Alright /pol

Alright /pol,
With the election of Le Pen imminent, how will France leave the EU? Will they be able to leave at all because they have the euro? And finally, will the EU be able to survive with 2 of it's big 3 members leaving?

Other urls found in this thread: leap forward

It won't because Le Pen won't win, and even if she does, she won't be able to pass a Frexit referundum.
>inb4 but muh Trump and brexit
Remind me who is PM in the Netherlands again?

Stop being so negative

If you watched last night's debate, you'd know that, if she's elected, she will discuss before making a referendum
Frexit has very little chance to happen

EU is currently testing Poland and Hungary. Let's see how hard they push

You're saying this as if the FN getting into power would be a good thing.
The only thing they have going for them is leaving the EU and it's not even a given if they pass. Every other policy they have is either irrelevent token measure, pandering to the lower class that used to vote far-left, or completely vague because they have no idea how to manage an administration wich can only be a problem in what is essentially a technocratic state.

well, well, well, there's some others candidate who wants to renegociate or leave EU... at least 9 candidates so, join us komrad !

>only 3 candidates want minimal changes in Europe and the EU
>2 of them are the most likely to win
At least Hamon and the PS will reach a record low.

Hungary receives the most subsidy from the EU, so I don't think that they'll leave

Ahmed pls go
Although you're right, le pen isn't going to be elected.

Shall we fantacise, chaps?

>right wing politics triumphant in france
>frexit pushed, but struggling as a movement
>instead they highlight the massive damaging affects refugees and mass immigration has had on their country
>britain backs this
>buddy-cop attitude develops
>youth united against germany's antics once more
>hatred of refugee and muslim cancer fuels frexit
>some crazy miracle economic treaty is devised by bongs and frogs
>EU triggered
>article 50 triggered
>frexit wins
>EU now a meme because two very high profile members left
>irexit follows
>hyper anticuck alliance formed by the british isles and france
>germany invaded
>german clay divided between france, belgium, netherlands, poland and denmark
>germany erased from history books
>all german blood sent to london for safekeeping

This chart is what gives me hope.

Si ils passent et qu'on quitte l'ue, on pourra respirer !

>imminent election of le pen
Um, sweetie, The Penis isn't winning anything.

Dupont Aignan
Lepen are for the frexit

Hamon wants to renociate some of them more than the others

and Macron are the supporter of the EU and the global market

>>germany erased from history books

Fillon has pretty much said that he wanted to try and get more control over the EU to not let Germany call all the shots.
But it's Fillon, he has probably backpedalled anyway.
Macron though...

Oh, we're leaving alright.

Don't forget to vote Asselineau if you actually want to leave EU instead of pretending being racist to fit on Sup Forums. :3

lol yeah... well... at least there's no nazi on the moon...

Is there ?

>implying Sup Forums won't be first in line to found Neu Berlin and create a natsoc colony on the moon with a headbase in the shape of a swatzika to make Iron Sky real

That guy made some grat movie !
Always smiling, I like him !

too little too late, france as european country is already gone.

That's why am so surpise that Sup Forums doesn't support him. Blame Putin for that !


Hungary is like a republican on welfare. They know that welfare is retarded and the people giving them the money are even more retarded. But they'd be the most retarded of them all to say no.

As soon as the EU starts demanding more from Poland and Hungary, watch them turn up their noses. They're doing it now with the rapefugees.

I'd like war too, bro, but it ain't going to happen.
If it is, we're probably going to be sent to fight the russians for some nonsensical reason.

And considering how many dirkadirkas there are in the 18-24 group, FN is killing it among actual French people at that age. Turns out being an oppressed minority in your own country sucks (going to school with all the CPFs is the ultimate redpill).

No it's fucking not. If we can get rid of the immigrants, then the libs will naturally die out (as seen in that chart) and the traditional catholics will continue to become an ever biggere part of the population (it's that TFR of 7, pham).

Planck time-ly reminder you're shilling the fake opposition.

We should go to war against Italy, they vote for Berlusconi so many times, we should make those retard pay for that !

Fuck ! Whay do you want more crazy traditional retard eating human flesh during the eucharisty ?

We have enough to deal with muslim already.

Let the sword of reason shine !


Also what does CPFs stand for?

>And finally, will the EU be able to survive with 2 of it's big 3 members leaving?
Britain leaving is largely irrelevant to the EUs functioning, and arguably more beneficial than harmful.
France leaving would be the end of the EU. The EU as a project, concept and ideal can't exist without france.

UK shilling so hard for another *-exit, because they know they're pretty much fucked.
Not this time eternal Anglo.

Well considering in was the major pillar of our culture for over a thousand years and ensures a growing white French population... yeah, i'll take it in a heartbeat. Catholic also build nice building, paint cool shit, etc. Muslims just smell bad, explode, and sit around in 'tea' cafés all day smoking hookah.

CPF = chance pour la france, it was a shitty campaign to get us to loo kat immigrants as a boon on our society even though they obviously aren't.

the dream.

Yo. Czech far right when? You guys don't even have to re-immigrate a lot of people. So what's stopping the rise of the extreme right?

Dear user, do you really understand the concept od traditional catholic ?
Believe me, it's not only nice buildings, kids, and good paintings !
It's total retardation. And the first totalitarism of human history !
I understand you can have some trouble with identity but there is some other source of light.

>CPF = chance pour la france, it was a shitty campaign to get us to loo kat immigrants as a boon on our society even though they obviously aren't.
tfw we have an identical thing going on here

brah. I'm all about a total restoration of the monarchy and state imposed catholicism. Once we get our population growing, recommence colonization of north africa and space. leap forward

well, yeah, why not, but what about the believes ? are you ok with that ?

The EU will not survive in many scenario.


>colonization of north africa and space.
>colonisation of space
So I'm assuming you'll be woting for pic related then?

Stop being a defeatist faggot

>total restoration of the monarchy and state imposed catholicism

No thanks

Don't talk about something you don't know, MLP doesn't want to leave the EU. Asselineau is the only one who want it.

Didn't Melechon also implied leaving EU and Eurozone?

What's wrong with wanting to colonize mars ?
We're going to have a run for it the next decade and we better be ready.
France always tried to be a first power when it came to colonisation. We shouldn't let the job to Europe to make a federal colony.

>implying Jean-Luc won't rape both the fascist whore and the neoliberal bankster

>Peasant who doesn't know his place

Monarchy is the only correct system.

Fradieu will never happen.

Au revoir, France de souche. Ah non, il n'y aura jamais un revoir

>implying lucky star posters are revelant
>implying memelenchon is not just a commie
>implying anime posters are degenerate
user I can't even

You know not of what you speak. We will return stronger and more determined than ever.

I wonder who could be behind this post

True but if the EU turns out to be more socially oppressive than the Russians the Poland and Hungary will just move that direction. Kind of like Erdogan but he never joined the EU in the first place.

Mass immigration largely occurred before the EU was formed during the end of the French empire up to the 1990s.

A million shitskins in France are there because they had French citizenship and left places like Algeria and Indochina behind (no I'm not talking about the Pied-Noirs). Then France also brought others in because of labor reasons. In recent years the total number of immigrants to France have been relatively low, especially compared to new pakistan/Great Britain.

Only the holy trinity of Sanders, Corbyn, and Melenchon can save us from an eternity of elections between bloodsucking neoliberals and reactionary welfare chauvinists. Our time will come.

Shulz can hang with us too if he's willing to form a government with Die Linke.


nop, he wants to renegotiate treaties

Come take the next layer redpill.

Just wait for all the t_d scum to get there and accuse you of being anti Le Pen shill.