and suck dick to refugees.
To su ti originalni Rusi. Ostaci Kijevskog Rus.
U Vojvodinu su ih naselili Austrougari. Divan miran narod. Vecina zivi kod nas u Srbiji a nesto malo u Hrvatskoj.
Ja sam generalno za bilo sta sto Vucicu pomera dupe.
Mislim, ljudi, je l' mogu da vidim jos neku javnu licnost iz sfere politike na televiziji osim njega? Barem iz njegove vlade? Moze li neki ministar da podnese izvestaj javnosti o sopstvenom ministarstvu umesto njega?
He is bad, brother. He really is. The marxists are protesting only because they're a group of pathetic meaningless numales no one cares about so they must use up every opportunity they can to get on the streets.
>but I really don't see a real alternative.
The alternative is that we actually do something meaningful.
>it's a serbshits chimping out episode
I've spent the whole day arguing with my liberal friends.
People are off the rails. I can't believe how many of them are completely open about having an armed rebellion.
I am talking to intelligent people and it's like they never even considered the consequences of a civil war. They just ramble about their grievances.
Are we this far gone?
There were also communist symbols everywhere and people are nonchalantly supporting these ideas.
We are so fucked.
yup vucic isnt financed by soros... he just gives money to the clinton foundation because he likes the program
Yes he is, your point being?
>second biggest city, university town, over 280 000 people, and in the end, after 3 days of protests and whining about an imaginary dictatorship, they barely have more than 1000 people at the protest
What happened? What type of candidate won your election and what did he say to make them rioters chimp the fuck out?
You have no idea how fucked we are.
i think the only solution is that we create a communist revolution, go full north korea and hope trump nukes us
it is like antifa cucks protesting trump, except trump is a decent president and here they're protesting a guy who isn't cucked enough by their standards.Also, even tho like 80% of the country is nationalist, everyone is too stupid and keeps falling for same revolutionary memes.The average Serb is a mix of a commie and a nationalist.
>studentska govna petokolonaska ispusila kurac
its kinda weird that this general is about soros protesters against the soros government right?
нe мoгy дa вepyјeм дa нaши oвдe мoгy бити тoликo глyпи
пa aкo јe икo хилapи тo јe oндa oвaј пичкoycти пeдep кoји јy јe пoдpжao пoд copoшeвcким инcтpyкцијaмa
oвo cy caмo дeцa, cтyдeнти кoјимa ce cмyчиo дeгeнepизaм y зeмљи
permanent revolution comrade
>that we create a communist revolution
I know you're joking but this is what I'm getting from talking to these people.
Imagine a perfect ass kissing corruption producing machine.
its kinda weird that this general is about soros protesters against the soros government right?
Away with you, you autistic hue.
>Not cucked enough
Pls explain
On a scale from Trump to Merkel how bad is this guy? Will he be able to cuck the shit out of your country?
Imao si alternativu. Glasanje jeste namešteno, a proteste podržavam, zato što je izborna komisija u celosti bila sendvič-brigada, a statistikom se najlakše manipuliše.
The whole voting process was rigged, as the supposedly independent electoral commission was set up to consist of members of Vucic's henchmen. Other reasons for the protest include increase of public debt, censorship of all media (literally worse than in the Milosevic era, in which Vucic was a minister), extortion to keep even the shittiest of jobs, insane amassing of personal property and money via public procurements and shady dealings involving offshore corporations of all government officials and so on. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is around 35%, and rather than what said, it's more like everyone with a legit degree that wasn't literally bought turns out to be a cuck. In fact, any semblance of morality makes you a cuck in this shithole, and that's what we've had to endure for the past 30 years. The only people that could sincerely be against the protests are the 15 or so percent of public sector employees and senile old people that for some retarded reason don't mind their pension-cuts.
50% of my country actually voted,the other 50% percent didnt do shit,and now they think they can protest,bunch of fucking pussies to blind to see that someone else is behind theese protests
that scale doesnt apply to him
hes a selfserving criminal first and foremost
he will just do whatever it takes to keep power while this country dies
Only if you don't know the history of these kinds of people.
In every war they fund the both sides. That way you win regardless.
The Rothschild family did this in WW2.
He is her pet so lower than Merkel on your scale. So, as I told you don't know how fucked we are.
Serbia is in the dick friends.
50% of the people voted
In preliminary Vucic won 50%, which would equate to 25% of the total voting body.
Seeing as theres only 50% of people that could possibly vote, almost half of them would have to vote for a single person. And i believe there were 10-13 on the voting list? It is a pretty unlikely situation in this country for numerous reasons.
And the person elected is not really a good choice.
Man would sell his ass to whoevers buying as long as serbia gets into EU, and personally what the man does with his ass doesnt matter to me, the problem is when he starts selling our asses too.
Seeing the direction in which the EU is going to, even before we are enter the union im sure that the refugee bullshit will be happening here as well. And pussylips will gladly slurp that muslim cum and make everyone else slurp that cum with him, to get into EU.
if anyone outside of serbia is wondering how utterly btfo'd the other 10 faggots were in the election let me just give you an example: imagine if trump won every state and even those big democrat stronghold cities in those states, that's how bad they got raped.
So civil war when? How are the nationalists reacting to this?
He's basically male Merkel. Now we're schooling migrant children.
You don't really believe that Beli was vucic's henchman?
Beli's propaganda was severely more advanced and clever than Vucic's own ffs.