What western european country is the least shit?

What western european country is the least shit?

Portugal or Italy

they are currently all shit

this is true. i wake up every day wishing i was born portuguese or italian.


That's southern Europe you stupid nigger.



They're all equally shit.

had no idea

Switzerland if you want major states, Liechtenstein if mico-states count.

Precisely. Migrants don't come here.

>neither do they support Erdogan in our streets

Aquafresh is such a cuck lol.

i can see why

What do I like about it, you ask?
The flag is a big plus

Yeah, Switzerland. Norway is cool too, even though historically a bit socialist, current government is very right-wing though. UK is cool as well. Denmark way above average. Visegrad and Baltics have great mentality as well, only because of the great Communist experiment, they are somewhat less developed than Western Europe. I'd say Europe is 50-50, the countries mentioned are cool, while most Mediterranean countries, Sweden and Germany are either irresponsible financially or reckless when it comes to immigration from the third world.

Northern Ireland is the whitest but the people act like niggers it's ironic.

Denmark, they're the most traditional and they shit on Sweden all day.

>neither do they support Erdogan in our streets
Literally only disgusting T*rks do that. And they're about as white as the average Moortuguese.

You would want to be piss poor???

The correct answer is Iceland.



>Western Europe
Also you peaked in the mid-16th century

Yeah id rather live in squalor then see Muslims completely take over my country

Czech Republic

why is she autistic?

>Czech Republic
These arent western European

Marshall Plan.


we peaked in the second century

That's some old footage of Stefan molymeme werd you get it lad?

ireland is shit

What did the Romans ever do for us?



old stuff from when he experimented with fascism, seeing how it went he decided that youtube was a better career choice


the aqueduct?

You tell me senpai.



T-that's not true, senpai...

Portugal is technically eastern europe

Switzerland, Norway or Denmark
My vote goes for Switzerland

Switzerland hands down, in my opinion one of the extremely few working democracies

obvious answer is obvious

Iceland but fuckoff they're full.


Nah m8

man seems like you guys made /meg/ great again

Shit tier, even the migrants don't wanna live there. Also Portugal loves niggers

France of course.

all are shit


I am content in Scotland, No complaints.

Bait aside, is it because our peoples have such shit cuisine? Brits, Scots, Danes, Dutch and Swedes its all shit

I think Italy is the only country i wouldn't burn in nuclear fire if i had a chance.

Croatia is fucking awesome if you're rich
>no niggers
>no mudslimes
>perfect nature
>perfect weather
>pretty women
too bad im fucking poor, top kek!

>west country

I'd say Canada, since they are actually in The West.


Iceland is shit weather. Who the fuck wants to live in darkness half the year.

Id say Poland.

Northern Norway. Yes it's not it's own country per sé but you know what I mean.

He's right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

Warm climates makes you soft and weak. You're a fucking pussy.


hi netherlands how are you?

>Most of Europe inhabited by shitskins praising Allah
>Portugal repopulated with European refugees
>Becomes the greatest country in Europe

Its already happening, and im not talking about retired people in the Algarve, Lisbon is filled with foreign hipsters nowadays.

binnland or denmark

Its true. Just with slightly less corrupt politicians and ugly as sin women.


enjoy your lack of vitamin D related depression and a much higher chance of getting MS

Definitely Hungary.


Bullshit apart


I take vitamin supplements you dumb cunt, also when I go abroad the warm weather feels so much better to us Icelanders because it's such a novelty, for you it's just business as usual.

Enjoy living like a Brazilian senpai, soon the middle class in America will be gone. The rich will need security forces meanwhile you'll just have to live in crime, savagery and filth(it will be worse than Johannesburg).

Stupid faggot sounding American fuck, you all sound like faggots btw.

>Being an inbred in a frozen island
>Quality of life

Choose one

maybe from Stockholm

because Stockholm syndrome

and down syndrome

>t-the grass is greener on the other side
Might be, but you have to play with the cards you were dealt.

>Being an inbred in a frozen island
Firstly, you dumb stupid spic cunt! We're not inbred, some college faggots made an "haha le funny" app that was linked to the genealogical database of Icelanders to see if they were related. Buzzfed types made a "juice salacious/slanderuos" article about that ICELANDERS HAD TO USE AN APP SO THEY WOULDN'T INBRED which was of course falls and not the case at all(any retard could have deducted to that conclusion), put we live in an era of fake news. It's easy to distort the truth, it's takes really long time to fix misconceptions and slander. Truth seems to be irreverent.

> frozen island
Do you take pride in being dumb and ignorant "huehuehuehuehuehuehueh"" kys srsly. Your kind are the worst.

ok I guess
This is where its at.

so the stories are true
Icelandic 'people' are actually retarded.

Oh my bad, this is how it looks in the winter, right? Excuse my ignorance.

i fucking love portugal mate
too bad you got fucking butt fucked by arabs

>Western Euro

Nice try Jan

i'm going to live in your country one day :)

And i love Crotia, definetly the best Balkans country, should be honorary western european. The visigoths got buttfucked by arabs, Portugal buttfucked arabs.

Enjoy cockroaches, ants, worms in your food and other disgusting bugs.

We don't have non of that shit here in Iceland, we on the other hand do have infinite amount of fresh water and fresh non polluted air. And controlled boarders.

Your country has a major child prostitution problem, it must be great being a annoying sounding dirty portugalian. Disgusting immoral people.

dude chill no need to butthurt iceland is a dope country

Cykaboy, you're a fucking dickrider. I thought homosexuality was frown upon in Serbia.

Try getting on his good grace some more, maybe he'll let you suck his dick, faggot.


You realise he was talking about foood

At this point i dont even know who is batting who.
> We have water and air
>My frozen island cant even support life
>Major child prostitution problem, imma need a citation

>Try getting on his good grace some more, maybe he'll let you suck his dick, faggot.
thats what you call that?
In my country its called being friendly you uncultured swine

Must be nice having family members that took part in the Bosnian ethnic cleansing. Must be nice knowing you're related to people that have done unspeakable things.

>We don't have non of that shit here in Iceland, we on the other hand do have infinite amount of fresh water and fresh non polluted air. And controlled boarders.
We have better nature, fresh water, better weather, no mudslimes, no kikes, no niggers, we have great food.

>Must be nice having family members that took part in the Bosnian ethnic cleansing.
I am not proud of it for sure, but history is fucking history and i can't change it.

You fucking faggot. I shouldn't have laughed at such a shitty Carlos -tier pun.

Oh. Italians the best then. I love what they did with Pizza Hut.

Got em

Your people are straight up evil son.


Maybe if you retired looking for a place to live your final years.

Italian countryside is amazing, though.

Sweden and Germany

which are even western, the ones that didnt have communism?